Azfishgal New Tank Diary!


Originally Posted by azfishgal
OK, the boys (Marlin and Nemo) seem to be doing better. They nibbled on a little Freeze Dried Brine Shrimp (I know not the most nutritios, but hey, at least they were eating) and they did eat some OraGlo. They didn't eat a lot, but at least I saw some go in their mouth and didn't come back out again.
I'm hoping they make it. Here are a few pics (sorry for the dirty class).
I put the rest of my sand in my tank (total of 80 lbs). So now I'm just waiting for my 100 lbs of lr and 20 lbs of ls. SWF still has not shipped it yet.

YEAH FISHY! :jumping: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :jumping:
Cool i hope you are able to get them to eat.


Active Member
Looking and going very very nice Azfishgal! I have a QT just like yours, they are nice and easy to take care.

Lotsa really nice that looks like a diary


Active Member
Originally Posted by HatesSushi
Looking and going very very nice Azfishgal! I have a QT just like yours, they are nice and easy to take care.

Lotsa really nice that looks like a diary

I'm glad it meets your approval.


Active Member
OK, no one has answered my question about my skimmer. My water level is higher now (makes for a quieter sump) but do I need to push down that tupe that's in the circle sponge outside the skimmer. Or is that where it needs to be. I've never run one of these before, but I think I remember my lfs having that tube down a lot farther. But I do remember that where I have it is the "starting" position. How long do I leave it like this?


Looks like it is coming along nicely. I am not sure about the skimmer though..... seems like it should be almost completely underwater but... then again i have no idea


Active Member
I would bring the water level up to the top of the filter pad cartridge on the right that way the sponge will be underwater.


Active Member
I notice you have the second section with sand about an inch deep. All the ones I have seen had the sand all the way to near the top or to where the water flows to the next section, so the water flowed over the sand like a river and will reduce nitrates big time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by HatesSushi
I would bring the water level up to the top of the filter pad cartridge on the right that way the sponge will be underwater.
Well, I did bring the water level up a bit more, about 2-3", but I can't have it to high or it will flood if the power goes out. Always a good idea to do a mock power outage to see how much your sump will hold. We have done this and can't go above a certain point or it will flood.


Active Member
Originally Posted by HatesSushi
I notice you have the second section with sand about an inch deep. All the ones I have seen had the sand all the way to near the top or to where the water flows to the next section, so the water flowed over the sand like a river and will reduce nitrates big time.
I have actually added more sand since this pic was taken and now it's at 2", but will be adding live sand as soon as I get it in. You can't see it, but there are holes about 4 " above the bottom where the water comes in from where the live rock will be. So I can't get it higher than those holes, but the sand level will be close to it, so the water will travel over the sand before it goes up and over to the skimmer.


Originally Posted by azfishgal
I have actually added more sand since this pic was taken and now it's at 2", but will be adding live sand as soon as I get it in. You can't see it, but there are holes about 4 " above the bottom where the water comes in from where the live rock will be. So I can't get it higher than those holes, but the sand level will be close to it, so the water will travel over the sand before it goes up and over to the skimmer.
sounds like a sweet set up.


Active Member
I have Isopods all over my QT and I just looked at my DT and they are all over that tank too!!!!!
I guess I did have some hitch hikers on my lr.
Yes, I'm excited over tiny white bugs all over my tank! You can actually see them in the clown pics above. Didn't realize what they were at the time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
Well, I did bring the water level up a bit more, about 2-3", but I can't have it to high or it will flood if the power goes out. Always a good idea to do a mock power outage to see how much your sump will hold. We have done this and can't go above a certain point or it will flood.
Whether you fill it up all the way or not you need to make it so that if the power goes off it doesn't siphon the water. You can put a siphon break so that doesn't happen. Others that have done it can tell you the best way to do it but I have never done it myself. My system has the refugium as part of the tank in the back so there is no siphon.
I didn't realize you were having live rock in the fuge but sounds really great. I can't wait to see more pics of your setup once it's all finished and you have fish going in.


Active Member
Originally Posted by HatesSushi
Whether you fill it up all the way or not you need to make it so that if the power goes off it doesn't siphon the water. You can put a siphon break so that doesn't happen. Others that have done it can tell you the best way to do it but I have never done it myself. My system has the refugium as part of the tank in the back so there is no siphon.
I didn't realize you were having live rock in the fuge but sounds really great. I can't wait to see more pics of your setup once it's all finished and you have fish going in.

Thanks for the tip, but we have already taken care of that. We put a small hole in the "T" in our return line and it stops it from siphoning.
We have already done a mock "powerout" and everything worked as planned. Water went down to the teeth in the overflow and sump held the extra water. So all is well.
With the holiday tomorrow I probably won't get my lr and ls until the end of the week. I really want to do my aquascape, but my order is still on "pending".

When should I put my macroalgea in my sump?


Originally Posted by azfishgal
Well, I did bring the water level up a bit more, about 2-3", but I can't have it to high or it will flood if the power goes out. Always a good idea to do a mock power outage to see how much your sump will hold. We have done this and can't go above a certain point or it will flood.
Do you have a sink or floor drain near by that is lower than the sump, like in a basement? Some people put an overflow line in their sump just in case. I would on mine but it's a tempered glass tank
I will add one when/if I build a new acrylic sump. Just thinking that with an overflow line, you could increase the water level if needed and not have to worry about power outages.
Everything is looking great by the way


Active Member
Originally Posted by extremepcs
Do you have a sink or floor drain near by that is lower than the sump, like in a basement? Some people put an overflow line in their sump just in case. I would on mine but it's a tempered glass tank
I will add one when/if I build a new acrylic sump. Just thinking that with an overflow line, you could increase the water level if needed and not have to worry about power outages.
Everything is looking great by the way

Thanks for the tip, but no basement or drain to speak of.
SWF is processing my order for the lr and ls.
Can't wait to get it so my tank can start cycling. I'm thinking I should take out my one live rock that's in the DT, so the new lr doesn't hurt it while it's re-curing. Any thoughts?
My clowns are doing great. What I was thinking was a sign of stress was actually my clowns way of sleeping. When I turn off the lights they both go to the back of the tank and swim vertically. I was worried when one was almost resting on top of the return pipe, but I guess he was just resting as I've seen him do that when the lights are off. In the morning when I turn the lights back on, they eventually come down off that wall and start swimming normally. And I'm happy to report they are eating like starving fish now. :cheer: I see why they call them clown fish, they are so funny. At least I hope this is all normal behavior. :notsure:


Making progress and looking good! I'm so excited for you! :jumping:
Your lone cured live rock will be fine in there with the new rock. It won't suddenly become uncured or die because you put new LR in there.
Keep the pics coming!


Active Member
SWF shipped my lr and ls sand today! So I will get it on Wednesday, which means I can do my aquascape!!!!!!
Stay tuned for more pics........... :jumping:


Active Member
Quick Question: My lonely live rock that's in there is really starting to turn brown. I did notice some on my base rock and even some pink color. But the live rock is REALLY turning ugly. I'm assuming this is diatoms? But would this start this early, or only because I used this live rock to cycle my QT. Will it still be a problem to add my lr rock that's being shipped to my DT. I'm thinking it will still be ok since nothing living is in my tank, accept a million isopods
. I was just surprised to see the diatoms so soon, with no amonia spike or anything like that (checked for it this morning and it's at 0).
Also, when do I add my macroalgea to my sump?


My LFS said I could add macro at the same time as the live rock. They could have just been making a sale though. Either way, it is still doing fine and growing. I used caulpera in the refugium chamber to start, and recently added some cheato. Macroalgea is about the only thing that's CHEAP in this hobby