2700 gallon aquarium pics


Active Member
no need to say sorry :)... i understand how getting stuff to match..and looks good costs good money...anyways pictures are already posted...if you scroll up...you'll see pictures...if need be i can post new ones


Active Member
Originally Posted by CELACANTHr
hey requim how much $ do you spend making ur salt?

fantastic question i assume he pays for someone else to service it.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by requiem
bat rays are a cold water ray and 2-300 is not a good price
emperor angels from my experience don’t make good tank mates with sharks
I was going to get a red coris wrasse but they where out of them the last time I order wholesale fish.
blue tangs well they are just one strange fish and get sick to easy
clown triggers will eat every thing in my tank with the exception of the shark and I have a feeling the shark would eat it
and guys I only spend around $50 a month on the tank. (it pays to know people in this hobby)
hoped this answered some ?.
Hey requiem I am going to be doing the same sorta of thing...Maybe an acrylic Hookup for a fellow reefer :notsure:

Also could you repost your building pics? I need them for reference...


Active Member
Originally Posted by CELACANTHr
no i believe he MAKES his own salt i just want to know how much he spends making it
ouch......no thankyou...unless i had all the time in the world and didnt have to worry about working...


Active Member
this turned from a monsterous tank topic to a
of a guy who spends money like the dickens
sounds good


Active Member
no not at all, unless you mean jer who spent 11k on his tank, still not making the connection...
reqium's tank is absolutely awesome, and if i had that space to do it, I would for sure....


sw65galma give me an email so we can talk more the PIC got deleted from my computer to sorry
carshark I maintain the aquarium my self any one how has some body maintain there aquarium is not really in this hobby.
CELACANTHr I can make my own salt for abought $.04 a gallon but I buy it for $.15 so I send a little more and save some gray hairs in the long run.
and as said before I only spend around $50.00 a month on the tank you guys more then likely spend more on your reef tanks.
if any one has any more ? please feel free to ask


Active Member
ok i thought earlier in this thread u said u were going to make ur own salt... unless that is what u just meant
i know this is a little late but it would have been neat if you built like cement steps on the back wall and just set rocks on top of each step making a wall of rock.
But a tank that big alwaays looks magnifacant especially the way you have it where the shark and remora seem to be the center of the display
so how would you clean the algae of the glass?


Active Member
Originally Posted by requiem
sw65galma give me an email so we can talk more the PIC got deleted from my computer to sorry
carshark I maintain the aquarium my self any one how has some body maintain there aquarium is not really in this hobby.
CELACANTHr I can make my own salt for abought $.04 a gallon but I buy it for $.15 so I send a little more and save some gray hairs in the long run.
and as said before I only spend around $50.00 a month on the tank you guys more then likely spend more on your reef tanks.
if any one has any more ? please feel free to ask

yeah i understand what you mean, i guess when i think of the amount of water you have i just cringe at the thought of water changes,, i assumed that your tank costs more than it does, and i assumed from personal experience of being around people with those size tanks that they paid for someone else to maintain them. there wasnt any ill-intention of my comment im just simply impressed....


Requiem, I've seen Remoras eat little fish .. I was just wondering if your remora is big enough to eat your damsels.


Active Member
sorry for digging up this thread but i was just gonna bring it back to see if he had any updated pics im sure other people would like to see too
so are there any new pics?


Active Member
yes i would also like to see...
i was actually reminded of this thread today because my lfs had a remora in like a 55gal
i wish they had a shark..
i couldnt get it but it would be cool to watch


Active Member
ist been awhile since his last post so hopefully he has some new fish in there that he can show us?!