25g Angler Tank Build.


Active Member
That's his attempt to be a sponge. Actually he has a lot of pink coming through now that he is settling in.


That thing is sweet, I'm totally setting up a tank for one.
What are the easiest characteristics that I should look for in a warty to make sure it is a warty?


Active Member
We think it's actually a pictus (painted) not a warty.
If you see one with yellow spots, chances are it's a warty or a painted in it's juvi clothes.
I'll try to put some pictures to show ya some things to look for.


Active Member
I love anglers. They are so grotesque that I actually find them to be beautiful. Subscribed to this one!


Active Member
The lights aren't set all the way in and I have them supported by a ruler. Just trying to get an idea of how they look.



Active Member
Basically..... veeeeery basically, when the probe is on it chills the ceramic shaft. It gets pretty darn cold. I have a temperature controller so it will only turn on when the tank temp goes too high. It won't work very well on a tank that needs to drop a lot of degrees or one that is very big. This is about the max IME.
Going to get hanger wire for the fixture tonight as well as a grommet. Then it's off to the pier to buy my fishies some fresh food.


Active Member
I just got home from Lowe's!
I should have some updates tonight except for the paint job. Painting is something that needs to be done in the morning before the ocean wind comes up. I never found much of what I was looking for, but I think I found a substitute for everything!


Active Member
Had to get the kids to stop doing their homework and go play xbox so I could have the table.
I'm a good mom :)

Is trying to be good and wait for more updates.. But it is killing me.. I need more updates *hehehe*
Trying to talk the hubby into doing this for our room... We have our 6gal in there.. But we have a nice open spot... For a new tank.. Sadly I lost my lil red angler last week *crys* So told the hubby I love how you are doing this.. I want to do something on the same lines... As soon as we can!!!
Hehehe so more updates!!!!


Active Member
I have to work one more night and then I'll be hitting Lowe's again.
Ya, anglers can up and die. They're famous for it.
This tank is quieter than the 3g pico. I really am amazed. Need need to get an ATO to ensure quiet operation throughout the night.