65g frag tank a-z


Active Member
cost tally thus far:
tank, skimmer, lights, stand, $100
silicone $4.19
new razor blade Approximatly$0.10
nylon bolt/nut/washer for the overflow box $1.50
nylon elbows and tee $3.65
zip ties 1.04
$110.48 so far


Active Member
There doesnt seem to be all that much interest/feedback in this thread. should I discontinue it, in favor of maybe something more interesting?


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
There doesnt seem to be all that much interest/feedback in this thread. should I discontinue it, in favor of maybe something more interesting?
no dont! i am reading this religiously.


Active Member
Ok went and got my egg crate for my rack system today. I'm going to build it tonight
pictures to come later.
cost tally thus far:
tank, skimmer, lights, stand, $100
silicone $4.19
new razor blade Approximatly$0.10
nylon bolt/nut/washer for the overflow box $1.50
nylon elbows and tee $3.65
zip ties 1.04
2 2x4 eggcrate 22.89
$133.37 so far


Active Member
its going to hang from the top. that way I dont have to kick up the sand again to install it. oolitic sand is really easy to stir up for the first couple months. untill it all settles.


Active Member
well I built some of my rack system last night and finished it today, I only used one panel of eggcrate so I get to return one.knocks about 11 bucks off the cost I'll to the actual tally once I return the piece.
Here are the pictures. I totally deviated from what I was going to originally do and had a little fun with the design. since there isnt going to be much LR in this tank I "rackscaped" it.

I can reach in behind everything, all the way to the back of the tank there are no inaccesable areas. (if I was 5 foot 9 I may have a problem but I'm 6 foot 2.
tell me what you think.



Active Member
on the left side of the hanging shelf there is a second tier its really hard to see, but if you look at the end shot you can make out where its zip tied.


Active Member
unfortunatly since this is old dead sand with detritus in it the cycle is bound to take a while, tommorrow I am going to sprinkle some live sand over the top of the dead base to seed by contact.it'll only take a cup or two two transfer plenty of bacteria into the tank. plus I am going to scoop all my rubble out of my 75g's sump and throw it in this tank, plus a couple of chunks of LR for the sump.
as my ammonia spikes I am going to use amquell to detoxify it instead of my usual routine of waterchanges to lower it. just to see if the cycle seems to go faster. I doubt there will be a noticable difference.


Active Member
I put my digital thermometer on the tank. and threw in a clump of chaeto. thats about it.
waiting for the tank to cycle is like watching paint dry.
the tank is pretty much clear as a bell now. I love that skimmer. I am still low on the specific gravity. I boosted it up to 1.018. but thats as high as I could get it untill my salt comes in (next week maybe)