20g Long Nano


idk the foam might not be able to take the weight. it might just sink inmaybe it would be best to just use some egg crates to build the hight. but idk, thats still alot of weight on the crate to. what about a deeper sand bed to just componsate. like a 3" bed and call it done.


Active Member
what i may just do is scrap the whole idea of building it up LOL and go with what im given :p it is free after all, and in a few months after its all up an runnin good, buy a new 40 or 50 LOL


if you really want to try and find a nice deal i would go outside of your area and look at like a 50mi search for the 40g breeder. i have 2 acrylics in my area going for $250.00 with live rock sump sand and a bunch of other stuff except fish. that i might take a look at this weekend. cuz for that price i cant really pass that up. they are both the same set up they guy wants to get out of the hobby fast cuz hes moving i guess


im gonna take a look. they will need new lights i guess. he has both tanks side by side with a 6' light over both and i only would want 1. so that would be a big set back. but they are full of corals and some nice fish it looks like. i gotta talk it over with the GF to see if she wants bigger now. and just take a lose on the 20g unless i get tank #3 in my room


if i buy the big one i would ship it on your dime, cuz i wouldnt have any thing to do with it. i have had the tank to long to return it. but i dont know if the GF will go for the big guy cuz of the cost of the new light. i dont have enough to buy the tank and lights. so its up to her if she wants to buy the lights she might get it.


Active Member
LOL if she's so much into sw fish already, u might just get lucky man hehe, tell her she can have one of the big ones, and they are already set up right? so she doesnt have to wait :p


yea it will be a pita to move the 40g. it has lots of corals n stuff. witch is cool. idk if she will go for it, cuz she has been doing alot of the work on this tank(i have been shocked). so idk if she will be wanting bigger. cuz of her space issue. i did mention it to her, she wants to see it but didnt sound to happy bout the purchase of lights. she really likes her new damsel to. i cannot remember what she calls it but she has named everything in her tank
snail- lester
baby snail (free bee)- something spanish "gordo" meaning fat baby or something
Damsel- speedy gonzolaz
so idk he falls in love with stuff like her "cute" new tank, that i want to be big huge "cute" tank


Active Member
check out the newest poster in the fish discussion section, got a guy advertising for an auction site on there, a tropical marine auction site no less


Active Member
ok, well folks, im out for the night, gonna play some cards with the gf, watch some animal planet, then hit the hay, got an early morning tomorrow, followed by a super long day LOL hopefully ill have some good news for everyone when we get home, with pics of the new, used, tank we're hopefully getting tomorrow for free, complete with sump :D


Active Member
ok, im home now, bad news is, the tank was broken this morning when the woman's husband dropped it while carrying it to their car for her to bring in to me, but, still got a sump an filter for free, pics will be coming as soon as photobucket is done uploading them lol
and im gonna need some serious help with this one, cause i have no clue on how this thing is supposed to hook together, she didnt either, it was given to her about 6 months ago LOL


Active Member
the live rock from the ***** i go to all the time

one shot of the filter, its an eheim 2217

another shot of the filter

one shot of the sump, i believe its a HOB sump/fuge design, but im not sure

and another shot of the sump/fuge

does anyone know how this stuff is supposed to hook up? lol


well i guess you have a reason to buy that 40g breeder tank now. i have no idea on how to hook those up. im still in the process of figuring out how to hook up a 125g. i have had this thing for 6 months and i just painted it last weekend. havnt even drilled holes cuz idk if im going will overflows or what.


as far as that hook up goes i have no idea. the filter looks like its a HOB style that pulls the water out from the tank-goes to the HOB fuge looking thing- then back to the tank. thats my only guess with out really having any hands on work.


Active Member
its just a matter now of figurin out how to hook everything up, and then coming up with 60 bucks for a used 40g breeder LOL or 40 bucks for one that needs to be resealed lol


if it were me i would buy the one that needs to be resealed. the reson i say that is because someone before you might have used it for FW and treated it with copper. so by pulling off the old sealent and resealing it after is cleaned very very well, you know that you dont hav to worry about the copper. in the perfect world buying new is best but, this way can save the money for fish/corals


Active Member
yeah, it comes outta the side of the hob thingy, its got another hob thingy thats got a, well shoot, ill take another pic LOL hold on a sec LOL