Away With The Irs!!!

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
No, it's not relevant. If I get my way illegal workers in the US won't be an issue. And yes, many illegals are taking advantage of the system. More American (The majority non-taxed I'm sure) dollars are sent to families in Mexico then Mexico earns in any other industry (other then oil revenue). Illegally earned US dollars are the second highest revenue source of Mexico. So, yes, I'd say the system is being exploited.
this sounds relavent to me! how about we tax those mexicans that send money back south??


Active Member
aztec pick a side in your post 68 you say they don't know then in post 78 by you, you say of course they know, which is it?...tobin

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by seasalt101
no matter how you slice it illegals have nothing coming legals are fine illegals are criminals and should be treated as such, i say make a border long canal 1/2 mile wide from the pacific to the gulf ang the last 150 yards place a steel electric grid 6 inches over the water that would eliminate the problem my other plan is similar to omaha beach if you get the picture come over legally...tobin
simple solution...TUNELS!!!!!!
it takes an Illegal to become a Legal right? NO MATTER HOW YOU SLICE IT>>>

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by seasalt101
aztec pick a side in your post 68 you say they don't know then in post 78 by you, you say of course they know, which is it?...tobin
who knows better .Illegals or the US goverment?? answer this simple Q.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
simple solution...TUNELS!!!!!!
it takes an Illegal to become a Legal right? NO MATTER HOW YOU SLICE IT>>>
no you go through the naturalization process and you learn the pledge of allegiance a bunch of amendments and take an oath...tobin

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by seasalt101
aztec has a way of turning all the threads he post on into the plight of the illegals...tobin

oh really, guess who's always at the other end?
i admit it has gotten way off topic, but i was done long time ago. but for you to say that i turn threads into illegals.. i could careless about illegals just don't start going off on this Nonsense that comes from media bs..or ignorance, towars illegals or any other specific group.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
oh really, guess who's always at the other end?
i admit it has gotten way off topic, but i was done long time ago. but for you to say that i turn threads into illegals.. i could careless about illegals just don't start going off on this Nonsense that comes from media bs..or ignorance, towars illegals or any other specific group.
let's see myself, jovial, michael tx, 1journeyman, shall i go on i think the fact nthat you were an illegal yourself makes you more into it than anyone else and see no wrong in it, which is wrong in itself...tobin


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
it takes an Illegal to become a Legal right? NO MATTER HOW YOU SLICE IT>>>
no, you're not illegal until you become legal. don't know where you came up with that. while you're sitting in your country waiting for the process to come through, you are not illegal or legal. you become "illegal" when you come into the country illegally.

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by Pontius
no, you're not illegal until you become legal. don't know where you came up with that. while you're sitting in your country waiting for the process to come through, you are not illegal or legal. you become "illegal" when you come into the country illegally.
you're talking about a 5% or 10% (at the most.)of mexicans that do it this way. so that's NOT working for the US>>
see, still with the NONSENSE.. have you heard about the people that get passports, temporary visas. most of this people apply for vacational passports and DO NOT GO BACK TO MEXICO, thus why there passport becomes expired wich= ILLEGAL ALIEN. that's just front seat border crossing...Not a wetback. i see how they're not the same since they're already here right? although they're illegal but yet they didn't croos the border,that makes sense

if asia was bordering united states then you'll have an asian illegal immigration. how easy is for mexicans to come here illegally vs. Africans,Brasilians,all south america,russia,china,japan,all asia,egypt.? you get the idea?
how easy is for Californians to move to OREGON vs. moving to, lets say NY??
I have said it hundreds of times, yes it is wrong.. but is it as wrong as what the IRS is doing? don't blame the society. blame the goverment for all this nonsense.. our own system is taking advantage of us.NOT THE PEOPLE..
have you heard that the United States goverment: is suppost to be FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE,BY THE AMERICAN PEOPLE,AND OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE..
Now if that's true, doesn't the american people agree that we shouldn't allowed this illegal aliens to come here illegaly and work here Illegaly????
yet we still allowing it..that makes lots of sense for America..$$$$$


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
see, still with the NONSENSE.. have you heard about the people that get passports, temporary visas. most of this people apply for vacational passports and DO NOT GO BACK TO MEXICO, thus why there passport becomes expired wich= ILLEGAL ALIEN. that's just front seat border crossing...Not a wetback. i see how they're not the same since they're already here right? although they're illegal but yet they didn't croos the border,that makes sense

