Azfishgal New Tank Diary!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Stanlalee
the lighting and one of those pics reminds me of murph145's tank (minus the tons of gorgious SPS
It's my goal to catch him.
If I can get my birdsnest to grow he's going to send me a SPS beginner pack!!!
I would love to say, "my tank is a large "frag" of Murphs tank."


Active Member
Originally Posted by kingfish8302
Nice super green bta you have now. I see he is getting his color back. Also nice fags you got there!

Thanks, I just wish my BTA would get his foot out of the cave and crawl up to that rock he always stretches to. If I knew I wouldn't hurt him I'd pull him off and place him on that rock myself (wish I would have placed him on that rock to begin with.
). But I know that would hurt him, so I may have to just wait for the next time he crawls off that rock and take it out, then it would be easier to pick him up. I just fed him a piece of krill and he ate it right up.

BTW, I now have my new Sailfin in QT.

fish addict

Is the really orange anthias the one you got online? Or is the pinker one the one you got here? I really like the orange one but they are all beautiful! As is the rest of your tank!


Active Member
Originally Posted by fish addict
Is the really orange anthias the one you got online? Or is the pinker one the one you got here? I really like the orange one but they are all beautiful! As is the rest of your tank!
The more orange, and nicer IMO, is from here. Sadly the other female and male I ordered were DOA when they arrived.
So the new female (more pink) and male is from a lfs.
Here are pics of my new Sailfin. (It's hard getting good picks from my QT.)

Even though it shows I need to clean my glass, I think it's a pretty cute picture.


wow, very nice. shaping up nicely. looks like taking it slow really does pay off. right now im just letting my corals grow. its so cool looking back at some of the old pics i took and seeing the difference. same goes with this thread.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
Page 21 and over 1,000 posts!!!!!

Congrats!!! Your tank looks beautiful! I love the anthias! Cant wait till the sailfin tang gos in the DT!!!! Is the sailfin tang your last fish, or are you going to add a few more fish? and your sailfisn tang also looks beautiful!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nemo_66
wow, very nice. shaping up nicely. looks like taking it slow really does pay off. right now im just letting my corals grow. its so cool looking back at some of the old pics i took and seeing the difference. same goes with this thread.
Sometimes I think "this is taking forever" and being patient has not been easy. BUT in looking at my pictures earlier in the year, the tank has definitley come a long ways.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Congrats!!! Your tank looks beautiful! I love the anthias! Cant wait till the sailfin tang gos in the DT!!!! Is the sailfin tang your last fish, or are you going to add a few more fish? and your sailfisn tang also looks beautiful!!
After I add the Sailfin I will get my Yellow Tang, and he will be my last fish. Whew!! Only took 7 months to stalk my tank!

coral keeper

Active Member
Hey azfishgal, whats your stock list so far? Fish, inverts, corals, ect. Did you get the sailfin tang from this site? How big is your sailfin tang, and how big is your hippo tang?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Hey azfishgal, whats your stock list so far? Fish, inverts, corals, ect. Did you get the sailfin tang from this site? How big is your sailfin tang, and how big is your hippo tang?
OK, let's see if I can remember:
2 False Perc Clowns
2 Bangaii Gardinals
1 Royal Gramma
1 Sleeper Goby
1 Hippo Tang (3")
3 Anthias (one male, two females)
1 Sailfin (in QT, 2 1/2")
1 Yellow Tang (coming after the Sailfin) - This will be my last fish.
Inverts and other:
2 Cleaner Shrimp
4 Emerald Crabs
Lots of Cerith and Nassarius Snails
1 Brittle Star
Several Hermits (down in the sump/refuge)
2 Feather Dusters
Kenya Tree
Open Brain
I think that's it.........

coral keeper

Active Member
Ok, thanks AZ! Hows your hippo tang and your sleeper goby doing? Did they brake up? Did they move up to the next step? Do you let them go out on dates at night? LOL. How are your other fish, and inverts, and corals doing?


Active Member
All fish are doing very well, have great color and all seem to get along. The two female Anthias go at it from time to time. Dori still has a crush on the Sleeper Goby.

coral keeper

Active Member
Hey azfishgal, can you post a few pics of your hippo tang and your sleeper goby together? Thats funny that the hippo has a crush on the sleeper goby LOL.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Hey azfishgal, can you post a few pics of your hippo tang and your sleeper goby together? Thats funny that the hippo has a crush on the sleeper goby LOL.

I have this picture on page 18, but I'll post it again. It's worth posting twice.

The Goby will get tired of her at times and turn around and nip at her, but she doesn't seem to care.