Another new guy to the hobby. Need suggesstions.


Alright finally got around to taking a couple updates on the few corals I have in there and the sump for the 75.

This mushroom is about the size of my thumb.

This is the kenya I bought about a month ago and it has really taken off, the big piece when I got it was the size of one of those little ones on the back side. The two smaller ones in the back I will be cutting off and placing on some frag disks once they get just a bit bigger.

My crabs having a feast on a piece of dry seaweed.

I know this is a very crappy picture but it seems it is the best I can get at the moment. I have water in the smaller return side on the right and water in the bubble trap and skimmer side on the left. none in the refuge side and this water has been in there for about 4 days, no leaks so that is a good thing.
Also ordered the black acrylic pieces for the overflow tonight and I will be picking those up Monday morning and gluing them together monday night. Hopefully wednesday I will be able to silicone those into the 75 and start getting all the plumbing done on that and filling her up by the following wednesday.
Only thing is, when I go to fill up the 75 should I just fill it up with all new saltwater and take some of the LR from my 30 gallon and place it inside of the 75 and let it cycle like a new tank, or is there a way I can use some of the water from the 30 and, say 10 to 15 gallons or so and the rest freshly made saltwater? and be able to have it not cycle? I am thinking about going with some dry aragonite sand for the 75 but have not bought any yet.


I was checking out my tank today and seen this weird thing sticking out of my rockwork, something I have never seen before... maybe someone can figure out what it is and if its bad how to remove it?


* New corals with photos! *
Alright signed up on another forum today with a whole bunch of local reefers and seen a guy who was tearing down his tank and selling his corals, I got a huge smile on my face and got really excited and I went to his house and bought about $35 bucks worth =-) Plus I also got a super great deal, well I think so!

Hairy green mushroom

A small frag of frogspawn

Anthelia ( I think thats what it is )

I probably jumped the gun a bit early on this one, but while I had everything out I went ahead and cut off both of the smaller kenyas that were on the back of the main piece. They are healing now as well as the main stalk and I am hoping they will bounce back within a week.

A nice piece of green toadstool leather

Not exactly sure what these two heads are of but I was thinking some sort of mushroom?

About 7-8 heads of a blastomoussa

Last but not least a whole colony of palys ( Which opened up within 10 minutes of being put in my tank )


Aptasia.....does it retract if you go near it?
you can kill it with Joes Juice....or buy some pickling lime ..make a paste and put some on it


I think I may have just gotten rid of it. You said aptasia so I grabbed my turkey baster, pushed the air out of the tube and sucked that little booger right out of the rock, thing popped right out! Then I flushed it. Was this is a good thing?


I may have not gotten rid of it, I will keep checking that spot and see if it pops back out , but something did pop right out and it looked funky. Hope I got it, what do you think of the new corals?


My kenyas are looking for dull and retracted back into itself like it usually does when lights go off, other than that everything else seems to be adjusting very well. I thought I did pretty well for what I got!


Active Member
you should feel guilty robbing that poor the blasto is worth more than what you gave him alone.i have two frags of blastos one red and the other a kinda blue/ had 6 and the other 8 heads .now about 6-7 months later doubled at least .gotta love the aqua vitro salt.


Ahh very nice Jeff, I checked the the other site again before bed last night and there is yet another member tearing down his tank and parting everything out, he is about a 45 minute drive but if I can snag some stuff for the right price I will def be making that trip. He also has a nice pink aneneme that my girlfriend has been dying to get for the clowns.


Active Member
you might want to rethink that anenome.they can really cause problems in a tank.i had one that got caught in a ph and wiped out half my tank.i wont ever get another they move around and never seem to stay where you want them.also they need alot of light.too many cons to the pro's of having one for me


Very nice... and the picture you posted earlier with the thing coming out of you rock.. was either aptasia or a filter feeder (im actually learning toward filter...) But its gone now so no worries atleast, lol


Eh sounds good to me, I did not see it today but I will be keeping a look out for those pesky pricks. My kenya looked a hell of a lot better today than it did after the propagation I made yesterday. I super glued two smaller pieces to some frag plugs and they were all fine and everything but once I returned home from my 14 hour work day they have uplifted themselves from the plugs and been blowing around the tank, hopefully they find themselves a nice spot and start over. The leathers polyps all opened today and wow what an amazing looking coral that is! also the big rock covered in the paly zoas was opening and fully extended this morning and even after I shut lights off it was still wide open, as well as my other zoos, (Is this a good thing that they stay open at night ? ) I am not sure what the thing in picture 6 up there is ( I am assuming it is just a hairy lighty green colored shroom? ) but that stays open and blows in the waves all night as well.... so does the anthelia, dont those things ever sleep?
Anywho glad you could all see some improvements on this tank, I am debating buying a bakpak skimmer used off some guy for the 30g since I will be keeping this tank up and running as well as the 75. Some new additions will be some nice acans and chalices in the near future as well. I am also looking at buying two used MP10s for $175 each =-}


Just picked myself up a nice CPR Bakpak for the 30 figured I got a good deal on it and it will probably help that tank out a lot.


Active Member
Congrats on the skimmer!
If it has the older Rio pump, consider replacing it with the newer Acella pump. Also consider using a surface skimmer box, it really helps. My HOB CPR Skimmer/Refugium uses a Bak-Pak style skimmer.
As for you possibly getting a pair of MP10s, DO IT!


Its been hooked up and running for a few hours, I know it usually takes up to 72 hours for it to begin really working so I will let it run, as for the noise.. the air hose is extremely loud and so is the pump. I am running it with a maxi jet 1200, I also have the accela 266 gph as a back up if this one breaks.
The MP10s sold but I am going to keep an eye out for some more, maybe an MP40 we will see. This other site is really nice because it all locals and they have a ton of members around here. I am headed to lunch right now and then off to another guys house for some more corals =-) We will see what I bring home tonight!