Another new guy to the hobby. Need suggesstions.


Very cool, I'm glad my thread has helped someone else.. everyone has been very nice in answering questions!


Hey everyone sorry I have not been posting on here for a little while, my computers took some bad viruses and I got semi lazy with my tank, totally back into it and starting to get ready for the move to the 75. Still need to order a few things and get a return pump as well. I am ordering the drill bits and stuff from glassholes tonight so I can drill the tank to my liking and will be headed to home depot tomorrow to buy the acrylic I need for the overflow. (If anyone has any suggestions on cutting the acrylic, would be much obliged on how to do so) Also checking craigslist for a 30 or 40 gallon for my sump / fuge and ***** for the $1 per gallon sales which seem to be few and far between.


Alright just ordered my overflow stuff and return kit from glass holes. I have lined up where the box will sit in the tank I will be making it 12" long and 4" wide. Also hit home depot and picked up some screening and things to make the screen for the top of the tank. Seems that no where around me sells black acrylic so I may have to go the clear route and paint it black, also I will be painting the back of the tank black after I get it drilled, or should I paint it before? also what kind of paint would anyone suggest? I heard kryron is a good one? Also could not find any weld on at home depot either, may have to order it online or keep searching. Couldnt find any aqaurium safe silicon there either, plus all the workers are hard to get along with there.


Also just picked up two koralia 1400s to really get things moving around in there, bought em off ebay for a pretty decent price so those will be arriving soon. One really big problem I was having was some red cyano, I had it for like a month before really taking care of it, also noticed my salinity was at 44 ppt I know that is really up there and noticed my fish and CUC were acting very strange so I took some water up to my lfs and he told me to just keep doing water changes with fresh water to get the salinity down. So far it has dropped down to 39 ppt so a couple more water changes and I should be good to go.


Now while I am waiting for my orders to arrive I have been trolling the site here and I have been seeing some nice canopys so sometime in the next week or so I am going to start building a nice canopy for the 75. I will be taking lots of pictures for you all to see as well =-)


Also when I finish all these little things for the tank and I go to make the move I am going to switch my substrate from CC to sand, black tahitan moon sand that I will be buying from *****, brand name was CaribSea anyone use this stuff, is it any good? and will black sand be a pain in the tank ?


Active Member
i dont like canopys they warp.although i have read you can spray a liner in them to cyno just keep sucking it out with water changes and it will eventually go away.what kind of screen are you putting over the tank? i wouldnt paint it.home depot has eggcrate matereal in the lighting section of the store.i think thats a better cover.


I am using a clear screening that I bought, got some framing for it and some corners to make it like a window screen just for over the top of the tank to prevent my fish from jumping, already lost one to the carpet surfing competition...


I dont plan on painting the screening, I plan on painting the acrylic for the overflow box since they do not sell, nor can they order in black acrylic.


Acrylic thanks for the sites there, what size would you recomend for the box if I was to order it? the 1/2 " stuff or would it be ok to go with the 1/4 " stuff?


Active Member
Are you just making a cover for an existing overflow box, or constructing and overflow box? What is the size?


Ahh I love coming home to packages awaiting my arrival =-) I just got both of my koralia 1400s and will be putting one in to see how the tank handles it and may even put the second one it there.


Some current photos of the tank, will be cleaning the back glass completely in the next few days if my black clown will stop nipping at my fingers and hand the little scavenger! Hope you all like them!


Yes that is a sailfin this is a 33g i know its a little small of a tank for him but he has adjusted just fine to the tank, I have had him for about 7 months now but I may lose him tonight, as I have been bringing down my salinity in the tank with fresh water changes, I did one last one today to bring the salinity back to normal and now I have stressed him out big time, he is laying on his side breathing really hard, LFS said it was because I brought the salinity down a little too fast and he is stressing out because of it. This was my girlfriends fish so she is freaking out big time and I am worried for him as well,, guys at the LFS said they have had tangs do this as well and that they are over reacting to the change in the water. I will keep all posted.


Active Member
bringing down salinity fast wont kill the fish.i know it was either beth or btldreef that brings it down from 1.026 tio 1.009 in a day.i have bought fish in the past that were in hypo and they didnt tell me and they went into 1.026 in 3 hours and were fine .although they swam odd for a couple days.a 33 gallon is more of a qt tank size for a sailfin .not long term.i just lost a foxface in my qt .he was in there for 3 weeks the day before he was fine and the next dead.water tested happens


My water params are
salinity 1.024
Nitrates 0
Nitrites 0
Ammonia 0
pH 8.2 or 8.3
Is there anything I can do for him? he is still just laying on his side breathing super heavy, if he is stressed out he def does not look good. LFS said to turn the lights off and just let him be and to rest with the lights off so he is not "Under the microscope" so to speak.


Bad news! my sailfin stopped breathing after about 3 hours of laying on his side.
My stuff from glass holes should be arriving in the next day or two so I will be drilling the holes into the 75 gallon tank, already got the plumbers putty for it. I found a place locally that sells black acrylic and I can get them to cut the three pieces I need for 53 bucks. I still need to find either a 20 gallon long or a 30 gallon long for the sump / fuge. and I will buy some plexi glass or some glass for the panels for the sump / fuge.
I will also look into purchasing a rodi unit off ebay and a protein skimmer as well.