65g frag tank a-z


Active Member
OK heres the scoop.
I just got a 65g tank with stand, a skimmer, 4x96w current powercomact light fixture, one powerhead (didnt look at the brand), and a digital thermometer. all for $100
now the tank has sat empty for over 2 years so the silicone is dry-rotted, I am going to start with pics of it tommorrow and go through all the steps marking progress with pictures. this is my next big thread. I was going to do a multi tank set up with 10gs and a six foot light fixture but this deal fell into my lap. first pictures to come tommorrow, now I am going to go check the burgers and eat dinner.


1st! Sounds Like a great idea! Will you have to upgrade your lighting and flow though? can't wait for pics.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beatlesfan
1st! Sounds Like a great idea! Will you have to upgrade your lighting and flow though? can't wait for pics.....

I'm going to change the bulbs but not the lighting fixture. I have a couple spare bulbs and a spare ballast so i am already a leg up should anything go wrong with the fixture. I also have a spare fan and moonlight from an old fixture.
I am definatly going to have to invest in a couple powerheads, I also have a spare HOB overflow. and return pump as well as a couple ten and 20g tanks kicking around, so I am going to see how big of a sump I can shoehorn under the tank.
this is convinient for me because I looked at some old pictures of my display tank and have decided I liked the way it looked with less LR in it so I will have a place to move some of the rock to without getting rid of it. this will also allow me to let my DT grow with less meddling and have my fragging colonies in a seperate location. small frag tanks just arent worth having I have tried 10 and 12g and they just fill up so fast they are better of as nano displays.
my 10g frag tank I have turned into a "natural reef" I just drop stuff in, no aquascaping at all, where they fall is where they sit. upsidedown right side up too close to another colony... survival of the fittest. its probably not my prettiest tank by conventional standards but it is one of my favorite because IMO it looks more like a real reef than any of my other tanks.
well its off to work for me, pictures to come this afternoon.


Active Member
well I snuck out of work for a couple hours while the drywall joints dry.
Here are some pictures of everything I got for $100.00



Active Member
I'm going to go pick up a new nylon bolt for the overflow unit that I have leftover from and old FW tank.
I'm thinking I can easily shove a 20G high into the stand as long as I put it in before I put the tank on it.
Any Ideas, suggestions, critiques, observations, insults, flames, are all welcome (except the last two......)

tonight I will, reseal the tank to get the ball rolling. may be late in the evening as it is probably going to take about 6 hours for me to sand out the garages I am working on today.


Active Member
Nice score by the way!!!

I love my 65, but that extra height I wouldnt think would make it a great frag tank, but hey, the price was right lol
Do you think that light will be strong enough? What types of frags do you intend to put in it?
Definitely following this one


Active Member
This will be a grow out tank for, LPS, zoas, shrooms and other softies, any SPS I frag will have to remain in my DT, but I am so sick of hundreds of little frags in my dt often getting lost behind my rock work.
this lighting will definatly be sufficient for what I want to use it for. I ran on PCs for years, I am fairly well versed on what kind of growth rate to expect from various things under PC lighting. (heck before PCs I actually started with Reg output flourescents) I would never go back to regular flourescents, but PCs are fine for what I am doing. (if some one wanted to give me a free halide I wouldnt say no), but I am rather poor and must do this with minnimum expenditure.
I am also going to track the cost of this and see how much money it costs in the end. with a little luck and some patience I should be able to get out of this fairly cheaply, I already have the most expensive pieces the tanks, the lighting and skimmer. also the overflow and return pump, i even think I have a spare heater laying around somewhere.


Active Member
Originally Posted by grubsnaek
how did you get the bead so nicely. seriously!
they dont all look that perfect,
I just took a picture of the best one.


Active Member
cost tally thus far:
tank, skimmer, lights, stand, $100
silicone $4.19
new razor blade Approximatly$0.10
$104.29 so far


Active Member
Originally Posted by grubsnaek
how did you get the bead so nicely. seriously!
If you put a thick bead on the tank corners you can use the tip of a plastic spoon and they are perfect.