415 Gallon Plywood Tank Build


Just went through 40 pages and I'm sad to have not seen the "done" pictures. Would you mind getting back to work and posting pictures..Chop-chop!
Kidding, well, kinda. Really really impressed with the woodworking to this point. The attention to detail is amazing. Very well done. I tip my hat to you sir.


Well-Known Member
HaHa...poor, Shawn is over there working 14-15 hour days like a dog at work and you guys are barking at em to get to work. Is there no shame?


Originally Posted by 2Quills http:///forum/thread/376802/415-gallon-plywood-tank-build/780#post_3369364
HaHa...poor, Shawn is over there working 14-15 hour days like a dog at work and you guys are barking at em to get to work. Is there no shame?

Nope, not my fault he started this awesome project and posted it for the world to see. Kinda feel like he boarded us all on the plane headed for hawaii and we're stuck on the runway cause the captains still in the head...... =)


Well-Known Member
About 11 months and counting. Working on 2,500 before the end of the night. Although, you could probably add all us noobs together and still never come close to Meowzers post count

Just messin, Meow.
I did speak with Shawn lastnight. He has been making some progress on the tank but with the hectic work schedule, new motorcycle, time with family and computer probs he hasn't really had much time to get to a computer to update with pics. He'll be back before long with some more eye candy for us fairly soon, I'm sure.


Active Member
Thanks for checking up on me yesterday Corey!!!!!! Always good to talk to you.....Called the bike shop tires still aren't in yet.....starting to get the itch bad.......
Josh....I'm looking at either the Apex or the Profilux controller. Profilux has all the bells and whistles of the Apex and then some, but when you look at the price of the base unit of the Profilux you'll choke yourself.......The Apex I know can control, but not sure how many (jacks) it has. I'm guessing off the top of my head more than 2, but could be way off there. I know there are people controlling them with the Apex though, so it's possible more or less building a cable to link them......
As far as the amount of LEDs haven't really sat down and planned anything out on paper. I have thought a bit, on spacing roughly 2.5" - 3" center on center, but that's about as far as I got, other than thinking about making the outer portions adjustable to compensate for the eurobracing and lighting the front and back of the tank.....As far as drivers I'm leaning towards the bigger Meanwell drivers.....I hear there are some issues with running quite a few smaller meanwells due to heat build up in your house wiring. I think the issue can be resolved as long as they aren't all firing at the same time....Maybe staggering could offset that issue....Corey might be able to chime more in on that area....I know he was reading the same bit I just said, and Josh you've had to have read that as well, I've seen you over on RC as well.
Corey.....Good conversation last night......5am came to quick......Another 5am start time again Friday.......these long hours are good for the tank, but killer on my mind.....I just never realized how many idiots drive cars on the rode. If they would honestly sit and drive a big rig and realize the "dumb" things they do, and how long it actually takes to get 1 of those babies slowed/stopped when someone in a rush decides to cut you off, or not use turn signals. The bad thing is I usually try to leave myself a 10 second gap and the snowy mountains I climb most of the time makes it even worse, so when I get in; in the evening I'm usually to tired to do anything till the weekend.......Love the checks though!!!!!!!!
LSBoogie........Thanks for tagging along.....With a tank of this build and nature, it definitely takes a lot longer than buying a store bought tank.....I'm sure your aware and was just busting my balls!!!!!! The tank is coming along slowly....Not because of unwillingness on my part, but work first.....I have to pay for the toys......All the major epoxy work is done......Actually waiting for my next shipment of epoxy to come in. I did start drilling the bulkhead holes in the back of the tank for the CL bulkheads, and drilled the eurobracing on the top of the tank for the mounting of the OceanMotions revs, and the water returns. The returns not sure exactly what I'm going to use there. I am considering using the OceanMotions Omni nozzles. I have to give Paul a call and see if he could custom build (2) 1.5" OmniNozzle returns or have to come up with something else. I don't really want to plumb them down to 1"...I want the return pump to push 1.5" plumbing all the way.
Hopefully this weekend I'll get the rest of the bulkheads drilled in the bottom of the tank and start pouring the epoxy coat inside the bulkhead holes to seal the wood in that area. Again I've come to far to start skimping and short cutting the epoxy work, since we all know it will be disaster. The bottom of the tank will be drilled with (4) 1" sch 80 bulkheads. These bulkheads along with the 4 up top in the eurobracing will be hooked to an OceansMotions 8Way and the 4 on the bottom will be hidden by the rockwork, but will also sport the OM revs. These revs mounted here will provide extra water movement to keep anything from settling in/under the rockwork., and along with the external wavebox should be plenty of flow.....
As Corey mentioned I'm having computer issues from which I load all my pics to and what not, but hopefully this weekend I can get it up and running or take it to my brother-in-law and have him take a peak at it......I actually do have a good bit of pics I need to take and get posted to bring everyone up to speed.....Hang in there guys!!!!!! It's coming.......


