Thanks for the call, Shawn. Just throwing this out there for you as an idea so it won't hurt my feelings if you don't like it.
Ok, don't laugh at my rough sketch, folks.
U-Channel Heatsink Strips: 5 strips, 54" x 3", 36 LED's per strip for a total of 180 LED's set 3" on center.
I didn't incorporate it into the drawing but I left 3" gaps between the u-channel strips in case you wanted to throw in some T5's in between the heatsinks. The TEK reflectors are 3" wide so you could retro fit 4 bulbs in there. I think this would fill in any possible spotlighting or help fill in the spectrum. Heck, maybe you just want some different color and throw in a couple of those ATI purple + bulbs. Maybe even a strait u.v. fluorescent bulb. Whatever floats your boat.
I figured if you wanted to you could add some type of swivel on the ends of each heatsink that attach to the frame of your light rack and that way you can bevel them if you wish. In the sketch I drew it with the idea of using bolts or threaded rod perhaps that you could attach by caping the ends of the heatsinks and drilling a hole, then thread on some nuts.
Of course this idea surely could be tweaked around a bit. Perhaps each heatsink could have a row of royal blue and blue, and a row of white and cool white. Drive the whites and blues separately with two drivers. Or use 4 drivers and drive each individual color separately.
Just an idea.