55gal pics wanted!


Active Member
Awesome tank! Man do I wish someone would give me 40lbs of LR.
What kind of rock is that with the hole in it? :thinking: Looks very good.


No idea, but I love it, I didnt belive him at first but then a couple of days ago BAM here he is with 2 coolers full of rock

Just a side note I have several fish in there, they are just shy


55 gallon tank
Emperor bio-wheel 440
Aqua C skimmer 150
2 eel gobys
banded coral shrimp
yellow tail damsel
emerald crab
porcilin crab
brittle star
lawnmower blenny
7 hermits


Here's mine. It used to be a better reef tank but the hurricanes last year pretty well did it in. I've tried to build it back up but there always seems to be other projects....



ok...here is my 55G..nothing too exciting, but a work in progress!
70lps of FL live Rock
60 lps of live sand
Red sea HOB protien skimmer
8W UV serilizer
220W of light 110 white 110 blue
Live stock:
Large Maroon clown(thinking of trading in for something nicer and smaller!)
Blue Throat trigger 2"
royal gamma
manderine Goby
Pymgy Angel
Golden sleeper head goby
White ghost eel(white ribbon eel)
Cleaner shrimp
pepermint shrimp
emerald crabs
atlantic cucumber
green serpent star
black brittle star
a HUGE bta
several red musrooms all over
torch coral
and a few feather dusters
u can see in the pic that there is cualerpa(spelling) growing out of my overflow...its been in there like 2 months and has grown like CRAZY! I plan on starting either a 10 or 20G refugium to put it in...other then that...here are a few pics....



Originally Posted by Gamedawg
Your trigger doesn't bother any of the shrimp or anemones or anything?

Nope...no problems so far. I've only had it like a month so far but shes very docile...the Bluw throat are ment to be the most reef safe. it is also still small, so when it gets bigger I have a feeling thats when I have to worry about the shrimp and stuff. But as long as you keep them feed, I don't see any problems anytime soon. I feed the fish 2x daily and I had feed her freeze dried krill. she nipped my finger once, but just felt like a little pinch! great little fish...lots of personality. When I leave the room, shealways goes behind the rocks, but as long as I am in the room with the lights on she is always swimming around!


Active Member
Nice tank!
That is a huge bta. I'm thinking about getting one for my tank later down the road. Have you had good luck with yours? Does it move around alot?


Originally Posted by JayC
Nice tank!
That is a huge bta. I'm thinking about getting one for my tank later down the road. Have you had good luck with yours? Does it move around alot?
nope...its only oved 2x since I've had it since April....once when I first got it...and once about a month ago when a rock fell on it and it moved back to a more stable rock. I wonder sometimes if my lights aren't bright enough though. I only have 220W. Its tenticles aren't as long as most BTAs I've seen but I've never really seen one this big either! so who knows! good luck!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bret61081
nope...its only oved 2x since I've had it since April....once when I first got it...and once about a month ago when a rock fell on it and it moved back to a more stable rock. I wonder sometimes if my lights aren't bright enough though. I only have 220W. Its tenticles aren't as long as most BTAs I've seen but I've never really seen one this big either! so who knows! good luck!
Olkay thanks alot.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Juiced_RL
Here is a picture of mine

How long have you had it setup?
Keep the pics coming everyone.


Active Member
Bret61080, Bubble tips are exactly the opposite of most anemones. You can tell they are healthy when the tentacles are short and plump-as yours are. When they are long and stringy, they are either hungry, are upset, or not getting enough light!! It looks great!! I also see you finally found a white ghost eel!.


Here is mine I am three weeks in today cycle should be done this weekend doing a water change and now I need to decide on fish

I love the face in this rock