abaralnek's 29 biocube


what would you guys recommend for the first fish?here is what id like to stock,a pair of clowns,a purple firefish,lawnmower blenny and maybe a royal gramma.which would be the best to add first?can i add my first coral at the same time and if so what should i start with?


Active Member
Besides ph, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, specific gravity you would want to have calcium, alkalinity, and magnesium tests.


i picked up a calcium test kit today,they didnt have the other 2.my calcium level is at 420,is that good?
my sand and rocks are covered in diatom,its been that way for 4 or 5 days now.last night it seemed to get really dark and my sand bed and most rocks are not looking so good.do i just leave this alone and let it do its thing or should i start trying to get rid of it?


well i got the media/fuge rack today,it is a quality piece and im happy with it.in the top rack i have a phospure pad and filter floss,middle i have the purigen and the bottom is chemi-pure.
the unit is nice because its a boxed enclosure so the water from chamber 1 is forced through the rack and comes out the bottom.very nice..


thanks man..as you guys know i plan to pick up my first fish this weekend,a purple firefish.what should i pick up for food?


Active Member
yea. you can also make your own fish food. there is a thread here on how people make there own food. ima try to find it.


hi guys.i got home from work today and noticed one of my blue legged hermits was dead.he wasnt in his shell and was just dead on a rock,what could have happened to him?i cant seem to find his shell..