280g FOWLR Tank Diary


She is big....I think you need a bigger piece of pvc...LOL....they like to hide
glad she is out and about :)


Ya I know bigger pvc is definitely needed I had planned on getting some today but ended up working late. I have tons of abs fittings around work but am guessing they dont work as well since everyone uses pvc??? She seems to be adjusting well now doesnt run away when I come into the room anymore.


That hippo is a beauty!
Careful of the ammonia. A water change is not gonna eliminate it, just reduce it and after ammonia come nitrites which are even worst. Tangs in particular are very sensitive to ammonia and nitrites. Have a bottle of Amquel+ on hand and test the water often.


K, I just picked up some Nite-Out II (it was all the LFS had) Its supposed to rapidly reduce ammonia and nitrites.
Today was a good day for algae growth
I'm sure the crappy r/o i've been using isnt helping, I just got the new ro/di unit in and plan on installing it now. Whats my best bet for removing the algae growth? I'm guessing by hand then do a w/c?


Pick at it....pick at it...and pick some more :) and yes more water changes.....It is a tedious job, but well worth the end results.....watch what you feed, rinse your food,
I have never heard of the nite-out stuff....


i've barely feed in the dt, I think its gotta be the new lights and bad water coming into play. But I will get some turbo snails. I'm not sure if I'll scrub tonight because I got rid of all my previous mixed water to make room for new and want to do a change after making all the mess with the algae.
the new RO/DI unit i got was the
and I dont think I could say enough good things about it, so far its awesome


Just tested the QT everythings the same except ammonia went to .5 ppm. So i'm going to treat it with the nite-out. Should I do a w/c after I've made up enough water even though the salt wouldnt be properly mixed or wait till tomorrow. I'm kicking myself for not saving 5g of water
Should I also hold off on feeding tonight or just very lightly feed?


Did you throw out the first few gallons of ro/di that you made? I know you are supposed to...just not sure exactly how much...
also...i would make sure it is mixed well before I use the new water....


I just tossed out about another 5 gallons to be on the safe side, I'm figuring on moving it to the top off tub later tonight after I have enough to get some salt mixing for tomorrows w/c.
Do you think I should feed in the QT tonight?


You have the tang and 2 clowns in it????? IDK...LOL....If you are only feeding a teeny bit, I am sure that is not your ammonia issue....so maybe a small amount....
so go with the feed lightly.....personally I like to feed my fish ..LOL


My LFS has a decent size frag of branching hydnophora that he's trying to sell me for 25 bucks. I know it's SPS but do you guys think its worth the risk to try with the possibility of the angels eventually eating it, or should it be ok?


Active Member
If your TDS is reading 0, your water is fine.
Is the tank getting much natural light?
Remember you have to be FAR more tedious with the water in a QT than in the DT. And I will correct RCreations, Ammonia is certainly worse than Nitrite, but neither are good. I am by no means the QT expert, but when I add a fish to QT, I feed next to nothing for the first several days, a QT tank can't remove waste like a DT can. If you are having Ammonia I would do large water changes to get rid of it, and ALWAYS have water mixed and ready when you have your QT running.
I personally wouldn't do SPS in that tank, what are the total watts again? And how many times turnover per hour?


Hi Kjr
The DT is located about 15 feet from windows so it could get a slight bit of natural light, the QT has no natural light at all. From today on I should always have mixed water on hand I just didnt want to use the crappy r/o. The total watts of the tank are 648 and I'd say turnover per hour is about 19
I just did another 5g water change tonight and I just tested as well (know it wont be super accurate but did anyways) and Am is back to 0 but nitrites are at .25ppm. I also dosed with the nite-out again. I'll do a really light feeding tonight and another w/c and test tomorrow