Beth, it starts really slow for a few days, but these first few days are CRUCIAL in getting a good civilization started and not falling behind those close by. As soon as you have the points for a factory....get one, and try to keep factories and farms about the same until they reach about 6 or 7. By then you will be getting closer to 15 or 16 PPs per hour. This is a "strategy" game, and fancy graphics aren't involved. Keep an eye on your map to see how those in your system are doing. Pretty soon as people grow and take new planets, they will all fill up and then you will be fighting for planets. When the new beta started, I had 20 planets and 550 PPs per hour, and it gets tough to even keep up with 18-20 planets in three sytems and spend cash where it needs to does pick up. As your bio science grows, you will see more and more players and planets around you. Keep your science on social for now, because with only one planet contributing to science it goes slow, and your population will stop growing when it catches your social science. If you really JUST started, and you didn't pick a race.....I would tell you to start over, nothing fancy, just take the 12 labs and a minus 1 to energy. You'll make up the minus to energy easy, but the 12 labs to start with give you a huge advantage when starting. It's not the best race, but for a newbie, you really should take the labs atleast.