65g frag tank a-z


Active Member
my girlfriend bought me salt today, isnt she sweet.
so i am bringing the salinity up
its super cloudy because I just stirred up a bunch of crud from the sump. hopefully the skimmer will get more out.


Active Member
I actually started this build up several weeks ago. it took almost a week just for the cloudiness to go away.once my test were showing the ammonia gone and the nitrite declining I started the thread, while awaiting the end of the initial cycle flux.
I did that in hopes there would be more ask and answer on the thread as well as maybe suggestions to stuff I could modify while waiting, seems people just want to see it done so here it is.
the cycle is ended. tested 0 trites yesterday nitrates are at a respectable 5 after a waterchange. spent half the day stocking the tank and acclimating everyone. I still have a lot to do. most of the stuff in there has been sentenced to go under the knife.
but without furhter Adeu'
the tank



Active Member
once I reorganize and hack up what I'm going to thats in that tank I am going to weed through my 75 and start pulling all my frags and a bunch more rock out of my 75. I decided I dont like the way my 75g looks after seeing some of the older pictures with the more open rock work, I'm going to redo my 75 adding a bunch more LR to the 65. freeing up a lot of space in my 75.


Thanks for the thread ReefkprZ, everthing is looking good. I will continue to watch for updates.


Active Member
looking good. i personally like looking at different frag tanks cause there much more varied than regular tanks, meaning reef tanks. the eggcrate is always the eye catcher for me. i always want to see how the made their grid.