Azfishgal New Tank Diary!


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
I'm going to a "FRAG" mtg tomorrow and buying some frags from local reefers. I'm getting a pink birds nest, green zoos (20 polyps) and 10 polyp of Tub's Blue Zoos. Then one reefer is giving me a ric for free.
Also, Tuesday is the day my three Anthias go in the DT and I will then purchase my Sailfin Tang.

I'll post pics of my new corals tomorrow evening and then another picture when my Anthias are in the DT.

Make sure you post pictures...sounds like fun!


very cool anemone. oh, and did you notice that your theard has more pages that the whole photography fourm.
ps, lets see some pics of everything (frags,new fish etc.)


Active Member

Originally Posted by Nemo_66
very cool anemone. oh, and did you notice that your theard has more pages that the whole photography fourm.
ps, lets see some pics of everything (frags,new fish etc.)

OK, OK, here are the pics. Not the best, but here you go!
This was supposed to be green zoos, but I notice I have some red ones in there too.

The reason I went to the FRAG mtg. My Tub's Blue Zoos!

This was a gift from AZreefgal. THANKS!!!
(He's not open all the way yet, I don't think.)

And last but not least, my FIRST SPS!!!!!
Pink Bird's Nest (To small to look pink, but I'm hopeful it will grow good where I have it, lots of flow and great lighting.)


Active Member
Originally Posted by brandon7491
looking good az looking real good now its time to get more sps. also btw do u have a ca reactor?
No, but I may look into getting one. I'm having to dump a LOT of calcium in my tank every day just to keep it at 400, but I want to get it up to at least 420, especially now that I have an SPS. Speaking of I need to order some more Turbo Calcium before I run out.


Active Member
Looks like you made out pretty good at the frag swap AZ... I wish we had something like that around here. The only good stuff I can find is through local reefers anyway - the LFS's dont even have frag tanks, they consider any tank without a standard strip light a coral tank.

I really like the blue zoas, but havent been able to find around here. What is that fleshy looking thing under the blue frag?
So I see you stepped into the dark side with SPS... Now its time to break the news to your husband why you need a calcuim reactor.
Lookin good!


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeltaBlack22
What is that fleshy looking thing under the blue frag?
You know, I don't know.
I really didn't notice it until after I glued the frag to the rock.
Now I'm wondering if it's a cool coral that came on my live rock and it's just now making an appearance. It's hard, not soft, so if anyone can give me an idea of what it is I'd be grateful. I'm thinking I will need to move that frag though if it is something cool so it can grow out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
No, but I may look into getting one. I'm having to dump a LOT of calcium in my tank every day just to keep it at 400, but I want to get it up to at least 420, especially now that I have an SPS. Speaking of I need to order some more Turbo Calcium before I run out.

Coming along great!
by alot of calcium how much are you dosing daily in say cc or ml? Is turbo calcium calcium chloride or some other form of calcium? Have you ever tested for magnesium? I'm asking because I have my fair share of stony corals and clam (with one more on the way) I only dose 30ml of calcium chloride about twice a week to maintain 400ppm. On the other hand I dose 60ml of carbonate and bicarbonate (kents pro buffer dKH) just to maintain a still low dKH of 7. I've bumped up to 90ml starting to day. I would go higher on calcium level but supposedly that will just make raising dKH even harder. You get scared when you run out of calcium, I get scared when the buffer gets low. what salt do you use to? My water change schedule ends up about like yours except I dont have a schedule (just do it when I feel like it which is usually between a 1-2wks). I do 15 gallons (my tank has 25g less of water though).


Active Member
Stan, I use 3/4 tsp twice a day on the Turbo Calcium, which is calcium chloride. I just tested my water and my Calcium is at 400, ph at 8.1 and Alk at 2.8 (dKH 8.0). I will dose again tonight for the superbuffer as I know it's a little low on pH and alk. Do you think the pH and alk being a little low is causing the need for more calcium?
The salt I use is Reef Crystals and speaking of salt, it's time to order another 5 gallon bucket.


Have you ever thought of useing Oceanic. I add nothing to my tank and I maintain 450 on my Calcium. I have three sps corals and a clam that all love cal. I only do 15% water changes every two weeks. My LFS runs reef crystal and says that he is going to switch to Oceanic because of the high Calcium.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Katz
Have you ever thought of useing Oceanic. I add nothing to my tank and I maintain 450 on my Calcium. I have three sps corals and a clam that all love cal. I only do 15% water changes every two weeks. My LFS runs reef crystal and says that he is going to switch to Oceanic because of the high Calcium.
Actually, I'm Azfishgal, not Azreefgal. I think I've reminded you of this before, or was that someone else.

Anyway, I might switch to Oceanic salt if I know it will keep my calcium up. I'm going to test for magnesium first though, as I think that can effect it.


Active Member
My three Lyretail Anthias are loving the larger tank!

My two females.

Here is a better picture of one of my newest zoos.


Active Member
Awesome looking zoa's... I finally scored a huge piece of LR for my tank with those colors on it too...Incredible looking tank... I love it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Awesome looking zoa's... I finally scored a huge piece of LR for my tank with those colors on it too...Incredible looking tank... I love it.

Are you talking about the rock that my zoos are sitting on? That actually started out as base rock with NO COLOR at all. My live rock did a great job seeding it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
Are you talking about the rock that my zoos are sitting on? That actually started out as base rock with NO COLOR at all. My live rock did a great job seeding it.

Yea the last picture on your thread, looks great.


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
Stan, I use 3/4 tsp twice a day on the Turbo Calcium, which is calcium chloride. I just tested my water and my Calcium is at 400, ph at 8.1 and Alk at 2.8 (dKH 8.0). I will dose again tonight for the superbuffer as I know it's a little low on pH and alk. Do you think the pH and alk being a little low is causing the need for more calcium?
The salt I use is Reef Crystals and speaking of salt, it's time to order another 5 gallon bucket.

Enjoying the anthias are you

low pH and alk only make it easier to maintain calcium. I dont think either is low for a reef tank. I guess you should just do what your doing. I did get my dKH up to a solid 8 after months of 6-7 by dosing 90ml of probuffer dKH daily for several days and sure enough just as its suppose to go calcium had dropped to 380ppm. pH was 8.2 this afternoon. My mag was 1320 a week ago. from what I understand it drops very slowly and water changes alone should maintain it. I dont feel like testing for that anytime soon. I do use seachems reef complete which is calcium cloride with a proportionate to depletion of calcium amount of mag and strontium (and its the only reason I use it vs the cheapest cal chloride I can find). my last two buckets of salt has been seachem reef salt. I like the numbers (cal 440ppm @ 1.025) but still dont like the salt.
I got some new additions myself but I'm too lazy to take pics. blue and gold deresa clam, superman monti, red and blue blasto wells and a 3-4" zoa rock. Bye going to dose calcium now lol. tank looks great. the lighting and one of those pics reminds me of murph145's tank (minus the tons of gorgious SPS