Another new guy to the hobby. Need suggesstions.


Active Member
seems like alot of bs to me.why didnt you just get a hang on overflow? or drill a durso hole in the bottom ?imo there is no benifit to having holes in the sides of a tank.actually adds to the cluster look of equiptment to now you have to worry about leaks and a one way valve malfunctioning.


I do not want anything to hang on the back, I will be screening the top so you will not see anything but the lights.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by MMyuki http:///t/382927/another-new-guy-to-the-hobby-need-suggesstions/340#post_3432893
Yes, I plan on putting in a 5" or so stand pipe cut at a diagnol for the water to flow downwards into the sump. The smaller hole (Return line) will be plumbed into the overflow wall.
Should work fine. As with most tanks I'm sure the bottom was tempered and there for un-able to drill. You may find your self wanting to make the stand pipe nearly as high as the water level in the tank. The less further the water has to fall into the overflow before it drains the quieter it will be. You could also look into DIY'ing a gurlge buster for it as well since the diagonal cut that you suggested may be a little bit noisy. Just some suggestions.


Hrm sounds good to me, I actually just finished making the screen for the first half of the tank, and I am in the midst of making a walk through with pictures for the second one. I will look into the taller stand pipe and post some pictures of it. I am not sure if you know exactly what I am talking about Jeff so photos to come. Also I was wondering if you can use PVC Primer and PVC glue on the fittings so they do not leak? I heard you can as long as the stuff is dry, just wanting to make sure.


Well-Known Member
Primer and glue is fine, oogles of people have been doing it for years and no one seems to have any problems with it as long as it's cured before you run water through it. You shouldn't need to glue the pieces inside the overflow, just glue everything outside of the tank and you'll be good. This way you can make adjustments inside the overflow if needed.


That is exactly my plan, Inside I will fit till I have it how I like it and all outside plumbing will be cleaned and glued.


Alright now if you guys like this idea for the tops of your tanks, I will post a little walk through on how I did this and what you are going to need. I will start off with a list of materials.
I went to my local home depot and found all the supplies you will need.
There is a "Re-Screening kit" In the window and door isle that came with the screen installation tool, screen retainer spline and 36" x 84" fiberglass screen mesh I got that kit for about $10.00 which was more than I needed but I have some left over for another tank.
Next you are going to need the brown metal screen ( The outsides of the screen) I got that in a 10' section for $3.50 you will probably need 2 or 3 sticks Its always nicer to buy a little extra and return what you do not need.
Now you need some corners to put your screen sticks together with, they sell those in the window and door isle with the screen kit for about $2.00 for the 4 corner kit. The exact corners I got are the "Brown screen frame corners"

You are also going to need a razor blade to cut the screen with later.
Here is a photo of the materials.

After you have all of your materials you need to cut the brown screen sticks into the sizes that you want to cover your tank. Usually there are grooves on the inside of your tank at the top, you want the screen to fit inside those grooves. So lets take mine for example and the size was 16 1/2" x 22 1/4" On the back of the box of corners it tells you that when cutting for the framing to fit inside whatever your doing that you need to take off 1 1/2" off the total distance. The corners will fill that void. So for the 22 1/4" on my tank I cut that side to 20 5/8" so I have a snug fit. Once you have the pieces cut, put the corners and all pieces together and dry fit that into the grooves on your tank, if it is a little to big the simply trim off some until you have a snug fit. If it is too small you measured wrong and need to cut another piece.

Now lets start putting this puzzle together shall we?

Alright now that we have all the corners in and its all in one piece we need to get our screen and lay it over the outside of the box, making sure that the groove on the one side of the screen is facing towards you.

Alright now that you laid it over, we need to trim the rest of the screening off so we have about 1 to 2 inches hanging off each side just to make sure we have enough material to work with. Now its time to start putting in the retainer spline so square up your screening and start putting the spline into the groove over the screening material with your fingers, once you get it started you can grab the screen tool and start rolling the spline into the groove, slowly now.. and as you are rolling the spline in make sure to pull the screen taught so when your done it does not sag and droop down. like this...

Take your time on the corners and make sure you get them into the corner nice and snug you do not want that popping out and sagging on you now do ya? Once you have all 4 sides done cut the spline material and roll the last bit into the last corner and double check to make sure your screen is nice and tight. Once you have it like this...

