280g FOWLR Tank Diary


Well room is not an option then.....the only thing is, if adding something new to the qt...would you have to keep the clowns in longer then...just in case


Active Member
Well, I have a 55 with 2 clowns and a lemon peel with no issues. I know it is not recommended to QT more than one type of a fish at a time. How long have the clowns been in QT for? If you decide to get the angel, I personally would keep the clowns in there for 6 weeks from when the angel was added.


went to the LFS and didnt end up getting a coral beauty, but I did grab a large hippo that the owner has been holding for me for quite some time in one of his coral tanks. The tank was pretty bare of coral so today was a good day to net him out. I'm acclimating him right now and will post pics soon


The hippo has me a little worried shes been laying on the bottom of the QT since added. I have the lights off in the tank and parameters are all good. Is this because of stress? Is there anything i can do to help?


the hippo just swam a bit when a clown came to visit it, im thinking/hoping im worried about nothing


Have a PVC pipe or two big enough for the hippo to hide in. Also, check the water parameters daily, since this a newly cycled QT and it went from no fish to 3 fish. It should be ok, but it's good to check.


There is a powerhead in the tank, Theres a few pvc fittings. I'll add some more tomorrow I need some larger ones, and I check the water again just a bit ago, specific gravity 1.025, nitrates 20, nitrites 0, am 0, Ph 8.4


pictures will come soon enough, I'm waiting for her to gain back some more color and be out and about. Shes definitely doing much better today, shes still staying in the corner but has been swimming up and down and ventures out periodically.


So good news all the fish seem to be doing great. Its a very nice relief especially because the hippo was the owner of the lfs (also friends) fish for a long time and it took me a lot of convincing over the past few months for him to be willing to part with it. I had just tested the water on the QT and saw a slight ammonia reading of what would seem to be under .25 ppm so I did and five gallon w/c. I was then sitting there testing the DT and the hippo started to adventure around a lot. Then I feed the QT for the night and she was very excited to eat
So far I have the follwoing foods; emerald entree, marine quisine, brine shrimp, squid, mysis shrimp, and algae sheets. Is there anything else I should add to the diet? So far I just rotate out what I feed. As of now I'm feeding once a day and not to much to let excess float around in the tank.
Here's some pics, a few with flash and a few without. The hippo still has a lot of color to gain back
