750.gal also NEED IDEAS ALSO!!!!!!



o well i am 17 and started all of this.. i have sit up 10 tanks been it his hobby for almost three years.and trust me its not that had of stuff to learn.. i mean i keep up with this and have a 4.0 in school. I have read many many books over all of this all of the tanks that i have done are alsome looking and people love them. so that goes to show u that u dont have to be older to do this and make it look great... and so what if his mom gets him what he want should he yelled at for getting what he wants????

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by MR.reef
o well i am 17 and started all of this.. i have sit up 10 tanks been it his hobby for almost three years.and trust me its not that had of stuff to learn.. i mean i keep up with this and have a 4.0 in school. I have read many many books over all of this all of the tanks that i have done are alsome looking and people love them. so that goes to show u that u dont have to be older to do this and make it look great... and so what if his mom gets him what he want should he yelled at for getting what he wants????
lol man I am not even gonna argue with you over this crap, having a 4.0 in school and taking care of a 750g tank is not comparible. I have been in the hobby for 4 years and unless his mom is paying for everything and for all the water changes and maintanance to keep the tank going, then all I am saying is teens would have a problem taking care of it. What are the sizes of your ten tanks you have up and running right now?


Originally Posted by MR.reef
o well i am 17 and started all of this.. i have sit up 10 tanks been it his hobby for almost three years.and trust me its not that had of stuff to learn.. i mean i keep up with this and have a 4.0 in school. I have read many many books over all of this all of the tanks that i have done are alsome looking and people love them. so that goes to show u that u dont have to be older to do this and make it look great... and so what if his mom gets him what he want should he yelled at for getting what he wants????
Your grammer, spelling and sentence structure is horrible. Now how in the world do you have a 4.0 in school? Oh, and you've set up ten tanks? Where? Your parents let you do that? You kids just need to start being a little more honest here. Who are you kidding? We're not you're friends at school that just believe everything you tell them, and stop wasting our time with this ridiculous thread.

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by bioneck47
Your grammer, spelling and sentence structure is horrible. Now how in the world do you have a 4.0 in school? Oh, and you've set up ten tanks? Where? Your parents let you do that? You teenagers just need to start being a little more honest here. Who are you kidding? Were not you're friends at school that just beleive everything you tell them, and stop wasting our time with this ridiculous thread.
I'm not in the "you teenagers" category am I?

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by bioneck47
Oh no, and I changed it to you kids!

but hey if this kid is getting this big of a tank and thinks he can take care of it, then more power to him.
Mr.Reef - I would still like to hear about all the tanks you have set up and are able to maintain with that 4.0 GPA of yours, unless we called your bluff too.


Active Member
i guess its cool to have a big tank hahah no offense bioneck.

honestly, I am 20, ive been in the game for a year-2 years tops. i have a 75 gal tank which allows for some father-son bonding time, and my personal 28 jbj nano..2 small tanks with only zoas and acans, and I have trouble keeping up with water changes, my part time job, and my 3.5 at Rutgers. I wish i knew everything there is to know about this fascinating hobby but I dont.

Mr. Reef, dude your in highschool..I was in AP Classes, got a 1890/2400 on my sats,-which to me sucks, graduated HS with a 3.674 AND I DID ABSOLUTELY NO WORK.
I bet my 06 gsxr 750 that this character is bullspitting.


ok.. umm will i am also in ap class..and i work my ass off to get what i have. my parents do let me do this because like most parents they want to see there kids happy.. the largest that i have running right now is a 250 in my grandparents house. salt life we are a year apart i mean that is a huge difference let me tell u.. ya make me laugh how yall act like kids.
Ok. I am calling shenanigans on Mr.Reef. Dude there is NO way your in AP classes with the spelling and grammar you have. This thread has seriously become 2 kids trying to look cool on a site where no one cares. Stop lying


ok well i am leaving the Bullshit there no need to sit here and fit so what if are parents give us what we want it are lives so.. all i have to say good luck with the 750 u can do it srew what everybody else is saying.. find some people around ur area that have saltwater fish tanks and talk to them..


Active Member
Originally Posted by HollywoodDiver
Ok. I am calling shenanigans on Mr.Reef. Dude there is NO way your in AP classes with the spelling and grammar you have. This thread has seriously become 2 kids trying to look cool on a site where no one cares. Stop lying
Grammar on a forum..ehh personally, i dont really think it matters as long as what you say is somewhat understandable..
"ok well i am leaving the Bullshit there no need to sit here and fit so what if are parents give us what we want it are lives so.. all i have to say good luck with the 750 u can do it srew what everybody else is saying.. find some people around ur area that have saltwater fish tanks and talk to them.."

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by MR.reef
ok.. umm will i am also in ap class..and i work my ass off to get what i have. my parents do let me do this because like most parents they want to see there kids happy.. the largest that i have running right now is a 250 in my grandparents house. salt life we are a year apart i mean that is a huge difference let me tell u.. ya make me laugh how yall act like kids.
um I just turned 18 so what is the big difference?My parents want me to be happy but would not buy me a 750g tank nor pay to maintain it, and they wouldn't let me have 10 tanks set up at once, but you and lordlion must be spoiled.

salt life

Active Member

Originally Posted by MR.reef
ok well i am leaving the Bullshit there no need to sit here and fit so what if are parents give us what we want it are lives so

You must be a spoiled little (words I can't say). we aren't people trying to be a-holes about this stuff, IF he is telling the truth then we are happy to help, but when he can't even back it up and then morons like you post and add stupid info like I got a 4.0 I got 10 tanks, blow smoke up someone elses ass. Both of you are wasting everyones time.


I'm a little curious why anyone is still even posting in this "waste" of a thread
Even if it wasn't, it is now

eric b 125

lordlion, dude, if your story holds water, you have a lot of learning to do. that's not a knock, by the way. if your ma has it like that, and she's cool forking over all the bacon it's going to take, good on her. i wont sit here and hate, but i will tell you that maybe a 125 is more reasonable for someone who thinks a canister filter will suffice on a tank that big with a bioload like that and a stocklist that obscene. i don't see this coming to fruition, but in case this is legit, a 750 gallon tank is retarded huge. get a 125 or 240 to get your hands wet, learn some things about the hobby and what it's like to take care of moderately sized tanks. rather than getting the floors reinforced and getting an imaginary canister filter, get a smaller tank to figure out this hobby and with the change, go throw some dubs on your car or something.


Active Member
This sounds a lot like that kid in Florida or California that was going to setup a huge shark tank. I won't believe this tank will hold water until I see it with my own eyes.
Your story is a bit conflicting to say the least. You say this company is going to set it all up and maintain it and you then mention that you don't want to have the tank crash... well if they are such professionals in maintaining that would not be something you'd even think about.


Active Member
I did some reading here... your stories are really conflicting to say the least. Your profile says you have a 55g, then in another thread you talked about a 235g, and then finally you claim in this thread
that you have a 265 gallon tank.
Grouper that died that you said came in a piece of a LR in one thread and in another you said you got it from your LFS and didn't know it was sick.
So what is the truth here?


Active Member
Why are we beating up on this kid? He's asking questions. He's not being disrespectful. He wants us to help him with his stock list. I don't get it?