Grab your razor blade and start trimming the extra material off the screen now..

Once all the material is trimmed away you are done. Place over your tank and enjoy the piece of mind that your gobys and jumpers will be safe inside their home.
This should be how it looks once your done! Congrats on your DIY project now pat yourself on the back, spin in circles, or simply do the happy dance knowing that you did a good job.


I have been doing water changes every other day for a week now and I still have some red cyano in here on the rock work, is this normal or should I just keep doing the water changes or is it time to finally dose the tank for the first time?


Active Member
seriously,patience.things go wrong overnight in this hobby but hardly any are fixed overnight.the tank needs to fix itself.i have never been able to get rid of algae with water changes.doing so many water changes dont help but hurts the balance in a tank imo


I am totally with you Jeff, but what would you suggest I do, go to my LFS and grab something to dose it? Or continue to do my weekly water changes unless it gets worse?


Active Member
well you can do a small waterchange like 5% every few days and suck the stuff will eventually go away.what do you have for powerheads in there.cyno dont like alot of flow


I am currently running two hydor koralia 1400s, its a hell of a lot of flow for my 30 gallon, the stuff seems to be going away but my snails are mowing over everything and leaving the cyno alone.
I bought a kenya tree coral wednesday afternoon and I was checking it out today, that sucker is already about double the size it was when I bought it, the base of the tree has really taken off. I am going to be checking into this new store some friends of mine told me about to see what the have for livestock and such.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by MMyuki http:///t/382927/another-new-guy-to-the-hobby-need-suggesstions/360#post_3433130
I am currently running two hydor koralia 1400s, its a hell of a lot of flow for my 30 gallon, the stuff seems to be going away but my snails are mowing over everything and leaving the cyno alone.
I bought a kenya tree coral wednesday afternoon and I was checking it out today, that sucker is already about double the size it was when I bought it, the base of the tree has really taken off. I am going to be checking into this new store some friends of mine told me about to see what the have for livestock and such.
Different snails eat different stuff. Cerith snails eat cyano, according to my google search...we need a sticky on snails.


Started to see some major green algae popping up very fast on the tank, then I realized I only had like 3 turbo snails and 4 hermit crabs left of my cuc and it clicked. haha >.< So I picked up 10 more turbos and 7 nasarius snails the other day and they are all doing very good in there! I will be picking up some cerith snails and some hermits when I can find some. LFS I went to doesnt get in ceriths..


New pictures! Yay!

After my old zoas and shrooms were eaten by my chocolate chip starfish I was at this new fish place a few people told me about, amazing store they just have loads of stuff to check out tons of live rock, base rock, fish, corals, just a huge selection of stuff to choose from. So I decided to grab some frags while I was there, I picked up this zoa frag and the shroom frag because I bought this kenya tree frag about a week ago and it has almost doubled in size already so I decided to grab a couple more while I was out and about. Hope you enjoy the photos!


Anyone know if I am able to wash this off and use it for my sump that I am building?

I do heating and cooling by day and was at a side job this morning, ( not knowing this was an old bait shop that someone is turning into a repellar repair shop. ) I was hanging some duct and seen a load of acrylic sitting in the corner all neat and tidy, dusty but still nice non scratched up stuff. I asked the owner if he was doing anything with it and he said yeah throwing it out so I piled it up into my truck and took it with my hoping I could cut it up and save myself some cash by using it for my sump idea. Some of it has handles and holes in it but I can trim off those pieces and use the main stuff for my panels in the sump.
The main question here is would it be ok if I washed this stuff off with a towel and some water to clean it up and would it be ok to use this inside my sump or would you just trash the stuff?
By the way it is all 1/4 " stuff... if I can use it... He still has about 10 to 15 pieces of this stuff sized at like 4' x 1.5' left that I may drive over and load up as well.....


Active Member
problem is putting acrylic in the glass sump the silicone dont work too great silicone dont stick to acrylic very well. although i have acrylic in my glass sump it has a slow leak somewhere but if you dont let the pump side get too low it works fine .just use alot of silicone.i would just wash it with water and vinagar and rinse it good .