Acclimated my new blenny, now.....


Active Member
I get alot of slack for this oppinion but its worked well for me for the last 4 yrs with every fish I have purchased .I add melafix to my tanks when adding new fish . or transporting them to reduce stress which can cause imune systems to be lowered.also instead of feeding seaweed soaked in garlic I suggest a flake form food all of my fish like veggie flakes by omega one if you place a pinch under water it wont foat away it will sink down to bottom where the blenny can eat more naturally off of the bottom.if your not familiar with melafix this is a natural antibacterial remedy which i easily removed from the tank using carbon filters.if you find your fish to be ill the recomended treatment is 7 days.its very hard to define the spots on your fish from the photos if the case is a bacterial infection to be sure you can do a search in the desease forum to maybe identify the symptoms by comparing photos.I hope this helps .good luck I had to edit this a bit just read last post noticed he was in the main tank already.try crumbling the formula 2 cube after its thawed he may take it a little easier not being a chunk


yay!!! I'm glad he ate... and i'm sooo flattered that you think i know what i'm talking about... lmao!!!


Active Member
Your funny!!
Hey guys. He will eat now but only if I squirt the food at his mouth. He will NOT venture anywhere and is not looking for food. He will eat as long as I squirt it at his mouth. Is this normal? Is he still getting use to everything? I can say he has NOT moved out of the spot since I put him in this tank. I did venture in with the flashlight last night mostly trying to find that crab, which we did catch. However the blenny NEVER moved while we were looking.
What can I do? He is not swimming at all. I am happy that he is eating now though.


just give him some time. He's really freaked out... It took my LMB like 4 months of hiding before he would actually come out so i could see him. I would walk near the tank, and he'd hide. I didn't even see him for the first 2-3 weeks that i put him in the tank, so IMO, it's nothing to worry about. As long as he's eating, he'll be ok.


Just as agreeable as ever, jd, because I do agree :hilarious
Getting him to eat was your biggest hurdle. Now that he's eating something try to keep giving him a good diet and eventually he'll surely start moving around for you! I'd try to up his greens intake since they're mostly algae eaters. Maybe mix some good frozen herbie food in the dispenser with the mysis or soak a tiny bit of an algae sheet in tank water till it turns all soft to mix in.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for him! Go blenny go blenny go blenny! :jumping:


Active Member
I did get him to eat some of my homemade mixture
Mahi Mahi
Marine Cuisine
Garlic Xtreme
Shrimp Pellets
Marine Flake
Is that good? Should I mix him something special with the algae sheets, formula 2 small pellets and the mysis??? I was thinking my homemade would be good because of the flakes and the Spinach but maybe I am wrong.


Active Member
Congrats on the new fish and inverts! That is one cool looking blenny, I am always eyeing that one when I see it. :jumping: My bi-color blenny gets white spots on his face and upper body anytime the lights go on or I look at him too closely etc...... He had them permanently his first few days in the tank and at first I panicked too thinking it was ich or something. Keep us updated on the little guy, I hope he starts eating for you soon. I also wanted to mention that he may be nipping at the rock and glass for algae when you are not looking so try not to stress.


milo, i wouldn't feed the fish anything he normally wouldn't get in the wild (i.e. spinach). If you want to feed him leafy things, get some sushi nori (dried seaweed). I purchased mine from the world market, but you should be able to get it at your local grocery store. That's JMO, though... It just makes me nervous... my mother-in-law has a FW tank, and she fed her fish cucumber... they didn't last too long!


Active Member
oh ok. I thought spinach would be good for them, but I guess you are right. Do you think I should throw my whole batch out? I listed this stuff in that recipe forum and no one said anything about it then. I never really thought about the fact that they don't eat that.
I do have some algae sheets (Seaweed Selects - Green Marine Algae). Should I start all over with my mix or just remix it adding the Seaweed selects to it? I only used a handful of spinach.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishmamma
Many people feed spinach and other green veggies to the tank, not a problem if it is well rinsed. :joy:

Good, thanks fishmamma!!


Active Member
Yeah spinich is ok, it is suggested you blanche it first, something about making it easier to digest. Seaweed selects is an expensive small package of sushi nori. When that runs out buy the sushi stuff and save some money.



Active Member
wax32 said:
Yeah spinich is ok, it is suggested you blanche it first, something about making it easier to digest. Seaweed selects is an expensive small package of sushi nori. When that runs out buy the sushi stuff and save some money.

Well I did not blanch it.
But I didn't put that much in there. Hopefully it is ok.
Thanks for showing me the picture. So I can just get that in the grocery store say (Kroger) in the Chinese food section huh??


Active Member
Should be able to. It's possible you have to stop at one of the asian markets if your local grocery isn't real complete.


i never said spinach wasn't ok, i just wouldn't...
I guess it's ok, but i personally wouldn't do it.


Active Member
Well he moved out of the spot he was in. I think the crabs got tired of him hogging the rock

Now I just hope he start swimming around. He found a spot at the bottom in the back of course. So I hope now he can get his own food. I can't spot feed him where he went. I would have to take my entire top of my tank to do it now. I guess I need to find a longer squirt thing to reach him.
I hope he starts swimming and feeding on the rocks and back of the tank soon. :happyfish
I found a person who is selling their tank stuff and I am going to be getting 2 firefish Saturday.
$20 for the pair. I am excited. Just hope my blenny does great.
After these two my next fish would be a royal gramma then I think I am done beside my two cleaner shrimps. Then I will concentrate on what corals I will get.

I added more sand to my tank so I think I need more Nass snails. Any opinions on that? I have 10 now. I was thinking of getting about 10 more. ***)


do you have a QT tank for those two firefish? you should really wait 2-4 weeks between adding fish, or you could send your tank into another cycle. If you QT your firefish for a week, you should be ok, but i think you're rushing into this too quickly...


Active Member
Really? You think I could start a cylce again? I didn't plan on getting anything it just kind of fell into my lap. My QT is toooo small for them. I only have a 2.5 gal. I can't put 2 fish in that. What if I just do a weekly 20% water change. Do you think that would be ok?
I am convinced that the blenny can't swim...


New Member
Recently got a lawnmower blenny and introduced him to the tank about 4 days ago, he is one of the most active fish in the tank, swims everywhere and he loves clinging to my cleaning magnet, he will rest on top of it and I can move it slowly around and he rides it, quite entertaining.
sorry to hear about your non-swimming blenny, maybe he is a paraplegic? :notsure:
how many people have had success with multiple blennies/gobies in a tank, we have a 70gal?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Vander
sorry to hear about your non-swimming blenny, maybe he is a paraplegic? :notsure:
how many people have had success with multiple blennies/gobies in a tank, we have a 70gal?

I am thinking he is seriously.
I do believe I have a fish that doesn't know how to swim

Anyway your question is a good one. I don't know the answer though. I was wondering the same thing as I was thinking of getting another goby or blenny. But I was offered the firefish so I thought I shouldn't pass it up.