90 Gallon Tank Diary


Active Member
I was bored so I guess Ill start my first tank diary

Im starting a little late but just begining to stock it. I got my first fish friday which was a sail fin tang. Im not too sure if is a disjardini though because the color is a little more bright than others I've seen


Active Member
I made the best/worst impulse decision ever today and got a cortez ray. the only problem is that i dont know much about them except to give it silversides every other day. Any tips? the second is my re-aquascaped tank for the ray. do you think this is enough room for a while?



Not going to get into the ray, but you really shouldn't just buy fish and put them straight into your tank, especially when you own something that's as big of an ich magnet as a tang.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by jag2232
Not going to get into the ray, but you really shouldn't just buy fish and put them straight into your tank, especially when you own something that's as big of an ich magnet as a tang.
Woah. Take it easy buddy. You have no idea how his LFS takes care of their fish. I have one around here that Hypos all incoming fish then sells them 4 weeks later.
Now for the ray. LOL. WOW! Im speechless. These things happen. Make your rock work even more spread out if you keep it. You shouldnt which I msure you know but hey make the best of it. Id have a pile on each side of the tank. The middle should be open. How big is it?


Active Member
Im fairly certain the tangs ich free he has been in a tank with salinity at about .16 or .14 or something like that at the lfs.
the two piles is a good idea but ill save it for a rainy day. this is him in the tank for size referance. im not really too sure what to expect as far as behavior goes. right now hes just chillin at the bottom of the tank. how active are they usually?


crypt keeper

Active Member
I know nothing about Rays. But man he is itty bitty and is that thing badass or what! I want one! I love Angels and triggers more though I think. I have no idea how long he will be good for. Is this your first tank? Also put a up backround on your tank. It has a "Im nakid look to it".
Nakid is spelled wrong because this board is too immature to allow the real na ked.


Active Member
thanks. no this is not my first tank. I have a 29 biocube with pipefish and seahorses and corals and stuff. looks alot better than this one though haha. I skipped the backdrop for now because i rather spend my money getting the fish rather than a backdrop cuz im 15 jobless and have no money exept for the occasional fish my dad gets me.

but yea thats why I got him 60 bucks, smallest ive seen and will ever see and pretty cool haha.
Angels are cool too though. the only problem is that whenever I upgrade my tank is still never big enough for them, but I really wanna just get a small blueface just for a while because its so cool. how long do you think I can keep one in my tank for?
anyway does anybody jhave a cortez or any ray that can help me out?


I hate to say this, but your tank is too small....Your ray is what about 3" right now? Mine was 3" whan I got her, and is almost 9" in diameter now.
You will be able to keep it a few months..maybe.
Do you have a lot of beach space?
Also is the substrate soft or rough?
we will start there...


OK...I also feed it raw shrimp...I buy it from the store frozen with shell on...defrost one piece, take off shell...cut it in half..and tenderize it..especially since the ray is so small...oh buy small/medium right now....


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
I hate to say this, but your tank is too small....Your ray is what about 3" right now? Mine was 3" whan I got her, and is almost 9" in diameter now.
You will be able to keep it a few months..maybe.
Do you have a lot of beach space?
Also is the substrate soft or rough?
we will start there...
yea I figured I would only be able to keep it for a little while but yea.
I dont know, do I have enough depending on the picture in your opinion. for now?
um the substrate isnt really too rough in my opinion but its not super fine, maybe you can tell from the pic?



Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
OK...I also feed it raw shrimp...I buy it from the store frozen with shell on...defrost one piece, take off shell...cut it in half..and tenderize it..especially since the ray is so small...oh buy small/medium right now....
ok thanks. will he be fine with silversides for the weekend? should I try soaking them in vitamins to get him to eat.


what are the chunks in the substrate? can you get them out? Rays can get scratched by rough substrate...also how sturdy is that rock on the right? Rays will swim all over everything....I would be scared that the rock may fall on it...
I think you may be disappointed...they are so easy to get attached to....I would hate to have to give mine up...you might want to think about that before you get attached.


Originally Posted by runn3rb3an
ok thanks. will he be fine with silversides for the weekend? should I try soaking them in vitamins to get him to eat.
It should be okay...but I don't think that will be enough in the long run...have you tried feeding it yet?


Active Member
he already started swimming all around when i turned on the lights. ill try feeding him now. the big things are just rubble. i will try taking them out tommorow if you think it will be a problem.


Originally Posted by runn3rb3an
he already started swimming all around when i turned on the lights. ill try feeding him now. the big things are just rubble. i will try taking them out tommorow if you think it will be a problem.
I think you should remove anything at all that the ray can rub against...remember they will lay on the bottom, and cover themselves with sand...you don't want it to hurt itself with rubble...try to make the "beach" area as smooth as possible.


i would smooth it out sooner...than later...if it gets scratched it can get infected...also your rock scuptures/caves...are they smooth...any sharp edges or points need to be gotten rid of...


Active Member
I turned on the light and put two silverside peices in that were semi soaked in vita chem in the tank and it went ballistic and all up and down the glass and around the tank looking for it. It took a little while but he found one and ate it. Most likley both because he did the same thing that he did when he got to the first one over another patch of sand but I'm not 100% sure.
I moved the rock so now it is definatley locked in place. I will smooth out all of the rubble tomorow.
Three things I noticed though were
There seems to be some stringy, fleshy, slime coating type of thing that is on it and hanging off
It has a small red mark on it's underside but it moves too fast for me to see clearly
It hasn't touched the silverside without vitamins left for the cuc earlier
Should I be worried about any of these things? Thanks a lot!