Another Disgusting Oil Spill!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Looks like they've come up with a plan to use this Oil Recovery Sysytem over the spill site. Interesting looking contraption...
Thats the deal they aren't sure will work that deep. Unless there are strong currents down there I don't see why it wouldn't work. BP had better hope it does.
I saw on the news a while ago where 25 sea turtles have been found dead. According to NOAA the 5 they have autopsied so far there is no sign it's related to the oil. I wonder if they've check for the dispersant BP and the government has been dumping all over the gulf.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
BP will have to pay all that. I am sure there will be some sort of government hand out. I'm not saying these people shouldn't be helped but when there is no doubt about BP's legal liability so they should be forced to foot the bills up front. Of course that wouldn't allow the politicians to look generous so.....
The only way this will have any real price effect would be if the government does something stupid like shut production down in the gulf. I can see them requiring a retrofit for those remote valves but if they give them a wide enough window of time to do the work it shouldn't really have any real impact on price. Of course that doesn't mean the speculators wont take advantage and push the market like they did a few years ago.
Looks like now BP is saying the accident wasn't their fault, but Transocean, who is the owner of the rig.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Thats the deal they aren't sure will work that deep. Unless there are strong currents down there I don't see why it wouldn't work. BP had better hope it does.
I saw on the news a while ago where 25 sea turtles have been found dead. According to NOAA the 5 they have autopsied so far there is no sign it's related to the oil. I wonder if they've check for the dispersant BP and the government has been dumping all over the gulf.
They've been running stories about sea turtles mysteriously dying for the last couple of months, in that area.
Originally Posted by reefraff

Doesn't matter who's fault it is. Under US regulations BP is responsible. If Transocean caused it BP will have to go after them for their losses. This could bankrupt Transocean, they aren't that big.
Transocean is pretty big, but the way those contracts are worded the contractors are very insulated from the risks associated with the services they're provided. You gotta remember transocean isn't an "oil company" they provide services, like drilling the hole.
That platform is simply a drilling platform, they float out the Horizon, it drills a hole, they flip the switch, those valves that aren't closing close. Then they float the horizon out of there. Then BP comes back and installs a production platform.


Active Member
There will be more finger pointing as things get worse and the lawsuits start coming.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Looks like now BP is saying the accident wasn't their fault, but Transocean, who is the owner of the rig.
What BP is saying, it wasn't their stuff that failed, it was transoceans. Which I think it kind of out of frustration more than anything. Think of it like you're building a house, and the guy running the gas screws up and blows up the whole neighborhood...


Nice BP, "Oh this isn't our fault, but we will clean it up out of the goodness of our hearts." What a joke.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
They've been running stories about sea turtles mysteriously dying for the last couple of months, in that area.
Transocean is pretty big, but the way those contracts are worded the contractors are very insulated from the risks associated with the services they're provided. You gotta remember transocean isn't an "oil company" they provide services, like drilling the hole.
That platform is simply a drilling platform, they float out the Horizon, it drills a hole, they flip the switch, those valves that aren't closing close. Then they float the horizon out of there. Then BP comes back and installs a production platform.
Yeah but if BP can prove Transocean messed up which is a long shot they can go after them. Transocean is about a quarter the size of BP. Not small but I don't know if they could sustain a hit if they were found at fault. The left wingers are already starting to go after Haliburton. My god, Chenney hasn't had a thing to do with them in a decade, enough already.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Yeah but if BP can prove Transocean messed up which is a long shot they can go after them. Transocean is about a quarter the size of BP. Not small but I don't know if they could sustain a hit if they were found at fault. The left wingers are already starting to go after Haliburton. My god, Chenney hasn't had a thing to do with them in a decade, enough already.
It all depends on what is in the contract. I've read a few of them, and usually the driller assumes no responsibility for a spill, even if their stuff fails. Unless they can prove it was malicious intent type of a senario.

the maggot

looks like BP got it figured out. They are going to use a cone to funnel the oil to the surface and then, what? Light it on fire and sell it as a tourist attraction? I guess trying something is better than doing nothing. I wonder what the eta is on that?


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Yeah but if BP can prove Transocean messed up which is a long shot they can go after them. Transocean is about a quarter the size of BP. Not small but I don't know if they could sustain a hit if they were found at fault. The left wingers are already starting to go after Haliburton. My god, Chenney hasn't had a thing to do with them in a decade, enough already.
Surely you know the reason the CEO of BP dropped the Transocean connection. This is all posturing for the lawsuits. I would bet they both, even BP has bonding for each project. It will be the insurance companies underwriters denying and shifting liability. Perhaps it is AIG.
We will all pay for the disaster -- Small business with lost jobs, income, consumers with higher gas prices, and the ecosystem.
However, GoldmanSachs will likely make a killing speculating oil futures – running the price of a barrel up again.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
You bet drill baby drill. Before you go blaming big business consider that government creates the regulations they must follow so perhaps you should ask why the US government doesn't require that remove valve other countries do. Your beloved Democrats have had control of Congress for more than 3 years and have done nothing to change the reg. They have had the white house a year and a half and the Ossiah has done nothing to change the regs. Hmmmm.
I agree will you on both counts - (1) We need more regulation and the (2) Dems are dragging their feet. We have a better chance with them getting more regulation , than the Repubs knocking them down for the free-for-all scewing we got at the end of the 8 years.
That old BUSH tax cut thingy didn't work out as planned, either... It didn't save the jobs did it and leave us with a thriving economy????? Well, much wealthier wealthy folks - the Leaders of the Failing BIG Businesses. The ones taxcuts are to create - new jobs -- setback


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Surely you know the reason the CEO of BP drop the Transocean connection. This is all posturing for the lawsuit. I would bet they both even BP have bonding for each project. It will be the insurance companies underwriters denying and shifting liability. Perhaps it is AIG.
We will all pay for the disaster -- Small business with lost jobs, income, consumers with higher gas prices, and the ecosystem.
However, GoldmanSachs will likely make a killing speculating oil futures – running the price of a barrel up again.
I don't see how BP can walk away from this one. Even if Transocean if found to have done something wrong BP is on the hook. We'll see what happens. So far BP has been hiring the local fishermen to do some of the boom work. It will decrease the amount of the claims a little. If your going to have to pay them anyway might as well get some work out of them


Active Member
I am not saying they can walk away (BP), they are just dropping the fact they aren't solely responsible. Again, it's posturing for the lawsuits. So there will be more that one Defendant on the civil suits.
Let us not forget there were human lives lost and maimed here, too. The sad thing is no one will be held criminally accountable


Active Member
lol, thanks for the democrat perspect. If you knew the regulations involved with drilling. You'd change your tune...


Active Member
The first NEW regulation is, you must have a backup plan and tertiary plan for failure of the primary plan.
BP - Current plan, backup and tertiary disaster plan
1.Drill and make money
2.see plan one
3.see plan one
BP - Disaster Happens – The wing it plan
1.Drill and make money
2.After oil slick the size of Delaware – start welding a box and cone to cover one of the 3 leaks - availability, another week. Engineering discipline used - SWAG (Scientific Wild Ass Guess)
3.Drill a relief well 30 to 90 days
Side note: Let the public know someone else is at fault


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
I am not saying they can walk away (BP), they are just dropping the fact they aren't solely responsible. Again, it's posturing for the lawsuits. So there will be more that one Defendant on the civil suits.
Let us not forget there were human lives lost and maimed here, too. The sad thing is no one will be held criminally accountable
There may not have been any criminal actions. Accidents do happen. I really don't think BP trying to pull anyone else in is going to help them much, just make the class action leaches, I mean lawyers more money.