20g Long Nano


Active Member
i dont think theres anyway that that list would over stock a 45 LOL and im hopin its built like a breeder, ive never seen it LOL but, hopefully she'll bring it in to work with her this weekend so we can pick it up and water test it an all :D and for lights, well, i dont know on them yet LOL if we can find some cheap MH's definitely gonna go with them, if not, might do some high end T5HO's just gotta see on the pricing of everything


Active Member
if its a 40 breeder that sucker is 36" long. i saw a 36 coralite light fixture onanother forum goign for 150.. it was 5 months old!!


Active Member
the standard 45 is 36" long too, but its only 12" wide, and 24" tall, i just dont like the tall tanks,b ut i aint turnin down a free tank, period LOL if its a standard 45, i might just call around at some lfs's an see if i can trade it in for a 40g breeder thats used :D


Active Member
lol well, if i can get lucky, and it is a 40g breeder, thats gonna be awesome, or, i might just know a lady i can trade it to for a 40g breeder if its a standard 45, but either way, i gotta recalculate everything LOL


Hey free is good! Im not sure about the dimensions of the 45 though. Hope its not tall and skinny those dont make good tanks for reefs. But as I said free is good.


Active Member
the friggin 45 is 36x12x24, but, with any kinda luck, i can trade it for a 40g breeder, that is, if she got the size right :p


Active Member
tell me about it, but, with any kinda luck, she's wrong on the size LOL she said it wasnt tall and was pretty wide lol so maybe its a 40g breeder, or even a 50g lol i can always hope, u know? lol


Active Member
ok, i got a question for all of you guys an gals on here, say this tank is the standard 45 gallon, ugh lol, i dont want it to be that deep, so how about if i was to take, put 6 inches of sand in the bottom of the tank, press a piece of egg crate down into that to make it good an level, then take a piece of glass thats cut to fit, put it on top of that, and silicone it in place, giving me only 18 inches of height, would that be safe do u guys think? the sand in the bottom wouuld be totally sealed off, no water getting to it, so im wonderin if that would be ok to do?
or should i just try and maybe trade it for a used 40g breeder or a 50g?


Active Member
Originally Posted by mboswell1982
ok, i got a question for all of you guys an gals on here, say this tank is the standard 45 gallon, ugh lol, i dont want it to be that deep, so how about if i was to take, put 6 inches of sand in the bottom of the tank, press a piece of egg crate down into that to make it good an level, then take a piece of glass thats cut to fit, put it on top of that, and silicone it in place, giving me only 18 inches of height, would that be safe do u guys think? the sand in the bottom wouuld be totally sealed off, no water getting to it, so im wonderin if that would be ok to do?
or should i just try and maybe trade it for a used 40g breeder or a 50g?
That would be pretty dumb imo, if you tried picking it up with all that sand in there it might break and it'll definitely be heavy.


Active Member
yeah, im with rotary on that one, i dont like skinny tanks at all, there's no room in em, period, thats why im lovin the 40g breeder so much, and the standard 50 is great too, they're both 18" wide lol which to me is perfect for a tank that size, and they're not too tall either, to my way of thinking, 24" is just tooooo tall, i much prefer a 16-18" tall tank


what about if you take a 2" peice of blcak insulation foam. put that on the bottem of the tank. then put glass over the top of that. seal it off and make it like a 20"er or so. probly have to paint the foam or something so it dont look funny. you could also sell it/trade it for the 50g.


Active Member
thats what i was thinking after rotary nixed the sand idea, i just dont like a deep narrow tank, u cant do anything with em in my opinion, and ive been checking tanks out for the last couple of months, goin into places with a tape measure and checking everything LOL


the only thing i would really worry about would be the foam caving in cuz of the water weight. so there would have to be some type or support within the foam.