Azfishgal New Tank Diary!

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
I have this picture on page 18, but I'll post it again. It's worth posting twice.

The Goby will get tired of her at times and turn around and nip at her, but she doesn't seem to care.

Did the sleeper goby invite the hippo to his house? lol, They both look funny together!
Keep up the good work!
If you don't mind me asking, how much did you spend so far on your tank? Salt, skimmer, stand, lights, ect.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Did the sleeper goby invite the hippo to his house? lol, They both look funny together!
Keep up the good work!
If you don't mind me asking, how much did you spend so far on your tank? Salt, skimmer, stand, lights, ect.
I'd rather not scary to think about it. But, I believe it's over $4,000.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
I'd rather not scary to think about it. But, I believe it's over $4,000.

WOW! Not bad! But its worth ever penny! Right?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
WOW! Not bad! But its worth ever penny! Right?
Of course, just don't tell my hubby how much.
(Oops, he has the link to this site...Hi honey!!!

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
Of course, just don't tell my hubby how much.
(Oops, he has the link to this site...Hi honey!!!

Keep up the good work!!


wish I went to that frag swap. Saturday was a mess for me though getting things ready for vacation. Looks like you got yourself some good items there, cool tang btw.


Active Member
I like the new tang, it should add some serious life to the tank...
Did you ever frag that GSP and put it low on the rock yet?
Oh, I was also looking back at some older pics you have and saw that xenia sitting there on the right side of your rockwork. Unless you want that stuff spreading all over your rockwork you may want to isolate it to a rock in the sandbed. I started out with two tiny 1 inch stalks about 4-5 months ago and I now have about 15 stalks with the taller ones being 8-9 inches long. They grow like wildfire. Just a thought.


Active Member
Delta, I just took the GSP rock and put it in the sand, right up agains the branch rock. So hopefully it will just start to grow up the branch rock.
As far as the Xenia if it's the one I think you are talking about, it's at the top of a rock pile, and from what I have been told, it grows slower if it's at the highest point. Loves to crawl up rock, but takes longer to grow down. Don't really know if that's true but we'll find out. I have another Xenia in the sand on the far left of my tank and it's actually starting to lay down on the sand and it's growing toward a rock, but hasn't touch it yet. That one I'm taking to the lfs to get store credit. I figure the Xenia that's actually attached to my live rock will be ok, as long as I keep an eye on it. And I will say the one that's in my sand is growing a lot faster than the one that's at the top of my rock.


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
Delta, I just took the GSP rock and put it in the sand, right up agains the branch rock. So hopefully it will just start to grow up the branch rock.
As far as the Xenia if it's the one I think you are talking about, it's at the top of a rock pile, and from what I have been told, it grows slower if it's at the highest point. Loves to crawl up rock, but takes longer to grow down. Don't really know if that's true but we'll find out. I have another Xenia in the sand on the far left of my tank and it's actually starting to lay down on the sand and it's growing toward a rock, but hasn't touch it yet. That one I'm taking to the lfs to get store credit. I figure the Xenia that's actually attached to my live rock will be ok, as long as I keep an eye on it. And I will say the one that's in my sand is growing a lot faster than the one that's at the top of my rock.
Yeah you are exactly right about the xenia. It spreads up very quickly (just like you should notice your GSP doing very soon
) Mine that is like the one you have in rockwork started out high but like you said hasnt really spread down, but instead out. It has evan spanned a 2" gap and started growing up a filter intake.


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
I think Dory is sick, maybe has HLLE. Not sure. Here is the link to the thread I started under the Disease forum:
No one has answered me yet so maybe one of you can help. I'm just sick to death about this. She was fine early today and then boom, white plotches (not ick) appeared on one side.

I looked at the pictures and couldnt think of anything... But arent tangs the ones that when spooked will jam theirselves between the LR? My LR is pretty sharp in spots and scrapes up my hands sometimes.... I'm probably way off base here but it was the only thing I could think of.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeltaBlack22
I looked at the pictures and couldnt think of anything... But arent tangs the ones that when spooked will jam theirselves between the LR? My LR is pretty sharp in spots and scrapes up my hands sometimes.... I'm probably way off base here but it was the only thing I could think of.

I don't think all tangs do that, but I know hippo tangs will when they're spooked.
Tank is looking good AZ


Active Member
Dory is doing much better today.
The white was gone when I woke up and she had some dark blue spots where the white was. Now at 4pm you can hardly see the darker spots now, she's looking like herself again. I'm thinking she got to close to something and got stung.

coral keeper

Active Member
Maybe the hippo got spooked and jamed itself between the LR and maybe got stung my a pest anemone?
Well, thats good that the hippo got its color back and is doing much better. Keep up the good work!


Hey everybody--I got the privilege of seeing this tank in person yesterday!
As beautiful as it looks in these pictures, it's even more beautiful in person!
Azfishgal has done a great job of setting up the tank and chosing livestock, and Mr. Azfishgal did a fabulous job on building the stand and canopy. He should go into business building those things. I'd be the first to place my order!


Active Member
Your tank keeps getting better and better.
Are your clowns hosting your anemone yet?
(Post number 1,000!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kevin34
Your tank keeps getting better and better.
Are your clowns hosting your anemone yet?
Thanks Kevin, and no, the clowns have not even looked at the BTA. I'm about ready to take the thing out though. He won't stop moving and he came REALLY close to my birdsnest and then my blue zoos. That's what I get for making an impulse buy.
If I were to do it all over again, he'd still be at the lfs.
My husband likes him though, so I'll give him a few more days to settle down.


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
They are under the MHs right on top of the tank. They are only two double strip lights and when the MHs are on you don't even know they are up there, no shadow or anything. I chalk it up to being because the reflectors are so good.
I don't have them on when the MHs are on.

Wow what a light set up you got there! LOL What is that 4 different light fictures? I would hate to replace all those!LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
Wow what a light set up you got there! LOL What is that 4 different light fictures? I would hate to replace all those!LOL

Well, the strip lights are no longer there. I still had those going when I was acclimating my tank to the new lights. Once my MHs were on for 8 hours I then removed the strip lights. Soon I'll have a moon light between the MHs and one on each end. But for right now it's just the two MHs, very easy to replace.