Another 10g Diary.


I plan on moving it to the 10G a little later. I had gone to pick a filter so I figure why not pick up another lb or so. They were pretty small pieces... ill post a pic soon


Oh yea forgot to post todays testing results from the 5 gallon.
PH- 7.8 (it dropped from 8.2 last time)
Ammo- 0
Nitrites - .50 (yay they finally are dropping!)
Nitrates - 20
Both puffers are doing great, they are eating well and very active and happy.


Active Member
Your pH will tend to drop between water changes. Mine does the same thing, right after the change its 8.0 then in the middle of the week itll be 7.8


Active Member
Nope, it usually is between 7.8-8.0. My fish and corals dont seem to mind though so I dont think it makes that big of a difference.


Sounds good. It definetly maintains at 7.8 - 8.0 on mine as well so that had me wondering if something was wrong. Oh well going to test again in a few, just nitrites and PH though. Full test later tonight on both tanks.
I hear PH can fluctuate during different times of the day so I wanna see what it reads in the morning, afternoon and at night.


Active Member
It fluctuates probably due to the fact of evapouration.
From what I learn in school, pH is power of hydrogen. Which means how many free floating hydrogen atoms are in the system.
Acidic pH is lower, because of the fact in all acids you need that hydrogen atom. Eg. HCl hydrochloric acid.
Basic pH is higher, because of the fact you need a hydroxyl group rather than hydrogen. Eg. NaOH sodium hydroxide (which is not a pure hydrogen atom attached)
So when the water evapourates you'll have more of a concentration of hydrogen atoms which will make the water more acidic. When you top off it dilutes everything which will raise the pH.
Thats why I think the pH might fluctuate during the day.
But if the water source your tank waters comming from is to acidic it wont matter what you do, unless you add some hydroxide molecules to the water lol to make it more basic.


Active Member
From fish channel
"The pH fluctuates during the day as organisms in the tank respire, giving off carbon dioxide (of course, they do this during the night, as well), which lowers pH. On the other end of the equation, coral zooxanthellae, as well as algae, use carbon dioxide in the presence of light, producing oxygen (photosynthesis). The net result is that the pH will rise as the day goes on and begin to fall once the lights are off."


Active Member
or that haha...
That makese total sence also lmao so I'd learn more towards the fish channel answer lol.


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
From fish channel
"The pH fluctuates during the day as organisms in the tank respire, giving off carbon dioxide (of course, they do this during the night, as well), which lowers pH. On the other end of the equation, coral zooxanthellae, as well as algae, use carbon dioxide in the presence of light, producing oxygen (photosynthesis). The net result is that the pH will rise as the day goes on and begin to fall once the lights are off."

cellular respiration (reverse of photosynthesis) used to produce energy for the cells to beable to go through there reactions or w.e energy they need
C6H12O6 + 6O2

> 6CO2 + 6H2O + ~38 ATP
Glucose oxygen carbon dioxide water energy
Photosynthesis used to produce food which is in the form of sugar, which is then broken down into carbs which gives you energy lol..
6CO2 + 6H2O + Energy ® C6H12O6 + 6O2
Carbon dioxide water energy(sun) ---> glucose(food) oxygen


Tested nitrites again today... ZERO!
Gonna continue testing for about a week or two to make sure it stays stable


Didn't test that tonight but ill check it in the morning. I'm pretty sure its on its way down... We'll see what it does tomorrow.


10 Gallon Test Results:
Ammonia: 0.25 - 0.50
Nitrites: 0
5 Gallon Test Results
Ammonia: 0
Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: 15
While the 5 gallon is going to be my frag tank it will have 1 small gobie and a shrimp.
Both puffers will get moved to the 10 gallon once it is ready. Unfortunately I dont think I can keep anymore fish in the 10 gallon once the puffers are in there. The AC70 is a pretty good filter and im sure it can handle the bioload.


Ok i did something kinda bad... LOL
I bought zoa's yesterday...
wham'n watermellons, yellow subs, and radioactive dragon eyes
about 5 polyps each and 12 on the radioactives.