Azfishgal New Tank Diary!


Active Member
Hey Az, I was wondering if your anthias have bothered your shrimp at all or any of your inverts. On this site it says that they should be monitored with shrimp. Also how is the saifin doing in QT?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kevin34
Hey Az, I was wondering if your anthias have bothered your shrimp at all or any of your inverts?
Not Az but Lyretails dont bother cleaner shrimp. In fact they spend more time getting cleaned than any other fish I have. Scott Michaels reef fish book also suggest that you make sure to add cleaner shrimp with them so you can watch them come in to get cleaned frequently (and thats just what they do). I have heard of people saying they've seen anthias eat cleaner shrimp but that is FAR and inbetween people who keep them together. Perhaps an 8" squarespot with a tude problem might.


@ azfishgal - See what you did now I went out and bought a 125 Gallon
It is going to be FOWLR and it is not Reef ready but it is a 125


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kevin34
Hey Az, I was wondering if your anthias have bothered your shrimp at all or any of your inverts. On this site it says that they should be monitored with shrimp. Also how is the saifin doing in QT?
My Lyretails do not harm the shrimp or shown any aggression to them. The male likes to get cleaned by them, but I have yet to see the females do it. I have pretty large shrimp though, about 2.5" and I think that might help.
My Sailfin is doing great. He will eat just about anything I put in the tank, but seems to shy away from the algea sheets.
I think he's starting to warm up to it though. He'll eat it if it's free floating, but it's taken him some time to pick at it when it's attached to my magnet.
On the other end, my Hippo Tang will start picking at the clip with the algea sheet before my hand leaves the water. She's always hungry.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaGuy
@ azfishgal - See what you did now I went out and bought a 125 Gallon
It is going to be FOWLR and it is not Reef ready but it is a 125

OK, now it's my goal to convert you to a reef tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by azaintcold
Judging by the pic of the inside of your canopy, that may be big enough to house a small child.

My eight year old would fit.
Having that much space though keeps the heat down. My lights are on for eight hours and the tank doesn't show any signs of heating up until after 7 hours. I just turn on a second fan and within 5 minutes the tank starts to drop again. I have yet to see it get over 83, except when I forgot to turn on the fan. It went up 3 degrees in one hour. Yikes!
The tank usually stays around 80.5.


Originally Posted by azfishgal
I have yet to see it get over 83, except when I forgot to turn on the fan. It went up 3 degrees in one hour. Yikes!
The tank usually stays around 80.5.

Mine stays right at 80.3, same neighborhood.
I would definately invest in the 9 dollar timers from Lowes. I have two, one for daylight lighting and one for nightime/fuge lighting. The fans stay on 24 hours, but have temp sensors on them so they run much slower during the nightime. Timers make life easy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by azaintcold
Mine stays right at 80.3, same neighborhood.
I would definately invest in the 9 dollar timers from Lowes. I have two, one for daylight lighting and one for nightime/fuge lighting. The fans stay on 24 hours, but have temp sensors on them so they run much slower during the nightime. Timers make life easy.

I put a timer on my fan this morning, and it came on just before my lights came on. We'll see if it goes off soon after my lights. I don't run it all night long for two reasons. For one it causes to much evap (I'm at least 2 gallons a day as it is), and two the tank temp actually drops to low IMO. I do have heaters in my tank, but no sense in having them come on when they are not needed.
wow! I clicked on this thread not realizing there were 21 pages... and 21 pages later here I am! That was amazing! Your tank is stunning and quite inspiring. Wonderful job... I will be watching for updates now! Haha. Love it!


Active Member
AZ your tank is really coming along great and turining into a great work of art. I love your fish selection and when Im older may go with the same. Glad to see that everything is going well. Keep up the great work.


Active Member
WOW Tank looks awesome
.. I check in all the time to see what you add to it... Very nice.
If you can hold out for a while with the BTA it would be a very cool addition. Typically they will move around for a while until it finds a good location of light and flow, bta's dont like a real high intensity light. But when it finds that "spot" it should want to stay there for a very long time.. even years.. the downside may be close to a coral, and you will want to relocate the coral instead of the anenome, seeing as though it took a while for it to find its happy place.


Active Member
AZ, are you still putting each new fish through hypo while in QT before adding them to the DT? If you are hows that going for ya? Is it a hassel? Effective?


Active Member
Originally Posted by JustKeepSwimin
wow! I clicked on this thread not realizing there were 21 pages... and 21 pages later here I am! That was amazing! Your tank is stunning and quite inspiring. Wonderful job... I will be watching for updates now! Haha. Love it!
I'm honored you took the time to go through it all.


Active Member
PerfectDark, I think the BTA has finally settled down. He's been in the same spot for almost a week now and hasn't moved. But he's fairly close to my Kenya Tree, and when he's fully open he is touching it. He's also in the back of my tank, so you don't see him unless he's fully open and you can see the top, or by looking through the side.
My Kenya Tree is attached to my rock, so I'll have to pull him off and then try and mount him on a new rock, so not sure how he'll like that.
Kevin, I did put my Hippo Tang in Hypo/QT but my Sailfin I'm only doing a 3 week QT, unless I see signs of illness. I should probably do Hypo, but it is a hassle, lowering the salinity and then needing to raise it. You go through a LOT of water. Hopefully I won't regret not be extra extra careful on my other fish.
After my Sailfin my Yellow Tang will be the last fish to go in.
As of right now, everything is look great. My Red Slime has about all disappeared, my SPS (birdsnest) has 5 new branch buds (not sure what you really call them), and my zoos are taking off, I'm assuming because of the new lights.