Azfishgal New Tank Diary!


Active Member
Here is a picture of all three of my Lyretail Anthias. The female I received from SWF (and survived the shipping) seems to be much brighter than the female I bought today. This could because the one I bought at the store is still a bit stressed. She is more colorful than she was at the lfs, but I can definately tell the difference between the two females. I put the male in first (after acclimating him) and the old female seemed to like him. She came right out of her cave, they swam around each other and all seemed well. About two hours later the new female was added and that was the end of a peaceful situation. The old female was attacking the new female.
I didn't do anything to see if they would settle down and they did. It was pretty funny because when the females were fighting the male darted into the cave and stayed there.
Soon after things settled down the new female attacked the old female and it looked like they even got a hold of each other's lips and wouldn't let go. I quickly tapped on the glass out of fear they would hurt each other and they let go. It's now been about two hours since the new female was added and all seems to be calm. The male is also out and about and they are swimming around with each other. I'm kinda hoping my new female becomes as bright as my other female. I'm kind of wondering if she was starting to change over to being male, though she does not have the spots on the fins and her tail fin and belly are yellowish. She's just more pink than orange. My male is larger than both females, so I'm hoping if the one female was starting to change that she'll change back. Is that even possible?
Or do females vary in color?
OK, enough talk, here is the best picture I could get of all three of them.


Active Member
I have seen females in varies colors of orange. And yours might still be aclaimating. I would turn out the lights and let them settle in. And once they change to male, they do not change back. I have only one, and he is a him. His mate died afew days after i got her, she just wouldn't eat
Good luck with them, they are gorgous fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer32
I would turn out the lights and let them settle in.

You know....I just bought some new freshwater fish the other day, and they were fighting with my old fish. So guess what I did....I turned off the light to allow them to settle. They are all doing fine now. Funny I couldn't use that logic with my saltwater fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Hey azfishgal, do you have chaeto algae?
Yes, I have cheato in my sump. (We have already talked about this in your other thread, did we not?)

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
Yes, I have cheato in my sump. (We have already talked about this in your other thread, did we not?)
Oh yeah, i must of forgot. Sorry.


Active Member
Thanks Delta and Khaari. I just hope they survive the cramped QT for three weeks. I was hoping to have a 20L tank by now, but I'm just not able to do it yet. I'm going to have to do more water changes to make sure my water doesn't go south, since I have three fish instead of the normal one fish in this small tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
Niger, thanks for the comps. Glad to hear you are getting your tank started and to be honest I would rather have a 180, deeper and easier to do rock work configurations. Have you posted any recent pics? I tried searching but couldn't find anything. Would love to see how it's going.

Have I posted any pics??? Not really sure...I'll look into it..


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
She copied me too on your thread.

Sometimes you just cant improve upon a good thing I suppose...
Hey AZ, I'm looking into getting some hydor koralia pump(s) for my frag tank and display. I've heard mixed reviews on them and if I remember correctly you have some in your tank dont you??? What do you think about them and what model would you think would be good for the 20L Frag and 28 Bowfront respectively? My gut tells me go with the #1 but I've heard the output isnt quite as strong as the numbers would lead you to believe.


Active Member
I love my Koralias! I have two #3s in my 125 but for your tanks I would go with a #2 or #1. I use a #2 to mix my salt in a 18 gallon tub and it does great. It just depends how much flow you want. If it were me I would go with the #2, I've never used the #1 so can't say for sure what kind of flow it has. The difference with these powerheads is you have water moving around in a larger area as opposed to just a stream of water. So even though it may not be as strong as other powerheads, you have a larger area of movement (does that even make sense?).


Active Member
I think I might just buy a #1 for now just to try it out. I would buy a #2 but it irritates me that the 2 & 3 are the exact same size - kinda makes you want to take the step up even though it would probably be too much flow. I wonder if a #3 deflected from mid rear of the tank right into the bowed front glass would work well?


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeltaBlack22
I think I might just buy a #1 for now just to try it out. I would buy a #2 but it irritates me that the 2 & 3 are the exact same size - kinda makes you want to take the step up even though it would probably be too much flow. I wonder if a #3 deflected from mid rear of the tank right into the bowed front glass would work well?
The #3 will be way to strong for that small of a tank. It took me some time to get my #3s just right so it didn't overpower my soft corals. I'm now out of Medium to low flow areas in my tank, so the only other things I can put is SPS. I'm sure the #1 will work fine for you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
The #3 will be way to strong for that small of a tank. It took me some time to get my #3s just right so it didn't overpower my soft corals. I'm now out of Medium to low flow areas in my tank, so the only other things I can put is SPS. I'm sure the #1 will work fine for you.
I'll give the #1 a shot then I suppose... I do like the fact that it is a little smaller than the others anyway. I found it pretty cheap too - I think it was $27 from a large online retailer. Most vendors seem to be selling them at around $35. I just dont want to get it and find that its just not enough for the tank...


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
DeltaBlack, let me know how it goes.

Will do... I'll post it up on the frag tank page when I get them. I think I made up my mind... A #1 for the frag tank and a #2 for the display tank.