A Puffed Up Puffah

jonny bolt

Yeah, ok

I'm a sick-O. All the scientists who document similar happenings are "sick-O's" too.

I think you're a little too emotional for your own good. Give it a rest, and find another thread to get emotional in. I'm tired of hearing your puling.
I helped my fish, and I took pics while doing it. It lived. And thats all that matters. Whether you like someones pics or not is completely irrelevant. Your opinions on the subject, my fish, my pics, or my tank, are meaningless and NULL & VOID. If you DONT LIKE IT.........STAY OUT!!!!!!!
Please, PLEASE, find another target for your liberal emotional grandstanding.


I quote your words
"LUCKY I had my digi-cam right near me! I finally saw me Puff puff himself up lol Had him since last May. I noticed him scratching himself and then the white spots appeared, so I figured I was witnessing my very first instance of Ich. I decided to give Puff a freshwater bath before it got out of control. Considering how hard it is to get fish out of the tank anyway, I tricked me Puffah and waited till night time when he was sleepin' up against the glass lol. As soon as I picked him up he puffed up and stayed that way for almost 2 minutes while in the bath...."
You waited till night time to "trick him" You know they sleep at night.
I will post on this forum, this thread or anywhere I want.
My opinions are just as valid as anyone elses.
You - are void, null and invalid. I feel bad for your little puffer. Maybe someone can go to your house when your sleepin' and wake you up and scare the crap out of you, and then after you freak and pee your pants, the person can shoot pictures.. How cool is that, you look great scared. A puffer sucking in air is like you sucking in water into your lungs when your afraid or freaked. Too funny...wierd sense of humor. I want a picture of you afraid and breathing water. Awesome pic.
I will say what I want, whenever I want. Free country.
And - ryanhayes9 - yes your comment about NJ was harsh. Florida is hot, humid and flat. And no one is atacking his attempt of care for his fish, some of us are attacking his glorifying of the puffing out. The picture sickened me. Not emotional, angered me.


Active Member
u do sound a little immature. he did it in te best of the fish. and if it puffed while he was doi it than why not take pix. its not like he did it on purpose


Active Member
Originally Posted by diane4
I quote your words
"LUCKY I had my digi-cam right near me! I finally saw me Puff puff himself up lol Had him since last May. I noticed him scratching himself and then the white spots appeared, so I figured I was witnessing my very first instance of Ich. I decided to give Puff a freshwater bath before it got out of control. Considering how hard it is to get fish out of the tank anyway, I tricked me Puffah and waited till night time when he was sleepin' up against the glass lol. As soon as I picked him up he puffed up and stayed that way for almost 2 minutes while in the bath...."
You waited till night time to "trick him" You know they sleep at night.
I will post on this forum, this thread or anywhere I want.
My opinions are just as valid as anyone elses.
You - are void, null and invalid. I feel bad for your little puffer. Maybe someone can go to your house when your sleepin' and wake you up and scare the crap out of you, and then after you freak and pee your pants, the person can shoot pictures.. How cool is that, you look great scared. A puffer sucking in air is like you sucking in water into your lungs when your afraid or freaked. Too funny...wierd sense of humor. I want a picture of you afraid and breathing water. Awesome pic.
I will say what I want, whenever I want. Free country.
And - ryanhayes9 - yes your comment about NJ was harsh. Florida is hot, humid and flat. And no one is atacking his attempt of care for his fish, some of us are attacking his glorifying of the puffing out. The picture sickened me. Not emotional, angered me.

and disney is too kiddie like!

jonny bolt

Oh my god, this chic is an emotional basketcase.
You've blown the thread up enough. And I dont need to explain myself to anybody, especially not an emotional loon.
I'm afraid of you. With the time you spend in here attacking me in this thread, I wouldnt doubt it if you drove up here and stalked me till you found me. Psycho!!!!


Active Member
Yep, I am still on Diane's side here. Having a puffer puffed up in defense can be cool to see. This one time, I saw a puffer just hanging out and a large lionfsh approached it. Well, the puffer puffed up huge and scared the daylights out of the lion and the lion went away. The puffer acheived its purpose, and that was very cool to watch something so natural and neat.
However, on the contrary, your puffer is puffed with air. This IS harmful to the fish. That is why I don't think your picture is cool or funny and why I, as well as others, don't like it. We care about the fish because we know it was not doing so well.
Our concern has NOTHING to do with you helping your fish. I would much rather you treat your fish than say, oh well, no big deal that it has ich. Good job for treating your fish and I am glad it made it through the hypo and ich; however we were trying to point out that it was not "cool" to see a puffer puffed with air.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Yep, I am still on Diane's side here. Having a puffer puffed up in defense can be cool to see. This one time, I saw a puffer just hanging out and a large lionfsh approached it. Well, the puffer puffed up huge and scared the daylights out of the lion and the lion went away. The puffer acheived its purpose, and that was very cool to watch something so natural and neat.
However, on the contrary, your puffer is puffed with air. This IS harmful to the fish. That is why I don't think your picture is cool or funny and why I, as well as others, don't like it. We care about the fish because we know it was not doing so well.
Our concern has NOTHING to do with you helping your fish. I would much rather you treat your fish than say, oh well, no big deal that it has ich. Good job for treating your fish and I am glad it made it through the hypo and ich; however we were trying to point out that it was not "cool" to see a puffer puffed with air.

thats funny


New Member
Jonny Boy,
Quite frankly,
You are not worth stalking.
Yeah, you were treating your puffer for Ick, OK. You have a hard time accepting any criticism, though. Maybe you are the one who needs to see a shrink.
But, come to think of it. It would make a good installment of "Scare Tactics" if we filmed your reaction to being snatched out of bed in the middle of the night, lay you down on the ground in a prone position and surround you with some snarling Pit Bull dogs. Would you find that funny? Probably not.
But, I have a better idea. Why don't you go screw yourself?


Active Member
Whoa, hold on a second. Everyone is allowed to have an opinion, but please do not get hostile. That is the easiest way to get a thread closed. Just so you know, this is a family-oriented discussion board, and with comments like that, you will get the thread closed and banned from this website by a moderator.


Whoa, hold on a second. Everyone is allowed to have an opinion, but please do not get hostile. That is the easiest way to get a thread closed. Just so you know, this is a family-oriented discussion board, and with comments like that, you will get the thread closed and banned from this website by a moderator.

I wasn't going to get sucked into this dog fight, but I think we all need to take a deep breath and go outside and have a cold one. Or else the the mods will "shut'em down She's pumping mud" on this discussion.
Heck maybe that isn't a bad idea anyhow. I don't think we are really accomplishing anything productive at this point anyways.


Originally Posted by oreo12
Man You sound like one sick dud. Do you put cats in a micro. just for kicks too. O never mind you are in Hampton, NH That explanes it all.
have you ever seen that one commercial where those three little girls sit down at the table with a tall glass of milk and... well yeah uv seen it. thats what happens to oreos that say mean things. so if u dont want to get dunked then i would say...just shut up


Active Member
Originally Posted by rarend
Jonny Boy,
But, I have a better idea. Why don't you go screw yourself?

whoa calm down, NOOB with your big 12 posts,IMO
I pray to god you get banned for making a comment like that :mad: