Originally Posted by isthatright http:///forum/thread/375535/90-gallon-build-from-the-stand-up/140#post_3308727
hey pirate, nice tank , i set my tank up around the same time as you n i have a question, what do you use to glue your frags down n what kind of lighting do you have, thanks for any info
Thank you so much ok i use super glue gel to glue my frags take out your rock and dry it some with a towel then glue your frag or frags to the rock now if the rock is to big to take out of the tank the use epoxy that is reef safe i thank the saltwaterfish sells it here is a name to look up AquaStik Epoxy Putty i use this it is good now when working under water its hard to get it to stick the best is to take out the rock dry then epoxy once you have it in place put back in your aquarium i am running two 250 watts mh and 4 54 watts t5's two 14k mh and two 460nm and two 420nm the hole system is 716 watts for a 90 gallon tank it is more then i need the brand is odyssey and i like the system some people say that the light will cause fires i have went to school for this stuff and i did not see anything wrong with the lighting system as long it has a ground plug you should be ok but that could be just my lighting system it has been running for about all most a year and still running strong i like my light it is a little on the cheap side but it works and i know how to fix if it does go out
Originally Posted by isthatright http:///forum/thread/375535/90-gallon-build-from-the-stand-up/140#post_3308727
hey pirate, nice tank , i set my tank up around the same time as you n i have a question, what do you use to glue your frags down n what kind of lighting do you have, thanks for any info
Thank you so much ok i use super glue gel to glue my frags take out your rock and dry it some with a towel then glue your frag or frags to the rock now if the rock is to big to take out of the tank the use epoxy that is reef safe i thank the saltwaterfish sells it here is a name to look up AquaStik Epoxy Putty i use this it is good now when working under water its hard to get it to stick the best is to take out the rock dry then epoxy once you have it in place put back in your aquarium i am running two 250 watts mh and 4 54 watts t5's two 14k mh and two 460nm and two 420nm the hole system is 716 watts for a 90 gallon tank it is more then i need the brand is odyssey and i like the system some people say that the light will cause fires i have went to school for this stuff and i did not see anything wrong with the lighting system as long it has a ground plug you should be ok but that could be just my lighting system it has been running for about all most a year and still running strong i like my light it is a little on the cheap side but it works and i know how to fix if it does go out