Another new guy to the hobby. Need suggesstions.


Sounds good to me. I have loads of silicone and know where to get more if needed, all I need to do now is cut this stuff into the sizes I need.... I have a saw zaw, grinder, table saw and thats about it so I will have to figure out which one to use from here. Then just order the black acrylic online and I am debating building a new stand for this tank, oh the mind wonders on its own about this stuff.


Active Member
just know acrylic expands in the water so dot make it a very tight fit.not loose but dont cut it so it is hard to get in place


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by MMyuki http:///t/382927/another-new-guy-to-the-hobby-need-suggesstions/380#post_3436205
Sounds good to me. I have loads of silicone and know where to get more if needed, all I need to do now is cut this stuff into the sizes I need.... I have a saw zaw, grinder, table saw and thats about it so I will have to figure out which one to use from here. Then just order the black acrylic online and I am debating building a new stand for this tank, oh the mind wonders on its own about this stuff.
Table saw will do the best job cutting the plastics sheets.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MMyuki http:///t/382927/another-new-guy-to-the-hobby-need-suggesstions/360#post_3436187
Anyone know if I am able to wash this off and use it for my sump that I am building?

I do heating and cooling by day and was at a side job this morning, ( not knowing this was an old bait shop that someone is turning into a repellar repair shop. ) I was hanging some duct and seen a load of acrylic sitting in the corner all neat and tidy, dusty but still nice non scratched up stuff. I asked the owner if he was doing anything with it and he said yeah throwing it out so I piled it up into my truck and took it with my hoping I could cut it up and save myself some cash by using it for my sump idea. Some of it has handles and holes in it but I can trim off those pieces and use the main stuff for my panels in the sump.
The main question here is would it be ok if I washed this stuff off with a towel and some water to clean it up and would it be ok to use this inside my sump or would you just trash the stuff?
By the way it is all 1/4 " stuff... if I can use it... He still has about 10 to 15 pieces of this stuff sized at like 4' x 1.5' left that I may drive over and load up as well.....
Looked at the pic and can't really tell what is on the acrylic.....IMHO I would wash it off with a mild soap detergent and dry.......
The other issue with using acrylic for inside a glass sump. Yes it can be done, and there isn't an issue with using acrylic baffles. The issue lies in cutting the baffles to snug. The issue with absorbing water IMO is a bit over exaggerated here. Yes acrylic does absorb water.....I'd have to go pull out actually hard data I have stashed to actually tell you how much, but it varies depending on type of acrylic....Cell vs cast acrylic. With that said if the absorption rate was as great as stated why don't skimmers and such over years explode????? Bottom line cut the baffles a hair shy/short, and rough the edges up and silicone will be fine.


Active Member
Sorry for the extra post, but I'm pretty sure it's Saxman that uses EPMD material to put the baffles into place....You might want to shoot him a PM....And if memory serves me correct I think Flower did that as well.


Active Member
I have to agree with Corey....For cutting the acrylic for the baffles the table saw would give a good cut for what your after.....If you were actually building a sump I'd recommend the router with a straight edge or guide to give you a perfectly clean edge....


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by acrylic51 http:///t/382927/another-new-guy-to-the-hobby-need-suggesstions/380#post_3436243
Sorry for the extra post, but I'm pretty sure it's Saxman that uses EPMD material to put the baffles into place....You might want to shoot him a PM....And if memory serves me correct I think Flower did that as well.
I've heard a lot of mixed reviews on the pressure fit method. From what I understand is the size of sump/chambers and material size plays a big roll. If the material is to thin it will flex too much and let go. I'd hate to end up with the fuge in my return chamber. But I'm sure if properly done it would be fine. The 1/4" stuff seems a little sketchy to me unless it's going to be a rather small sump. Perhaps Saxman will chime in with his experiences with it.


Here is a picture of how I plan on installing the baffles into the sump. I plan on putting these in tonight so any feedback before I go and put these in would be appreciated.

The flow will be from right to left, first chamber will be the drain from the tank and the skimmer section, then the bubble trap for the skimmer, second section will be the fuge and the third section will be the return section, which at the moment is 8 inches and I may go down to only 4 inches, the pump is only 3" wide so more room for the refuge.
So total dimensions from right to left will be first section 12" fuge section 12" and third will be 8" But I think I will go 16" fuge and 4" return.
Please let me know what you all think.


Went to take my lady to work, walked out the front door and almost kicked this down my stiars!

Ahh what is it? Well lets see!

Got my new refractometer I got it off ebay with a nice hard case for like $35!


I have only put two baffles in so far, the other two will go in tomorrow I think when I get off work but it is looking pretty good so far.


Alright panels are in place with aquarium safe silicon and have been drying for about 15 or so hours. I will let them sit for another day and then leak test this tank. Pictures to come soon!


Active Member
I was just gonna say where are the pictures until I read the last sentence of your previous post. BUT I want them soon! LOL.


I did a 5 gallon WC today and noticed I havnt been growing any coraline in some time now. I cleaned the back glass off about 85% 3-4 weeks ago and I havnt even gotten any specs back yet, is this a bad thing? Also since I finally got some more flow inside this tank and got rid of the cyano I noticed that I do not have to clean the front or the sides of the tank at all, when I used to clean it daily or every other day, I can go a week without cleaning it.... Only fish I have right now are the 2 clowns, and inverts I have roughly 15 hermits and 15 turbos. Is this normal?
I am also running lights from 12-10 roughly.


Yeah that cyano is about 90% gone but I am not growing any algae not even green algae on the glass, unless my turbos are taking care of it that much. Been busy but pics to come of the sump, it is finally done and I put some water in it to leak test it ad it seems to be holding for now so =-)