Tank is cycling (you can see the shrimp in one of the pics
). Nice little amonia spike going, ph is 8.3, and salinity is on. Going ok for the most part, skimmer is working well and pumps are doing their thing. Overflow is noisy, thats my main issue right now, and still some tiny bubbles coming back from the Mag 18 on the return, not as bad though. I am not running the UV right now...Is that appropriate?
A few pics...I have about 140 lbs of LR, 3 different varieties...40 lbs crushed coral, and 120 lbs of Nature's Ocean Bio-Active Reef Substrate....I know I know, I need more LR, but I like an open tank, I can always add more later.....But don't count on it.
BTW how do you put notes in between pics?