Another new guy to the hobby. Need suggesstions.


Alright so after running up to the LFS today to have this test my water because I didnt think my readings were right and I wanted to get my KH, and Calcium tested since I didnt have those..(I bought them so now I do)
pH - 8.0
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 40
KH -6
Calcium - 500 if I did the test right,( I used 25 drops before it turned blue )
Salinity is 1.022


I am going to be purchasing a skimmer soon for the 75 gallon and would like to know your thoughts of which one to get, I would like to over skim if possible. I will be placing it into either a 20 gallon long or a 30 gallon long, as soon as I find one and make the sump / fuge.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by MMyuki http:///t/382927/another-new-guy-to-the-hobby-need-suggesstions/340#post_3432062
I am going to be purchasing a skimmer soon for the 75 gallon and would like to know your thoughts of which one to get, I would like to over skim if possible. I will be placing it into either a 20 gallon long or a 30 gallon long, as soon as I find one and make the sump / fuge.
With skimmers you want one the right size for your tank, not like a canister filter where bigger is better. I really like the Octopus sss1000, it has a huge cup and it very easy to to remove and replace...and it skims like a champ with no microbubbles. It's built really sturdy and doesn't take up much space.


Thank you Flower I will look into that one, I assume its rated for 75g?
I will be drilling the holes into my tank in the next few hours this morning, I will take lots of pics for you guys and probably even a video of it.
I still need to buy a tank for my sump / fuge and was wondering if a 20 gallon tank would do the trick, I found a used one of CL for cheap so.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by MMyuki http:///t/382927/another-new-guy-to-the-hobby-need-suggesstions/340#post_3432256
Thank you Flower I will look into that one, I assume its rated for 75g?
I will be drilling the holes into my tank in the next few hours this morning, I will take lots of pics for you guys and probably even a video of it.
I still need to buy a tank for my sump / fuge and was wondering if a 20 gallon tank would do the trick, I found a used one of CL for cheap so.
I have a 24g sump on my 90g with an 18g refugium so I think a 20g will do for a sump on a 75g. On the skimmer get one that says minimum and maximum with your tank size in the bracket, for example my thank is 56g I have a skimmer suitable for 40g to 60g.


I see, but I was planning on having the 20 gallon be my sump and fuge. just with dividers. I can always buy like say a 40g breeder if needed... and do the sump fuge with that.
I got delayed and will not be drilling the tank today so no pictures of that as of yet. My girlfriend wanted to go buy a christmas tree and grab lunch so we did that. Photos coming of the supplies I am going to be using in a little.



Here are some of the plumbing supplies I will be using, still need some more but here the basic stuff and the diamond hole saw bits, loc line some unions...



Here are some pics of the materials I am going to be needing to make the screens for the top of the tank so my new additions will not jump out on me again.


Tank drilling photos and video now up! Might take a little while to post the videos since I do not know how to host them as of yet.

In the third photo please excuse the smaller circle there, I was going to drill it there but decided to move it upwards some.


I think this is the first video, I could not get my drill to stop shaking and could not get a good groove started. But all is well.


Alright after I could get my girlfriend to get the camera going again I got the groove started and continued drilling all the way till the plug popped out =-) Yay! *Smiles* I'm pretty stoked right now.


Alright so now that the bulkheads are installed and in place, I am waiting on an email from a guy that is selling a 40g breeder tank on CL for 40 bucks. Hope he hasn't sold it yet because that would be a great size for my sump / refugium. I am going to start working on the screens for the tank right now and will post photos as soon as I get them done.


Active Member
i must be missing something? is that the dt or the sump? why are you drilling a hole in the side of the tank?


That is the DT and that is not the side of the tank, that is the back of the tank. Larger hole is for the overflow, smaller hole is for the return, which will be plumbed into the overflow box itself.


Active Member
where did you get this idea? overflow means over the top not through the side.what is going to keep water from flooding the sump to the floor when the power goes out?


The box I am going to install will go to the top of the tank, the return line is only going to be dumping water back into the system through the lines I am going to provide. If I need to I will drill a small hole into that line as a syphon break.. or throw a one way valve on it.


Well-Known Member
MMyuki: Nice job on the tank drill. Is the bottom (bigger) bulkhead your drain? Do you plan on making a stand pipe for it?


Yes, I plan on putting in a 5" or so stand pipe cut at a diagnol for the water to flow downwards into the sump. The smaller hole (Return line) will be plumbed into the overflow wall.
To DeeJeff - I will be putting on a "one way valve" on the return side so if I did lose power it would only drain what was in the line up to the valve, also as a backup if the valve fails the return lines are only going to be under the water line by an inch or so, so if they would start a syphon they would only drain out maybe 2-3 gallons or so but nothing more.
Also I found a guy selling a 40 breeder off CL and I will be headed out his way tomorrow to grab that up, selling it to me for $30 bucks to (Tank only ) , awesome deal.
Since I do have tomorrow off and I plan on getting up semi early to work on the tanks, I will be finishing the screening for the top of the new display tank and doing my weekly maintenence as well on my 30g.