AZAINTCOLD's tank diary



Hows the noise level on that mag pump? I have never used one before and wonder how bad they are.


Nearly silent. I have mine on a 1/4" piece of plywood, then have the foam pad they include attached to the bottom, can't hear it at all with the stand doors shut. Great product and would recommend to anybody. Also it doesn't get hot. More like slightly warm, and using it as an external pump is definately the way to go. Especially when using metal halides. :scared:


Active Member
Originally Posted by azaintcold
Before I set this tank up, I mounted a 50" flat screen on the wall knowing I would put the tank here. I think it came out pretty good. Now I can sit on my recliner and watch both

lookin good man,
however you are
a)prone to lessen the life of that TV dramatically with all of the salt and humidity above a tank that large. my 150 loses about 2.5 gallons a day. it all goes up

b) the lighting of your tank is going to seriously interfere with the viewability of the tv, especially if it is an LCD and not plasma.
c) the sound of your set up will interfere with watching TV and movies as well.
i make sure to keep entertainment systems as far away as possible from SW tanks.


hoping the canopy will shoot the light down, and viewabilty will remain good.
Originally Posted by saltn00b
lookin good man,
however you are
a)prone to lessen the life of that TV dramatically with all of the salt and humidity above a tank that large. my 150 loses about 2.5 gallons a day. it all goes up

Canopy going on soon, not too worried about it.

b) the lighting of your tank is going to seriously interfere with the viewability of the tv, especially if it is an LCD and not plasma.
I'm hoping the canopy will send the light down, I'll let you know if this hope becomes reality, and it is a plasma.

c) the sound of your set up will interfere with watching TV and movies as well.
The sump is up and running , with a few adjustments to the overflow, its surprisingly quiet.

i make sure to keep entertainment systems as far away as possible from SW tanks.
So far I'm not having any issues. The only X factor not applied yet would be the MH lighting, and I'm an optomist.

Edit: I only had pleasant things to say in your tank diary. lol


Active Member
sorry man i am trying to provide you with things that could go wrong and be costly - as you saw in mine i am not having a good week with that damn fish.


I appreciate your looking out, and I'm sorry to hear about this ich breakout of yours. I did the research before mounting the tv, and its about 3-4' above the water level. With the canopy on there, the only thing I could see getting to the TV is humidity. I live in AZ where there isn't any natural humitity here, and I think of it as living somewhere like florida in reference to what the TV is experiencing. If it craps out, I'll be the first to admit I made a mistake.


Active Member
cool. i hope it works out for you.
i have a 46" and when my tank was behind it and even way off to the side, i would catch a lot glare, and my tank is pretty quiet but the pumps / etc still humm. i am a bit of a movie snob and dont want anything messing with my flicks. probably perfect for normal TV viewing tho. good luck


I got all the live rock in and aquascaped it. It looks good. I'll take some photos when I get home. Still need maybe 3 or 4 big pieces to fill out the top.


Here are a couple pictures of the rock. I need to get 3 or 4 big hunks from the LFS to fill out the top, overall I was please with the rock from
Doesn't look that special because the metal halides aren't on the tank yet, so this is just a camera flash.

P.S. does anyone know where I can get some cheato in AZ? :help:


Pets Inc on Mill and Southern usually has Cheato, they grow it in their fuge and usually have plenty of it. They get 10 bucks a portion and the portion is pretty fair size. Lots of good stuff in their Cheato too. I've got baby brittle stars and pods and what have you growing in mine, I don't have enough to start trimming yet thou, really don't have the right set up for growing it. Just kinda sits in my fuge for now.


Originally Posted by larryndana
what kind of rock is that?
i skimmed the thread, sorry if i missed what kind.
Fiji live rock from It actually has a good amount of purple and green coraline on it, but my camera kills it without any fish tank lighting on it. I'll take more pics once I put the canopy on with the halides.
(just have to bolt the lights to the canopy and install the fans)


Originally Posted by Gustavo
Pets Inc on Mill and Southern usually has Cheato, they grow it in their fuge and usually have plenty of it. They get 10 bucks a portion and the portion is pretty fair size. Lots of good stuff in their Cheato too. I've got baby brittle stars and pods and what have you growing in mine, I don't have enough to start trimming yet thou, really don't have the right set up for growing it. Just kinda sits in my fuge for now.
Thanks a bunch!


Active Member
Originally Posted by azaintcold
Fiji live rock from It actually has a good amount of purple and green coraline on it, but my camera kills it without any fish tank lighting on it. I'll take more pics once I put the canopy on with the halides.
(just have to bolt the lights to the canopy and install the fans)


I just ordered 2 koralia #3 powerheads to give me some great flow. Should be here in a week. Pretty pumped. Also bought most of the stuff for the QT tank. Just need to buy or build a decent looking stand and some basic filtration .


Tank looks good! Can't wait to see with something swimming in it :)