210g Things with Stings tank.


Active Member
Greg, you how when you eat a burrito, it keeps repeating on you all night long.... it's kind of like that. It's better to have a salad instead.


We were waiting on some plumbing parts, which just came in. But my biggest "head-scratcher" is how to house the sump outside. None of the "pre-made" deck boxes are large enuff for a 48" sump, so I'm probably going to have to build one. I'm thinking 1/2" plywood (marine grade?) with a 3/4" bottom on a 2" x 2" frame painted to match the house. I also plan to insulate it to keep it cool/warm. I'm thinking that I'll be running the chiller inside the stand vented to the outside. Ideas?
That being said, I told Renee I could have the tank up and running in a day if we put the sump beneath the stand like we usually do...


Well-Known Member
Hmm. Well, I know the reason you wanted the sump outside was to provide more space for extras down below the tank, right? I think if you *do* choose the outside design, you'll probably be better off building the box yourself. I've looked at some of those pre-made deck boxes myself for other purposes, and they all seem a little....well, flimsy. To me, at least.
On the other hand, think of how many times you pop down below a tank to check out the sump...for maintenance, or any reason. Keep it outside and you'll be constantly heading in and out of the house to check on it. How much extra space do you really need under the tank, anyway?


It's not a space issue...it's a noise issue. The tank is a divider between the kitchen/dining area and the family room where we spend most of our time. No matter how quiet you make a tank run, there's still a decent amount of noise. Add to that the tile floors, and you have more noise than we really want to have. That's an issue we have with our house...tile/hardwood flooring and vaulted ceilings really suck in terms of acoustics.


It's funny you say that because when I first moved before I got the tanks moved, I thought my house was haunted because I heard all this noise at night. I could not sleep and it was crazy. Now all the tanks are moved and I can once again get a good nights sleep! Tile floors, big open rooms, and vaulted ceilings amplify even the tiniest noise amazingly! When you get used to the noise of the tanks, you don't notice it, for me at least it acts like white noise. I do know thought that others notice it.


Active Member
The noise doesn't bother us, having 13 tanks and being in the hobby for 15 years myself and Greg much longer.... it's not an issue time will help with. We have a tank on our night stand and at one time had 6 tanks in our bedroom. But this is our preemo entertainment room. A 65" LED TV, awesome surround sound and power theater recliners. WE may be use to the noise, but everyone else who flocks to the "Coolest Room Evah", are not.
A friend of ours did this locally who lives more inland and north of us. It gets hotter than heck and it's the place at the base of the mountains where all the air pollution settles so you can almost taste it. If he can do it... we can do it. It was SO nice having such easy access to the sump and equipment.
The sump will sit just outside the patio door. Going outside to access it won't be a problem. Our patio door is even open 24/7 and as we type, I'm sitting out back with my laptop enjoying a beautiful day as I do everyday here in California. We don't even use a kitchen garbage can... LOL.... we just walk whatever we have around to the outside trash. THEN you have to consider how much walking I do to feed my fish. It takes me at least an hour. I feed every fish in the front room (2 tanks) a single piece of food, move to the garage (2 tanks), then go to the TV room (1 tank... soon to be 2), then go upstairs (4 tanks). Then I go back to the beginning and do it all again... and about 10 more times. THEN factor in my Orange Spotted Filefish which are upstairs in my office. I go up there and feed pellets and flake food about 5-10 times a day. WHEW! I'm tired.
What's holding Greg's portion up is, plumbing tanks are great fun and a fabulous learning experience every single time. But we're talking about a hole in the wall of our brand new house.... I don't want to learn it HAS to be perfect. And we all know you learn the best lessons through your mistakes.
What's holding my project up is I'm afraid to stain this beast of a stand. This is a huge tank in the middle of our house.... what if I mess it up! I've been practicing on scrap and I find I'm getting better.... so I need to practice a little bit more. Maybe this weekend if the dentist doesn't kill me on Friday. We got the molding for the trim... so now I'm practicing my miter cuts.
The stand is an actual part of the house now, for I built it using a pre-exiting divider wall.... there's no second chances.
We're also considering an auto water changer which will occupy the space under the stand.
Long story short... we're chickens!


Well-Known Member
lol...I've found that a good quality stain goes a long way towards ending up with a finish that you're happy with. If it's possibly I'd swing by a sherwin williams and ask them to mix you up a sample of their BAC stain (color of your choice). Guarantee once you try it you'll never want to use anything else.


Well-Known Member
Excellent...anything other than minwax or the other cheap stuff. I've never been to one of those Rockler shops but they look like they would carry some quality stuff. The tank is beautiful, I'm sure the plumbing and stand will turn out spectacular.


Active Member
Cranberry - I have used the stuff that Corey is talking about - just work fast with it put it down then wipe it up with a lint free cloth, remember if it is not dark enough you can always put two coats of stain on.
I am amazed that you can run a sump outside just for laughs check out my Canadian sump/tank in February - not much life in it. LOL