28 Gallon JBJ HQI or LED?


Active Member
Originally Posted by WaRgAsM http:///forum/thread/386042/28g-jbj-hqi-or-28-gal-jbj-led/40#post_3396422
Man I am lucky! After I went and exchanged my test kit my wife and I went to dinner at this Thai place and the owner had the most amazing 300 gal reef. I was talking with him and he had xenia all over the place and so I offered to buy some from him but he said I will give you some for free then he asked if I wanted some duncans as well because he had too many he gave me a 16 head duncan and the xenia for free as well as some neon green zoanthids. I have to go to VA beach early tomorrow for training but I will post pics when I return. I retested my water with my new API tests and everything is perfect. What a day!!!!
thats awesome.. i cant wait for some pics. I love duncans.. i got about a 40polyp coloney, i have had for about 2 years. It was 1 lil head when i got it


Active Member
Red Green and Blue,
With a mixture of these 3 colors you can do any visual spectrum you want as well as controlling the temperature, 14k for example.


These are the Xenias lol my wife thinks I am nuts because I have her take pics of the tank everyday because I am in VA right now for training lol!