240 FOWLR in Progress


Active Member
KJ - so far it is looking spectacular!!! I dont think that you need more rock in there at all. I love the way you have aquascaped it!
If I were going to do any more rock, I would add some to the right side to make another cool area like the one on the left.


Originally Posted by ccampbell57
KJ - so far it is looking spectacular!!! I dont think that you need more rock in there at all. I love the way you have aquascaped it!
If I were going to do any more rock, I would add some to the right side to make another cool area like the one on the left.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ccampbell57http:///forum/post/2490184
KJ - so far it is looking spectacular!!! I dont think that you need more rock in there at all. I love the way you have aquascaped it!
If I were going to do any more rock, I would add some to the right side to make another cool area like the one on the left.
Yeah, that is about what I was thinking as well.
Updated stock list...likely in this order
Male and Female Bluethroat Triggers
.Really love these less aggressive trigs
Maroon Clown
-what can I say, I loved my last one, can't wait to see which rock he stakes out
Porky Puffer
...not my favorite, but my wife loves them, and its all my 2 1/2 year old can talk about "Daddy's getting me a Puffer", I love them don't get me wrong, they just really restrict what you can get
Flame Angel

Lemonpeel Angel
(open to suggestions of a better dwarf angel)
Emperor Angel

Sohal Tang....
The Sohal and the Emperor are my two must have fish, the Sohal is risky because of their aggressiveness, but I have to try it.
Goldentail Moray

Suject to change of course...Right now a LFS here has 2 Sargassum Triggers for $99, if they are available, I will be getting one when the tank cycles.......
Oh and if SWF.com still has the Hawaiin Black Trigger when I am ready to go, that would make the list.


It looks great!!!! I love it! Can't wait for it to finish cycleing so I(last time I said "we" people disagreed
) can see fish in it!


Active Member
Wonderful stock list! I think you'll be okay with the sohal; odds really improve when they're the last fish introduced. I wasn't aware of this when I got my first one and he he got along fine with his tankmates that were there before he was; but was the most aggressive fish I've ever seen when a new fish joined the tank. I ended up putting him in a species tank until I was sure the DT was completely stocked. He was great after that and lived for many years.
Back to Basketball; yeah we're excited about the Vols, my son may be pitching for them next year. Knoxville is less than 90 mins away and we've seen them a few times this year. The football games are great there, not Lambeau Field..but what is? Memphis is more like most of Mississippi than Tennessee anyhow. I watched most of the Match Play finals on Sunday and was wondering what would happen if Woods was in the consolation bracket; can you see Tiger, on national TV, playing for 3rd place?


Active Member
Originally Posted by srfisher17
Wonderful stock list! I think you'll be okay with the sohal; odds really improve when they're the last fish introduced. I wasn't aware of this when I got my first one and he he got along fine with his tankmates that were there before he was; but was the most aggressive fish I've ever seen when a new fish joined the tank. I ended up putting him in a species tank until I was sure the DT was completely stocked. He was great after that and lived for many years.
Back to Basketball; yeah we're excited about the Vols, my son may be pitching for them next year. Knoxville is less than 90 mins away and we've seen them a few times this year. The football games are great there, not Lambeau Field..but what is? Memphis is more like most of Mississippi than Tennessee anyhow. I watched most of the Match Play finals on Sunday and was wondering what would happen if Woods was in the consolation bracket; can you see Tiger, on national TV, playing for 3rd place?
Tiger in the 3rd place match...That's very funny to imagine, he is a true professional in every sence of the word though, I am sure he would go out angry and crush whomever had the misfortune.
Back to the fish...Unfortunately what you said about the Sohal is what I fear, and thus replacing a fish that ever dies would be tough with the Sohal. Acanthurus Tangs I view as the Michael Johnson's of the saltwater hobby
i.e., they are faster than any fish in the tank, not to mention well armed with a "knife" on their tail...My Achilles was brutal to new fish, I can only imagine how bad a Sohal could be.
Steve, (or anyone) should I have my UV running right now? I am inclined to think not.


Active Member
A big x2. I went to the AutoZone bowl with UCF and Memphis is definitely not the impression I got from most of Tenneesse. My grandparents live near Knoxville as well and we have a great time every time we visit. Memphis, heck, even the news stations had Memphis pretty much a territory of Mississippi. The area near the stadium was very sketch, dark, and dingy (we drove up in an RV). That said, Beale Street was still fun.


Originally Posted by kjr_trighttp:///forum/post/2490270
Yeah, that is about what I was thinking as well.
Updated stock list...likely in this order
Male and Female Bluethroat Triggers
.Really love these less aggressive trigs
Maroon Clown
-what can I say, I loved my last one, can't wait to see which rock he stakes out
Porky Puffer
...not my favorite, but my wife loves them, and its all my 2 1/2 year old can talk about "Daddy's getting me a Puffer", I love them don't get me wrong, they just really restrict what you can get
Flame Angel

Lemonpeel Angel
(open to suggestions of a better dwarf angel)
Emperor Angel

Sohal Tang....
The Sohal and the Emperor are my two must have fish, the Sohal is risky because of their aggressiveness, but I have to try it.
Goldentail Moray

Suject to change of course...Right now a LFS here has 2 Sargassum Triggers for $99, if they are available, I will be getting one when the tank cycles.......
Oh and if SWF.com still has the Hawaiin Black Trigger when I am ready to go, that would make the list.
I have a question. Would you be putting all four(five, if both sargassum) triggers in, or just two or three?
I just was confused about that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by regina13
I have a question. Would you be putting all four(five, if both sargassum) triggers in, or just two or three?
I just was confused about that.

A Trigger tank would be great, but I think I will go with 4 at most, I was just saying if the Sargassum or Black Hawaiin were available, I would have a tough time passing on them. Called the LFS today today and the Sargassums were sold this weekend, though they do get them in now and then, just wait and see when the tank is cycled.
On that note....
Ammonia 1.0...same as yesterday
Nitrite .75...vs .5 yesterday
PH 8.3...same
Haven't bothered with Nitrate test yet


Active Member
Trying to decide when I should fire up the UV sterilizer?? I am thinking a few days before the first fish


Active Member
I would fire it up now. It will help any algea blooms in the beginning. Plus you want to make sure everything is fine before you put your first fish in.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ccampbell57
I would fire it up now. It will help any algea blooms in the beginning. Plus you want to make sure everything is fine before you put your first fish in.

I was worried it would kill some beneficial bacteria during cycling??


Active Member
Go ahead and fire up the UV, the beneficial bacteria you are growing are not going to be in the water column so you are good to go. Looking great, can't wait to see it stocked


Active Member
Well it's day 11 of cycling, I am a little surprised by my #'s
Ammonia at 0...peaked at 1.0
Nitrite at 0ish...peaked just under 1.0
Nitrates have stayed at 0
PH steady at 8.4
Could my live sand and live rock really be cycling that fast?? I threw a shrimp in for 4 days to start it, and have thrown in flakes a couple times.
Any thoughts?


Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Well it's day 11 of cycling, I am a little surprised by my #'s
Ammonia at 0...peaked at 1.0
Nitrite at 0ish...peaked just under 1.0
Nitrates have stayed at 0
PH steady at 8.4
Could my live sand and live rock really be cycling that fast?? I threw a shrimp in for 4 days to start it, and have thrown in flakes a couple times.
Any thoughts?
Well, I am not shure
(not much help)
I just want to say it is looking good!! Can't wait to see fish in it.