8 Month Old 55 Gallon Tons Of Pics!


in a more detailed way to say it a frag is when u cut or peel a little peace of coral of of the rock or the reast or the coral chunk and attach it to a diffrent rack so u have 2


Active Member
Originally Posted by fedukeford
ummm im not really sure what ur talking about, the orange thing is a orange cap.
...which is a type of Montipora...:-D
Nice tanks!


Active Member
Originally Posted by corbin1234
yes montipora is a sps, good luck with only pc's, ive seen it happen but it doesnt happen often
...what he said...
...and, I've told you that before...


Active Member
well ive had it for about 5 months, mabey doubled in size, but the color definetly isnt as bright as when i got it


Active Member
Originally Posted by fedukeford
well ive had it for about 5 months, mabey doubled in size, but the color definetly isnt as bright as when i got it
thats beacouse your lighting isnt sufficent for a montipora


Active Member
ya i know, but it was sold to me at a frag swap, and i trusted the guy and he said it would do fine under my lighting, its still a nice coral , just not as brilliant


Active Member
heres a couple pics of a sorta new rockwork, the caves are now more open, and the rock is stacked a little higher



Hey Fed...looking good, I like your tank
...and for the Montipora try to put it on top near your lights with some medium flow....And IMO Orange Montipora Coral doesn't need MH to thrive, they will thrive under PC'S also.....
I mean people will say they need MH, but I also have one that actually was going to put on my tank that has MH, but I try to put under the PC'S, it seems like is growing in size since I got when it was the size of a penny.....


Active Member
thanks, i have it pretty much as high as it can go, without touching other corals, does anyone know a way to get a small zoo frag to start spreading onto another rock, its so small that everythime i just place it on the rock it gets blown off, would ANY superglue gel work or does it hava to be a special aquarium brand?


Active Member
Originally Posted by fedukeford
thanks, i have it pretty much as high as it can go, without touching other corals, does anyone know a way to get a small zoo frag to start spreading onto another rock, its so small that everythime i just place it on the rock it gets blown off, would ANY superglue gel work or does it hava to be a special aquarium brand?
I'd make a thread, and ask Oceana. He's the zoo expert.


Garf says use a chisle workin it back and forth under the foot of the Zoo to chip a little rock off with the foot of the zoo, then glue chip with zoo on it onto another rock