Active Member
Hey Shawn, glad to hear you are good. If you need a drawing to layout the LED's let me know, would be glad to help out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Al&Burke http:///forum/thread/376802/415-gallon-plywood-tank-build/800#post_3369711
Hey Shawn, glad to hear you are good. If you need a drawing to layout the LED's let me know, would be glad to help out.
+1, and if you have any questions i may be able to answer you.
The apex has (4) 0-10V "jacks"(?)
I was reading and sense you haven't skimped out his far, check out Thomas research drivers, Need 700mA-1000mA for 1000mA cree LEDs, 700mA is 70% power which should extended life greatly.
Pm me if you need any help with anything, happy to help


Active Member
Thanks guys!!!!! Al I will be hitting you up shortly for some of your awesome drawings to help me start laying it all out. Josh I will shoot you a PM this weekend about those drivers. Your correct wasn't looking to push the LEDs maxed out.


Thank you for the preflight instructions update (kidding!) and yes, just busting as it has taken me over a week to simply start swapping a 125g from fresh to salt (basically looks like a fish store blew up in my living room) and no near end is in sight yet...
Oh, and if you need help or have anyquestions about plumbing or electircal stuff, feel free to ask the other guys as I don't know jack!
Good luck!
anxiously awaiting the fasten your seatbelt light....


Well-Known Member
Shawn, I think this may be what you're looking for in regaurds to using your Apex controler for the LEDs....http://reefledlights.com/neptun-apex-setup-programing/
I think the issues regaurding danger of frying the wiring in your house with too many small drivers can easily be avoided by running a dedicated circuit for them. I think the main issue that comes into play is running more than 8 of them on a circuit that is probably already overfloaded as it is. I plan on running a new circuit to run just my lighting on the new set up. Key will be to stay away from anything smaller than 14 guage wire. So I will run a new circuit with 12 guage and set it up with 20 amp recepticals on either a 25A or 30A breaker. I think you could do the same and use 12 drivers safely if that's what your innitial plan was. Also not having them all fire up at the same time at full output will probably help avoid the possibilty of anything unwanted happening.


Active Member
Thanks Corey....I do have 4 dedicated circuits in the fishroom just for fish related stuff, so no big worry on dedicated lines.....I always use 12 gauge wiring for the fish related stuff. Is it safe to run a 30 amp to a 20amp outlet? Not an electrician by any means....I know enough and can do enough to be dangerous to myself.....


Active Member
TCorey just talked to my brother-in-law about the wiring.....Putting a 25 or 30amp breaker on a 20amp recepticle is a very bad idea.....The breaker in the event of a problem would/could burn the outlet up and the breaker possibly wouldn't trip and continue to feed the outlet with power, creating a bad issue.....


Well-Known Member
Yeah it's probably safer to stick with a 20 amp breaker then. Was thinking it would be better in the event of a problem like that to fry the outlet before frying the the wiring in the wall. Ofcorse we really don't want to fry anything if we can help it. Again, I'm thinking where the one guy was talking about could be an issue of running to many of those drivers on a circuit that's not capable of handling it. Definately going to do a dedicated circuit for the lights, and a dedicated circuit for the equipment on my end. And then probably just run my powerheads inside the tank on the pre existing circuit that's already there.
Shawn, are those larger meanwell drivers capable of dimming? From what I was reading on that link is that you can get the control for sunrise/sunset and cloud simulations with your Apex but I'm under the impression that's it's all about firing up the drivers at different times. Not sure if you're able to get the dimming capabilities that you're after though.


Active Member
I'm not sure if the larger drivers are capable of dimming, but don't quite remember been awhile since I read on that thread, but don't see why a pot wouldn't work the same way though.....If I'm not mistaken they can be, but I think that is possibly where those drivers came into play though I talked about building.
Even using several (lots) of smaller drivers as we discussed shouldn't be an issue as long as you stay within the safety limits of your wiring, and you don't try to fire all the drivers at the same time. Myself I have 3 dedicated circuits and could easily pull another into the room, and if you would evenly break your equipment up on all the circuits and stagger your driver firing lets say 15-30 minutes apart; as long as you don't exceed 80% of circuit capability should be fine.