AZAINTCOLD's tank diary


Active Member
Wow, no chiller? Maybe I'll get just as lucky. But, right now with just those little lights I have it gets to 81-82 by the end of the day.
I have no fan blowing on it though, so maybe when we get the canopy built we can install some fans to help. I have my AC set at 78.
So did you see the question about the 175W, do they run cooler?
:cheer: 3 pages!!!!


As far as the chiller , I guess we have to take into consideration that our AC is always on. My house is always 76. Never took that into consideration.
I didn't catch the question about the 175W, but to be honest I don't know. This is my first time with salt water tank so I am right there with you. I would still go with the 250's to penetrate the depth, they couldn't run too much cooler.
The fans made a HUGE difference. Without them I could just watch the temp climb on my digital thermometer that has the temp down to the tenth.
Once I flipped them on it was the opposite.


Active Member
Thanks, I think I'll get one of those clip on fans and put it on my tank now, just to see what it will do.
I think I have the same digital temp thermometer you do.


Auto top off complete.

And to answer your question fishgal, here are my lights on the 30º angle to avoid my one center brace.

Top off works great! Best investment yet. You can see the float valve on the freshwater storage. I am going to use that to connect a 25 foot piece of 1/4" tubing to it once a week to top off the fresh water from the RO /DI, that way I don't forget about it like I always do without the handy float valve.

P.S. I'm going to build a cabinet around the top off set up since its in plain view. make it look like an end table.


Active Member
Looks good. Good idea on your 30 degree angle for your MH.
I'm a little confused on the last picture though. I believe you are showing your moonlights. Was this before you put the other MHs on? Because in that last picture I only see one MH. Or do you not have MHs in the middle (because of that one MH at an angle)? :notsure:


Originally Posted by azfishgal
Looks good. Good idea on your 30 degree angle for your MH.
I'm a little confused on the last picture though. I believe you are showing your moonlights. Was this before you put the other MHs on? Because in that last picture I only see one MH. Or do you not have MHs in the middle (because of that one MH at an angle)? :notsure:

Correct. no MH in the middle because the brace is about 5 or 6 inches wide on the tank. The light on the 30º is just out of view in the pic to the left of the open gap.


Active Member
hey i like the auto top off!
can we seem some plans for it?
are you going to use it as a kalk drip / top off ?


Originally Posted by saltn00b
hey i like the auto top off!
can we seem some plans for it?
are you going to use it as a kalk drip / top off ?

As far as plans go , your basically looking at it. The float is a 2 float set up that controls an electrical outlet. It was a pre fabbed harness. The first float controls the water level. The second is a fail safe incase the other gets stuck so I don't flood. Shoot me an e mail mikeburkeaz at
The small bent pvc next to the floats is the inlet from the freshwater top off.
As far as kalk goes, It would work since the pump has an adjustable flow rate of 0-300 gph so I will use it if necessary. I will simply put the pump on an eggrcrate stand about 6 inches about the bottom of the bucket so it doesn't suck up all of the kalk solids.


Alright. Main tanks nearly cycled/may be cycled. Qt has a lot to go with the trites.
The DT is up in the air. The trites might be 0, they also might be 0.05. I can't tell. I'll wait a few days to be sure, then in comes the clean up crew.


Found a pretty big colony of small feather dusters. Also found a few pink zoa polyps. (hitchhikers) Added some copepods today in hopes they will propogate while it is a fishless system.


Are you having any heat issues? My tank is running 80.9-79.9 with my lights on and the AC running.


This weekend I just had 2 seperate 20 amp breakers installed with 8 gfci outlets dedicated to the tank. The guy did great work! good price too. Once I added the light timer for some reason the MH liked to pop the ol' breaker. Not anymore!

I'm going to do my water change tomorrow and add the clean up crew.


Active Member
Originally Posted by azaintcold
Going on a long weekend so holding off on livestock till tuesday++. Finally found some cheato. on its way.
Where are you getting your cheato? My refuge is getting pretty full and I need to harvest some.


Originally Posted by azfishgal
Where are you getting your cheato? My refuge is getting pretty full and I need to harvest some.

thanks for the thoughts. I ordered it off line. Pretty cheap, would've cost the same in gas to go collect some of yours .

My tank is going to be primarily zoos and sps so once we both get our tanks flourishing we should trade frags.