AZAINTCOLD's tank diary


Gustavo, you have a 250 gallon w/ fish. What kind of filtration set up are you running? Or is your 2 tank sump for a different tank?


Unfortunately I have given up on the 250 and am not going to improve upon it. I'm recently purchased a 150aga with the megaflow kit. Thats what I'm working on right now. I'm going to transfer the some of the live stock but very few parts. Right now I just have a 30gallon refugium setup on the 250 and a closed loop too. Some power heads to move the water around too, the tank needs some serious planning out and better flow cause I'm battleing a major green hair alage problem.
Anyhow here is a link to the 250
I'm gonna try selling the tank dry for obviously less money, if I can't I'm gonna part it out.
On my 150 I plan on having a setup kinda like yours with the refugium going into the smaller tank. I have a mag 18 for it and I'm thinking about buying one of those ecotech power heads.


I don't know yet. I don't think I'm gonna use it with my new tank. It puts out allot of heat and my new tank is in my bedroom. A ton of people want it but I'm not sure when I'm going to sell it if I do. It's an absolute must have for that tank ( the 250). The tank gets to 87 without it. Right now I keep the tank at 79 with the chiller. The Tank is so big and with that chiller, the thing makes it's own weather patterns in my small little den.. I need a bigger house. :)


Everyone needs a bigger house.
In the mean time if you do opt to get rid of it let me know, I'm right down the street.


Will do. Need a Rabbit fish? LOL, I think when I get all the livestock out he is going, he eats non stop and grows way to fast. I think I might trade him in for store credit or something.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed on using a chiller on the new tank. I'm planning on just doing polyps and mushrooms and that sort of stuff. When I had my 125 it averaged 83- 85 deg with no problems, allot of the stuff I have in the 250 came from my 125, with no chiller. I did have my MHs on it thou, I'm just gonna do VHO on the new tank, if I can ever fiqure out how to mount them on my darn canopy.
I just looked at how much it would be to buy my chiller with the stuff thats on it, 875 dollars out the door, damn... I forgot how much I spent on that damn thing.


O I forgot tax, Damn, now I know where all my money goes to. It's as bad as having a boat.


Did u just do all the drillin urself ? with a regular drill? Im also planninto set up a sump system just like your. Hope It All Works Out For YA ***)


LIKe in ur pic u drilled into ur main tank is there a way i can set up this system with out doing that. Cause my tank in cycling right now.


I didn't drill into my display tank at all. I am using a HOB CPR overflow. The two tanks I drilled were for the sump tanks. You could get away with not drilling the tanks at all for the sump if you want just one tank. I drilled 2 holes for two reasons.
1. I had to connect two small tanks and didn't want to use a U-tube.
2. I'm running an external pump for heat reasons.
You can always use an internal pump and not drill.

page 2. :cheer:


post 31, 2nd pic down. do an internet search for hang on back overflow.
The brand name is CPR. a little pricey, but reliable. I'm willing to spend the cash to make sure I don't flood.


I was thinking. should I put another 3/4 bulkhead into the top of the refugium that goes to the sump, or is the one okay? :thinking:


Alright. So it is functioning without leaks etc. Seems to work great with the exception of one thing. Bubbles. Lots of them. Most of them I'm not too concerned with because of the bubble trap.
What about the fuge though?

here is the fuge's bubbles.

Here is the main problem. I think I will chop the pvc to be above the water level and that should get rid of most if not all of the bubbles in the return:

And here is the rest that isn't having problems:

Any help with these bubbles folks? P.S. this overflow is loud! :scared:


Active Member
This is what I do... it works great.
Shorten the drains so they terminate just below the water line, and turn them back upside down so the water enters moving upwards. See attached professional-looking graphic.
I have a bunch of drains using this method and all work very well!
The bubbles are inevitable whenever you have a free flowing drain, but with this type of setup, it basically shoots the bubbles up to the top before they disperse into the sump's water column.


I'll definately have to do that in the fuge and the skimmer section. from the fuge to the return, i just used some air tubing in a loop assembly and it completely got rid of the bubbles. Don't know how or why but it worked.


Active Member
Originally Posted by azaintcold
P.S. this overflow is loud! :scared:
Well, I'm not much of a DIYer, but my sump was also a bit loud, so I raised the water level (so the water didn't fall so far) and when I added the sand and lr it was MUCH quieter. My sump is set up pretty different though, so not sure if that will work for you.
Edit: About raising the water level, you have to be careful about this because you want to make sure your sump can hold the extra water once you turn off your pumps, in case of power outage or something like that. So be sure to do a mock power outage to see.


I got the overflow to quite down using vent tubes. I have the water level as high as it can go without flooding , I'm going to quite down the fuge to the return by setting up a couple of elbows on the surface to get rid of the slurping noise. Appreciate your info!
Just ordered 100 LBS of live rock, will be here Friday if sends it correctly.