55gal pics wanted!


Active Member
4 110 watt VHO's (2 super actinic, 2 aquasun)
2 maxi jet 1200's
Excalibur HV-1 protein skimmer
magnum canister filter
around 60lbs of LR
around 60lbs of LS
Live stock:
false percula clown fish
royal gramma
snails and hermit crabs
I think thats everything. :thinking:


Active Member
Originally Posted by KevtheIris
I'm working on FOWLR for now, once i get some experience I would like to convert it to a Reef tank, once i get some more experience with it... I look atall the tanks in here and get jealous. There is another 55g tank under that one, but right now its empty. Hopefully I'd like to get that one up and running w/in the next year or so, possibly as an agressive tank, not too sure yet. Going to be adding LR to the running tank about every 2 weeks or so, was told not to put too much in at once b/c of spikes, so I'm trying to be careful.
KevtheIris, do you have any fish or inverts in your tank yet? If your tank is still cycling and you have no fish or anything, it is actually better to add all of the rock at once, because not only will it cycle your tank-but it will only take one time to cycle. Because if you continue to add the rock the way you are, your tank is going to go through a cycle every time you add live rock. Just a suggestion. I think it is better to do at least most of it all at once.


Active Member
Oh shoot! I just looked closer at your tank picture and I see fish. Dont add it all at once then. You can buy pre cured live rock from your LFS and you can add that all at once or in periods, and that wont cause any spikes.


yea LFS has pre-cured, doing in weekly segments, that piece was the first LR i added, did it on sunday, kind of being picky about the LR, the other pieces didnt have much growth on them, gonna wait and see what they get this week. Any suggestions on how to better hied the powerhead and tube that supplies my Merlin Plus 60 filter? (on the right side of the pic)


thats what i was thinking, worried about cleaning crew climbing out though...Especially after reading the snail post on here ;)


Does anyone have a mud sump for their 55g tank? I just added a 20g sump 2 days ago. When should I notice copapods and other critters.


Active Member
About $300. Really liking them alot. The only thing I dont like is it only came with one ballast. So I cant do the dusk to dawn affect with em.