Azfishgal New Tank Diary!


Active Member
Its been awhile since I popped into this thread, but your tank is awesome. I love the stand and canopy. If your husband is ever near camp lejeune with a little extra lumber let him know I could use a little stand/canopy 101.
Its crazy to go back and look at how it started and then see what it looks like today. Looks like that 20L frag tank isnt too far out in the future. I dont see too much more you have to do with this tank... What are the plans?


I'm glad you liked it after having to drive there twice.

They have some pretty cool Sun Corals I'm thinking of picking up. I did see that big Toadstool it was pretty huge.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeltaBlack22
Its been awhile since I popped into this thread, but your tank is awesome. I love the stand and canopy. If your husband is ever near camp lejeune with a little extra lumber let him know I could use a little stand/canopy 101.
Its crazy to go back and look at how it started and then see what it looks like today. Looks like that 20L frag tank isnt too far out in the future. I dont see too much more you have to do with this tank... What are the plans?
Thanks! The only plans I have left are to add my Anthias (one is in QT, will hopefully have the other two on Monday), then my Sailfin and Yellow Tangs need to go in. After that, just a few SPS corals I want to try and then I'll just sit back and watch it all grow. I also want to try and make an auto top-off, but that's just a minor detail. The tank is pretty much done.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
Thanks! The only plans I have left are to add my Anthias (one is in QT, will hopefully have the other two on Monday), then my Sailfin and Yellow Tangs need to go in. After that, just a few SPS corals I want to try and then I'll just sit back and watch it all grow. I also want to try and make an auto top-off, but that's just a minor detail. The tank is pretty much done.

Congrats! Your all most finished with your tank! I wish i can finish my 8 gallon bio cube lol.


Active Member
Speaking of the auto topoff issue... I always wondered about that. If you skim slightly wet and the auto topoff is adding fresh water isnt that going to eventually throw off your salinity levels? I say that because usually my skimmer pulls really dry, but every now and then it gets whacky and will draw about 1/3 of a gallon over a couple day period.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeltaBlack22
Speaking of the auto topoff issue... I always wondered about that. If you skim slightly wet and the auto topoff is adding fresh water isnt that going to eventually throw off your salinity levels? I say that because usually my skimmer pulls really dry, but every now and then it gets whacky and will draw about 1/3 of a gallon over a couple day period.
In my tank I don't think it will make a difference. I've checked my salinity at all hours, just before top off, soon after, and my salinity is the same. I think on a smaller tank it might make a difference, but since I have 125 gallon in the DT and about 20 more in the Sump, losing about 2 gallons a day doesn't make that much difference in the salinity. I'm of course just stating what I have noticed, but maybe someone more scientific can answer.


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
In my tank I don't think it will make a difference. I've checked my salinity at all hours, just before top off, soon after, and my salinity is the same. I think on a smaller tank it might make a difference, but since I have 125 gallon in the DT and about 20 more in the Sump, losing about 2 gallons a day doesn't make that much difference in the salinity. I'm of course just stating what I have noticed, but maybe someone more scientific can answer.

Nah, your right... It makes sense now. I guess I wasnt thinking about it but your tank is basically 4 times the size of mine so what would be drastic in my tank isnt in yours... I need some sleep.


Active Member
Figured I would pop my head back in and check back on your progress..
I love your hippo....I would have had my (what I bought as a 125 but turned out to be 180) tank up and running by now..Woooo talk about set-backs...Floods and torn tendons..Oh well..Its cycling now..Has been to about 3 weeks...
Anywho...Looks great...


Active Member
hey Az, been a while since i have been active on the boards and your tank has come a looooooooong way since i have last visited this thread. just wanted to say everything looks great, especially the canopy. i can only hope my final product will look 1/2 as good. what kind of anthias did you go for? cant tell from the pic. the hippo looks great - i am jealous! glad you got your frogspawn, it looks happy. i remember you were asking for mine - i didnt forget ! it has been growing nicely and i just fragged it for my brother. In fact, he helped me tear apart my entire tank yesterday and finally catch the stubborn black cap.... so now the healing process can begin - with new rockwork!


Active Member
Niger, thanks for the comps. Glad to hear you are getting your tank started and to be honest I would rather have a 180, deeper and easier to do rock work configurations. Have you posted any recent pics? I tried searching but couldn't find anything. Would love to see how it's going.

Saltnoob, yes it's definitely come a long way. Right now I have one female Lyretail Anthias and I'm hoping my lfs will have two more for me today (one male, one female). I can't start the 4 week QT count down until all the anthias are in the QT, so I'm hoping that will be today. When I saw that frogspawn at my lfs I just couldn't resist. And he is LOVING my new MHs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
sleeper goby looks happy, what happened to the diamond?
Have to go back a few pages to read about that one. He died within 24 hours. I believe it was because the Cardinals that were in with him stressed him out. I felt really bad for the little guy. I was going to take him back, but he died before I had a chance.
My lfs replaced him though but when I went to get a new Diamond Goby all they had was the Sleeper Goby, so I brought him home. I really like him, he's fun to watch and him and my Hippo Tang have something going on as they are always together.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scarface
Coming along real nice.
What are you using for actinics?
When I have my MHs on I am not running actinics. Don't really need to since I have 14K bulbs. When my MHs are off I'm just running my T5 Double Lamp 10K/Actinics. At this point my MHs are only on for 3 hours, but when they are on full time I don't feel I'll need actinics. I do want to add some moon lights though or I'll just run the actinics that I have now and take out the 10K bulbs to give a dusk feel to the tank. I'll have to see what it looks like.
ANTHIAS UPDATE: The female that survived the HOT shipping is doing great and is VERY bright in color and eating everything I put in her tank. I just picked up two more today, one male and one female (Lyretail). They came from different stores so I'm acclimating them seperatley. I will try and get some shots of all three of them once they are in the QT.


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
When I have my MHs on I am not running actinics. Don't really need to since I have 14K bulbs. When my MHs are off I'm just running my T5 Double Lamp 10K/Actinics. At this point my MHs are only on for 3 hours, but when they are on full time I don't feel I'll need actinics. I do want to add some moon lights though or I'll just run the actinics that I have now and take out the 10K bulbs to give a dusk feel to the tank. I'll have to see what it looks like.
ANTHIAS UPDATE: The female that survived the HOT shipping is doing great and is VERY bright in color and eating everything I put in her tank. I just picked up two more today, one male and one female (Lyretail). They came from different stores so I'm acclimating them seperatley. I will try and get some shots of all three of them once they are in the QT.

Glad to hear that you were able to find some locally. Wait until you have them all together and you get the watch the males mating ritual...pretty neat!


Active Member
Originally Posted by goodwin9
Glad to hear that you were able to find some locally. Wait until you have them all together and you get the watch the males mating ritual...pretty neat!
I have the male acclimating in a glass bowl and the new female is still in her bag, but I have her right next to the glass bowl. I think that male is already trying to get her attention and I'm pretty sure he's brighter in color than he was in the fish store (there were no females in the tank with him). So things are looking good. I'm just wondering what my current female is going to do when I put that male in with her. I hope she's nice to him.


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
I have the male acclimating in a glass bowl and the new female is still in her bag, but I have her right next to the glass bowl. I think that male is already trying to get her attention and I'm pretty sure he's brighter in color than he was in the fish store (there were no females in the tank with him). So things are looking good. I'm just wondering what my current female is going to do when I put that male in with her. I hope she's nice to him.

I'll have to make a video of mine doing his mating dance, it only happens in the evening after the MH's go off. First couple of times I saw it, I thought something was wrong with him until I was told what he was doing. I have seen it happen yet in the new tank.