if asia was bordering united states then you'll have an asian illegal immigration. how easy is for mexicans to come here illegally vs. Africans,Brasilians,all south america,russia,china,japan,all asia,egypt.? you get the idea?
how easy is for Californians to move to OREGON vs. moving to, lets say NY??
I have said it hundreds of times, yes it is wrong.. but is it as wrong as what the IRS is doing? don't blame the society. blame the goverment for all this nonsense.. our own system is taking advantage of us.NOT THE PEOPLE..
have you heard that the United States goverment: is suppost to be FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE,BY THE AMERICAN PEOPLE,AND OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE..
Now if that's true, doesn't the american people agree that we shouldn't allowed this illegal aliens to come here illegaly and work here Illegaly????
yet we still allowing it..that makes lots of sense for America..$$$$$
it has been estimated that up to a million cross the southern border each year illegally. not saying that people staying over on work visas and passports isn't a problem too, but it's not nearly as big a problem as those walking across the border. yes, the government is very much to blame, as are the illegals.
I don't know what kind of point you're making about other countries.
I don't know what kind of point you're trying to make about what the IRS is doing wrong with regards to illegals.

aztec reef

Active Member
My point is that we cannot put the blame on Illegals for what the IRS is doing.
"it has been estimated that up to a million cross the southern border each year illegally". ok, that's a big problem why aren't we stopping it, or maybe the IRS doesn't see it as much of a problem like you do?????
you do wrong, i do wrong, we all do wrong. what's your point? should we stop someone from doing wrong or do we just sit back and continue turning our heads ???
the point of other countries is obvious. what percentage of mexicans come here Illegaly vs. percentage of asian or egyptians come here Illegaly?? it's obvious that the neighbor countries will be easier to migrate to.. yet we all know that US is the country of oppurtunity and freedom that's what makes this Country great..without that there would be no reason to come here in the first place...
here's what the IRS is doing wrong: ALLOWING ILLEGALS TO COME HERE AD WORK ILLEGALLY, also it does wrong by not refunding taxes to those illegals that are working for a paycheck.. Now, where's that money at???????????


Active Member
aztec the irs has nothing to do with illegals and your right we should eliminate illegals comeing across the border and get rid of welfare so people will actually work and take there place


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
here's what the IRS is doing wrong: ALLOWING ILLEGALS TO COME HERE AD WORK ILLEGALLY, also it does wrong by not refunding taxes to those illegals that are working for a paycheck.. Now, where's that money at???????????
it's already been explained to you that the illegals ARE NOT PAYING TAXES, therefore they don't get refunds. if I own a McDonald's, I can't say, "ok, come on in and take this job. I'll get you setup on a paying system and take taxes out even though you don't have a social security card or any other form of legal ID". that's not how it works. that's why ILLEGALS are working under the table industries, NOT places that pay checks and take out taxes.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pontius
it's already been explained to you that the illegals ARE NOT PAYING TAXES, therefore they don't get refunds. if I own a McDonald's, I can't say, "ok, come on in and take this job. I'll get you setup on a paying system and take taxes out even though you don't have a social security card or any other form of legal ID". that's not how it works. that's why ILLEGALS are working under the table industries, NOT places that pay checks and take out taxes.
unless they have false documents another crime


Active Member
I am from West Coast. Its the worst for immigration and illegal immagration obviously.
I agree that the blame isnt so much on the individual for seeking a better future or opportunity that might be found here stateside. Enforcment of policy and I-9 authentication is just not present here in the US.
End the dreamy allure of US wages and benefits by stiffening the required papertrail needed to work. Huge penalties without exception for I9 voilators. Look around Eurpoe at the way people have papers all in line at all times since it IS enforced there.


Active Member
Quite a few Illegals do pay income taxes. They steal the social security number of some poor slob who then gets to spend months, if not years trying to prove it was not them working a second job. The illegal scumbag that steals the number just claims a dozen expemptions so they pay nothing but FICA taxes. The Social Security administration estimates the costs to correct the files to be from 500 to 1500 dollars per incident depending on the particular situation.

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
I am from West Coast. Its the worst for immigration and illegal immagration obviously.
I agree that the blame isnt so much on the individual for seeking a better future or opportunity that might be found here stateside. Enforcment of policy and I-9 authentication is just not present here in the US.
End the dreamy allure of US wages and benefits by stiffening the required papertrail needed to work. Huge penalties without exception for I9 voilators. Look around Eurpoe at the way people have papers all in line at all times since it IS enforced there.
exactly. I have said it a hundred times before.. your soulution is to NOT GIVE employment to ILLEGALS........period.....period....
let's say we can't stop them!! they're already here. well guess what start reinforcing document Verification then you won't have such a problem.(this should of being done 20 years ago...
It's all plain and simple...pontius doesn't get it,(i didn't know that macdonals hired without ID or workers permit,greencard or social security) So now macdonals is doing something Illegal too???
most of the Illegals are working at companies that pay with paychecks.....have false documents...Now wouldn't we avoid this if we reinforced VERIFICATION?????????????
you ONLY see non-english speaking people working at the fields nowdays, that wasn't the case few decades ago. was it????