Nothing here to support that. It obviously took a considerable amount of my interference to cause the failure of the plants. mechanical system wear out without intervention.What interference? Mechanical systems require maintenance yes...
more waste= more plant growth=more filtering. Seems stable to me.
One "slow down" can cause more harm than a malfunctioning RO/DI filter.
more waste= clogged mechanical filters,= less filtering. not too stable.
Never has happened to me.
plants let them grow.
Then they will grow to the point they choke themselves causing mass die off.
mechanical filters: replacing filter media, cleaning, adjusting, checking.
Pretty simple.
Seems like a whole lot more to go wrong with mechanical means.
Based on your experience that doesn't seem to be the case.
edit: and yes plant slowdown can cause corals or fish to die. So it is better to have plants thriving than to not have plants thriving.
Just another reason not to solely rely on plant life to take care of your tank for you.