Azfishgal New Tank Diary!

coral keeper

Active Member
Hey AZ, i think you should get a electric flame scallop, and i know they have a poor survival rate but i think you should try 1. I really want to get my self one.


Active Member
I'm not sure what your goal is with those star polyps on the tonga rock, but if you want them to cover that rock completly you should frag it and place the frag low on the rock. My experience with those things is that they grow at least twice as fast up as they do out and down... Just a thought.


Active Member
Thanks everyone.
I'm happy with how it turned out.
Delta, yes I am trying to get the GSP to grow on the branch rock. I've been surprised that it hasn't taken off. I'll try that idea of fragging it and putting some on the bottom. I do seem to notice more growth since I've had my MHs though. I'm assuming I just take a razor blade and try and lift the matt off the rock? Then do I just glue the frag right onto the rock?


Active Member
Originally Posted by reef noob
i love your anthias
Thanks, I love them too and can't wait to put them in the DT. One week, two days and counting.


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
Thanks everyone.
I'm happy with how it turned out.
Delta, yes I am trying to get the GSP to grow on the branch rock. I've been surprised that it hasn't taken off. I'll try that idea of fragging it and putting some on the bottom. I do seem to notice more growth since I've had my MHs though. I'm assuming I just take a razor blade and try and lift the matt off the rock? Then do I just glue the frag right onto the rock?

Yes that should work just fine if you are able to get at least a dime sized mat. If there is some sort of crevase on the rock you could also just wedge a piece in it so you wouldnt have to take the rock out and glue. Another good method is just chipping off a small piece of the rock/coral and then you could glue or wedge that near the bottom of the rock you want it to spread onto. Remember when you frag this stuff its best to do it in the middle of the colony... It seems to fill back in better than it spreads out. Good luck.


Active Member
Thanks m0nk!!
I finally have my anemone. It's a Green Bubble Tip. However, it has decided to move out of the perfect place I had for him.
Now I'm not sure the little guy can come out.
I thought they liked bright light, now he's in a cave.

If you look close you can see his foot in the hole of the rock, just to the left of his tentacles.


Active Member
Maybe it's because I didn't put him in direct light. But he wasn't under MHs at the lfs so I didn't want to shock him. My MHs are going off in about an hour, so I hope he does ok and finds a good spot. Knowing my luck he'll go in the back so I can't see him.


Active Member
He will be fine, just getting use to your tank. My anenome stayed on the rock we put him on when we got him for a yr. He was under T5 and MH. When he outgrew the tank, we put him in the DT at my hubbys store under PC (temperary till the reef is finished.) He stayed put for a day and moved to the back of the tank for 2 days. I guess he finally decided he needed light, so he moved back into the front, but not near the lights. So who knows why they do what they do
I would have thought he would want to be at the top of the tank where the best lighting is since he was use to much stronger lights.


Active Member
Well, I turned off my MHs and had to leave for a few hours. I only had my small T5s (NO) on. When I returned he was back out where I had put him. I'm wondering if he thought "where did the sun go" and went searching for it.
Regardless he's looking good and now all lights are off for the night, so we'll see where he ends up in the morning.
WOW!!! Look at 20!!!!


Originally Posted by azfishgal
Thanks everyone.
I'm happy with how it turned out.
Delta, yes I am trying to get the GSP to grow on the branch rock. I've been surprised that it hasn't taken off. I'll try that idea of fragging it and putting some on the bottom. I do seem to notice more growth since I've had my MHs though. I'm assuming I just take a razor blade and try and lift the matt off the rock? Then do I just glue the frag right onto the rock?

If you had gone to ATR's Frag Class last week, you'd know how to frag GSP!

Your tank and its inhabitants look great! You know what would make it look even better? Some ricordeas!


Active Member
Originally Posted by AZReefGirl

If you had gone to ATR's Frag Class last week, you'd know how to frag GSP!

Your tank and its inhabitants look great! You know what would make it look even better? Some ricordeas!

Great to see you on the boards again!
Let me know when I can meet you and I'll pick those rics up.


I wish you luck, hopefully your clowns will host the anenome! Is it big enough for two clowns or is it a time share anenome?
Clown fish Number 1,"Just one more minute i'm all most done!"
Clown fish number 2,"You said that ten minutes ago it's my turn in the anenome!"


Active Member
Originally Posted by David24
I wish you luck, hopefully your clowns will host the anenome! Is it big enough for two clowns or is it a time share anenome?
Clown fish Number 1,"Just one more minute i'm all most done!"
Clown fish number 2,"You said that ten minutes ago it's my turn in the anenome!"

Both my clowns are still small, so it should be large enough for both of them.


Active Member
My anemone has doubled in size since yesterday, so yes, I'd say he's now big enough for both my clowns. He seems to like being vertical.
