240 FOWLR in Progress


Active Member
As promised, pictures and progress report on our new 240 aggressive (or at least soon to be) tank. Its been a little slow, as the guy whom I ordered the system from was dissmissed (putting it nicely) from his position at Tenecor the day before I picked it up. The system was a bit custom from what they usually do so getting the parts I needed figured out took a little longer....As I whole, I am happy with Tenecor BTW.
Questions, comments, and advice are of course welcome. This is the first time I have set up a substantial system, the 130 I had in Charleston for 5+ years was in the house when we moved in. As such this is a bit new to me.
Picture of the tank...8x2x2
Pic 2 the Emperor Aquatics UV Sterilizer and Aqua C EV 240 Protein Skimmer...Dollar bill is there to give an idea how big they are...Yes the UV is freakin huge!!!!
Pic 3 the Corallife Retro-fit lighting



Active Member
This is the sump...36x15x18, they cut down the walls on the skimmer side 2 inches today to make it work with the Aqua C EV...Refugium is on the left, Mag 18 for returns will be in the center along with the Mag 2.5 for the UV.
Pic 2 is of the overflow, and silencer, not very good...sorry.
More to come, waiting on a couple of pieces from UPS that should be here today so I can finish plumbing it.



Active Member
Thanks guys...I'm off to the Home Depot to get a few things, hopefully the UPS man will visit while i'm gone.


Active Member
Looking good!

I run an EV240 on my 125gal. Lemme know how you like it. For break in I would run it wide open, air and return for a day, then close the air to about 75% and adjust from there.
What's the wattage on that UV?


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Looking good!

I run an EV240 on my 125gal. Lemme know how you like it. For break in I would run it wide open, air and return for a day, then close the air to about 75% and adjust from there.
What's the wattage on that UV?
40 watt on the UV
Here is the sump in the stand, I am ready for it to stay in there.....I think....Left side is a little tight with the Mag 12 and the Aqua C EV 240 (sitting on a 2 inch rise). The center has the Mag 18 for the dual returns, and the Mag 2.5 which will run the the UV and return eventually to the skimmer side I think
. Right side will be refugium, sand, LR and chaeto I hope, roughly 75% of overflow will go to the skimmer side, with 25% to the refugium, thus I will have a split off the right overflow, which you can see the start of up top coming out of the tank.


Active Member
I had told someone on another thread I would post a breakdown of the cost of the entire setup, I am always kind of curious when I see large"ish" set ups, so here goes...I got everything at "30%" off 20% for being local in AZ (they don't do that anymore), and an additional 10%, here is how it breaks down.
Acryllic tank with prefilters and silencers $1248
Stand and Canopy $1600
Emperor Aquatics UV Sterilizer with Mag pump $332
Aqua C EV 240 with Mag 12 pump $256
Corallife Aqualight Retro Kits $262
Sump/Refugium 36x15x18 with Mag 18 for return and all plumbing parts $532
I think they undercharged me on the skimmer, but I don't know how their pricing works, I have never seen one that low with pump
The Corllife lighting looks a lot better than I expected, I threw 40 lbs of crushed coral in the tank and turned on the lights...looked awesome.


Active Member
you got a hell of a deal on that skimmer. i paid more then that for my ev-180 and pump combo


Active Member
Thats only a little more than I paid for my g-3 too . Either way I am so envious of your tank . I wish I had the space to go big .


Active Member
I paid $350 shipped for my ev240, though with a Mag 18. Retail I think is $400. Great deal!

Just a side thought on the skimmer location, can you reach the gate valve with it in the back? Keep in mind this is an AquaC so there will be plenty of adjusting going on...


Just wondering..what size tiles are on your floor?? If they are 12" the tank looks like it would be 6 foot if they are 18" the tank looks like it would be 9 foot.
VERY VERY nice tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
I paid $350 shipped for my ev240, though with a Mag 18. Retail I think is $400. Great deal!

Just a side thought on the skimmer location, can you reach the gate valve with it in the back? Keep in mind this is an AquaC so there will be plenty of adjusting going on...

more like $480ish at least from the common place online that i buy from. maybe i need to find a new vendor.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
I paid $350 shipped for my ev240, though with a Mag 18. Retail I think is $400. Great deal!

Just a side thought on the skimmer location, can you reach the gate valve with it in the back? Keep in mind this is an AquaC so there will be plenty of adjusting going on...

Yeah, I can reach ok, it's not an ideal position though your right...as far as the price, I think they may have forgotten to charge for the Mag 12