20g Long Nano


Active Member
oh yeah, its all getting replaced, right now i just want to make sure it all works and i wanna figure out exactly how it all works on top of that LOL


Active Member
i had the same canister filter all the green hoses are parts of the canister filter. throw that ---- out now lol. as far as the HOB fuge goes..looks like the hoses from the canister filter fit on to the fuge..i want to say that a skimmer goes into the right chamber but i may be completely wrong. ask the lady if she had pictures of it running! is the 45 gallon drilled? do you have pics of that bro? if that thing was drilled and if i were you i would go to that ***** or craigslist it and find a 20-30 long and make your own sump..post pics of the tank! when are u getting it


Active Member
the tank got shattered when her husband dropped it while carrying it out to her car yesterday morning, so no tank, just sump and filter :(


Active Member
It's kind of hard to say how the equipment works without actually seeing it. I'm fairly certain that the spray bar is to trickle the water coming in from the tank over the biological media. I also believe that the other, small chamber is for the return line. However it looks like parts have been mixed and matched from other setups.
Don't know if your tank is drilled or not. If it is, then I'd just get a simple overflow box. Without a drilled tank there is always a risk of an overflow.


Active Member
dont have a tank yet, the one we were gonna be getting with this got broke when being carried to the ladies care by her husband, so no tank, lol


Active Member
ok, performed a test on the canister filter today, and it works, but is wayyyyyyy too much trouble for me to even think about going through, so its going up on craigslist, and we're gonna go back to the original sump/fuge design that rotary drew up for his tunze tank, so, we're back to the drawing board. but, i might have found a 40g breeder that needs to be resealed for 40 bucks, might have to try an talk the gf into that one for sure


Originally Posted by mboswell1982
ok, performed a test on the canister filter today, and it works, but is wayyyyyyy too much trouble for me to even think about going through, so its going up on craigslist, and we're gonna go back to the original sump/fuge design that rotary drew up for his tunze tank, so, we're back to the drawing board. but, i might have found a 40g breeder that needs to be resealed for 40 bucks, might have to try an talk the gf into that one for sure
Remember...It is more often than not, easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.


Active Member
ahhhh, but, she controls the check book :p but, i just talked her into letting me get it as soon as i get the filter/sump/fuge thingy we were given sold lol so it just went up on craigslist and now just waiting for it to sell LOL


Originally Posted by mboswell1982
ahhhh, but, she controls the check book :p
I don't know how to respond to this...what's the tradeoff? You have to get permission because she controls the checkbook
...I can't, but, ugh...
....Let's talk about the lagoon again...


Active Member
LOL ive got an absolutely awesome woman who i wouldnt trade for anything in the world, we both want to do the same thing for careers, an thats work with dogs an horses, we want to start training schutzhund dogs, so once we get that going, we will definitely be able to afford the lagoon easily :p since one of those dogs sells for around 100 to 140k LOL and the lady she's gonna apprentice under is the top schutzhund trainer in the world
and i know handling of dogs, especially large vicious breeds, and, she's letting me follow my dream of raising and training specialty cattle herding dogs, and is all into my idea of breeding and training a new breed specially bred for working with buffalo, which will be huge out here, especially with the buffalo rescue groups scattered around yellowstone national park


Originally Posted by mboswell1982
LOL ive got an absolutely awesome woman who i wouldnt trade for anything in the world, we both want to do the same thing for careers, an thats work with dogs an horses, we want to start training schutzhund dogs, so once we get that going, we will definitely be able to afford the lagoon easily :p since one of those dogs sells for around 100 to 140k LOL and the lady she's gonna apprentice under is the top schutzhund trainer in the world
and i know handling of dogs, especially large vicious breeds, and, she's letting me follow my dream of raising and training specialty cattle herding dogs, and is all into my idea of breeding and training a new breed specially bred for working with buffalo, which will be huge out here, especially with the buffalo rescue groups scattered around yellowstone national park

I am just giving you a hard time friend. You are very lucky to be so happy


Active Member
LOL i know man, its cool, a lot of guys would prolly look at this an go, dude, are you whipped or something, but, the honest truth is, she's much much much better with money than i am LOL it tends to go in one pocket an come right out the other as quick as i put it in LOL ive just always been terrible with it, eh, oh well lol.
nah, on the dog front, im looking at crossbreeding blue healers, aka australian cattle dogs, with red nose, game bred all the way, pit bulls, and training them to herd wild buffalo. i know how to work with healers on cows, the only problem is that buffalo are so much bigger, so, im figuring after a lot of research into it, that by crossing the much larger red nose pits with the healers, you'll get a dog that has no fear, cause neither of those dogs are afraid of a damn thing, a larger dog, cause healers are only about 45-50lbs max, and a dog that can easily handle a charging buffalo. i feel pretty confident i can do this, might take a lil while, but i know i can do it, and just standard working cow dogs sell for 6k or more LOL and after talking to a couple of the buffalo rescue groups, im pretty sure i can easily get that much for my crosses, if not more


Wow, now you don't see that career choice everyday. Seems like a good idea...herding buffalo...NEAT. I have never seen an actual live buffalo, but am pretty sure I would pay 6k or upwards to have something keep them away from me
. Is this an unheard of idea? If so I would not post it here...someone might steal your original idea


Active Member
lol its not unheard of, but, so few people can really handle a cross breed like what im wanting, its not a dog id recommend just anybody taking on. ur talking about a healer, one of, if not, the smartest breed of dogs in the world, highly agressive, highly protective, and very very loyal to the person they bond with, being crossed with a game bred red nose pit, basically fighting bloodlines, another highly aggressive, highly protective, fairly smart dog, and, to top it off, the dogs that make the best herders are generally speaking the meanest, nastiest pups in the litter, when i pick out a healer, ive had 4 lol, i pick the pup who tries to tear my arm off when i go to pick him up, i dnt want the one that runs up to me, or the one cowers, i want the most aggressive pup in the litter, and they make the best herders, the biggest problem with em, in my experience at least, is that you will generally lose 3-4 cows a year, depending on the size of your herd of cows, cause they herd by biting and nipping, not by barking, and they have a bit that is just as strong, if not stronger, than that of a pit lol


Originally Posted by mboswell1982
lol its not unheard of, but, so few people can really handle a cross breed like what im wanting, its not a dog id recommend just anybody taking on. ur talking about a healer, one of, if not, the smartest breed of dogs in the world, highly agressive, highly protective, and very very loyal to the person they bond with, being crossed with a game bred red nose pit, basically fighting bloodlines, another highly aggressive, highly protective, fairly smart dog, and, to top it off, the dogs that make the best herders are generally speaking the meanest, nastiest pups in the litter, when i pick out a healer, ive had 4 lol, i pick the pup who tries to tear my arm off when i go to pick him up, i dnt want the one that runs up to me, or the one cowers, i want the most aggressive pup in the litter, and they make the best herders, the biggest problem with em, in my experience at least, is that you will generally lose 3-4 cows a year, depending on the size of your herd of cows, cause they herd by biting and nipping, not by barking, and they have a bit that is just as strong, if not stronger, than that of a pit lol

Mmm...cow....I am hungry


Active Member
lol and i cant forget about the pack of bear/hog dogs i wanna get, i want a pack of 5-6 rhodesian ridgebacks, who are arguably one of, if not the, most vicious breed of dogs, on average, in the world, the only breed, imo, that gives them a run for the top spot is a presa canario, i think i spelled that right LOL, but, they're very loyal, extremely smart, but were bred to hunt lions in africa LOL. ive been around em before, and they are vicious to the umpth degree LOL