Originally Posted by nissan577 http:///forum/post/3239661
do you have pics????
of the anemone? I can try, the tank they are in is pretty dirty (everything got stirred up when my 10 gallon cracked)
Originally Posted by nissan577 http:///forum/post/3239674
your 10g crack?!?!
Ya, the anemone and my two clowns are in my friends empty 10 gallon that I borrowed, and it already looks like a hot mess... Im going to pick up a 12 gallon hex on sunday though, im kind of excited, Ive always wanted to try a hex
Originally Posted by nissan577 http:///forum/post/3239681
sweet!!!! but question why are this little critters famous????
Because they are soooooo cool!
Do you mean why are the mini anem's so popular....IF SO....I just got one..have wanted it for over a year
I just really think they are neat....have you ever seen those RED ones man BEAUTIFUL
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/post/3239705
Do you mean why are the mini anem's so popular....IF SO....I just got one..have wanted it for over a year
I just really think they are neat....have you ever seen those RED ones man BEAUTIFUL
I wish I could get my hands on a red one