65g frag tank a-z


Active Member
this is going to be a softie/LPS frag tank, there is no need for massive flow. plus with feeding LPS frags to speed growth I would rather have the denitrifying effect, as well as microfauna population, especially since there is going to be almost no LR in this tank.


Active Member
Speed bump in the fast track of setting this tank up.....
65g water plus about 6 in the sump, only have about 30g worth of salt....


Active Member
so I dumped the rest of my salt in....
Anyone remember a couple months ago when I got a bunch of sand off a friend? well i cycled the sand used some then packed the rest into buckets......
now its in the tank.... three 5g buckets full of sand, I thought I had four but I was wrong. so I ended up with adepth of about 5 inches. not as deep as I wanted but it will do.
old sand is nasty and dirty... and Dead, and nasty. here are the pictures. I dont think I need to0 add an ammonia source to start my cycle............
I am adding Amquell to reduce toxic ammonia and allow bacteria to develop. I dont have the overflow working yet so its not skimming the surface. I need to get some parts first.



Active Member
yummy like a milk shake
Pretty bad when your light only pentrates 4 inches

Originally Posted by coraljunky
mmmmmm, frothy


Active Member
Well, I stirred the ever living crap out of the sand to suspend as much of the detritus as possible and let the sand settle under neath it, last night before bed, (the aqua c is skimming like a champ) this morning there is a layer of filth on top of the sand that would make any man or woman cringe. once it all settles I'm just going to suck most of it out with an airline.
this is pretty gross


Active Member
tested My Sg now that the salt has mixed. its 1.016....... Low but I think its high enough to allow marine based bacteria to start to develop untill I can get some more salt (maybe tonight) not that much bacteria is going to develop in 24 hours but hey every minute counts. any one want to do the math on that? roughly 50g of water (I put in 15 gallons of sand) Sg is 1.016 at 79 degrees. how much more salt do I need? LOL hopefully tonight I will have the sump up and running.


Active Member
Originally Posted by digitydash
I wish it was 56 here without the rain though.It was 90 today here.

Coming along nicely. Lots of pee bubbles. ha


Active Member
sump is running... kind of. its pumping up and flowing down,n I put a sponge ibn the OFB to try and remove some of the silt. I also threw a whisper 10 on the front of the tank with just a sponge ion it to try and remove silt. there is a lot of silt. the skimmer ios still going like a champ, I dumped almost an inch of silt out of it this afternoon. now if only I had some reguylar filter floss.


Active Member
skimmers working like a champ.
and a pic of the sump installed (kind of) if I need to i will build a bubble box for the down pipe but I think I may be able to get away with just piling a bunch of LR in the sump, no sand in this sump. Maybe some chaeto later, right now I dont have any lights for the sump so i'll have to do without.



Active Member
I hear ya my tank is water testing rite now.After a full disassemble and replace the side piece they where only 3/8 and front and back where 1/2 in now the whole tank is 1/2 in
Pick up another 125 tommorow dont know what I want to start first


Active Member
Yeah, he peed all over.... LOL
I spilled some water hand skimming foam out of the sump. I'm half way tempted to throw a limewood airstone in the tank to get more foam on the surface and hand skim out more of the silt. I used the last of my polyester batting in the whisper 10. I need more to get all that crap out of the water.


Active Member
Originally Posted by theappe3
makes me want to buy a remora even more :)
do it. theyre insane.
yay remora!


Active Member
I got my return line/s from my sump plumbed in the way I want it/them.
cost $3.65 for the barbed "t" and three barbed 90 degree elbows.
I just cut a length of tubing off my python, so no cost expendituyre there.
