Back up and running again


shark bait

I moved my main tank up stairs. Not an easy task I had to do some major patch work re-paint and plaster as it did not want to make the 180* turn up my stairs. So here are the pics everyone has been asking. The tank re-cycled it self in less than a week and I added morelive sand and now have 3" of the good stuff. No shark yet, I want to see how the chiller hold up on the second floor as the room temp is warmer. I think I may need a 1/2 hp drop in soon but hope the 1/4 can hold up. I also am going to try the aquac ev-240 on this tank. I have been told by may that they love it. So jason is sending me one out I'll let you know about it.
Pics were taken early this am prior to noon lights going on.

very nice...make sure u have enuf support for that thing...and make sure it dont leak...cuz those will both lead to major problems...

shark bait

The tank runs across 4 beams and the major support beam for the home. The home was built to take a 9.5 quake as I live in good ole sol cal. My wife would kill me if it landed on her new Navi, or even my 745....This room is about 800 sq ft and was made for a pool table and a sports room. It is now called the shark room, but is home to my home theater. Not sure which cost more my system or the tank??? But thanks for the thought...


Active Member
Nice looking tank! How many gallons and what are the deminsions? What kind of sharks you planning on putting in there?

shark bait

If your getting into the topic of advice giving I could author the second edition of scotts book sharks and rays. It is 330g and I am only going to do one brown cat shark, was going to keep a cali horn but after some further size and rock formation and thinking I feel that my current size and rock work can only keep a brown banded for life. A cali can do well in this tank for about 10 years, but in that time I will be in my third and final home no doubt have a hammer head or black tip in a much larger tank.


Active Member
I'm not questioning you. I'm just wondering how big it is and what kind of sharks you're putting in it. I know you know what your doing. You made some kind of thread about different species of sharks and I know you have a lot of expierence. Can't wait for pics with a shark in there.

shark bait

Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
I'm not questioning you. I'm just wondering how big it is and what kind of sharks you're putting in it. I know you know what your doing. You made some kind of thread about different species of sharks and I know you have a lot of expierence. Can't wait for pics with a shark in there.

84x30x36 are the rough numbers, I have so much rock and sand, it took about 330 g to fill and took 2 5 gal of salt mix to get to .24 so the gallons are not total tank size. The picks make it look small but look at it to the wall and the door way.

shark bait

I have some new picks i'll put them up later today. My LFS had a monster lion fish, one of the best I have ever seen. I have 6 fish stores in my area, and I had to get him as he was un like any Lion I have ever seen. His size, color, quality and personality quickly mad me over look the poor school of chrmis in my tank. Now they refuse to come out and play. They just hide in the rocks. OH well.

shark bait

Here are some new ones, I am ready for a shark but going to wait a while untill I have the skimmer running and broken in. The aquac 240 is to tight of a fit under the tank, bad part is the best and biggest skimmer i can run id the Aquac 180, and I may even have to run 2 as it is good up to 270g and I have 330g. Any comments or ideas are welcome.


shark bait

Just to give you an idea of how huge this tank is the Sony Lycos tv is 50" and the tall black Martin Logan speakers next to the tv stand a tad over 5 1/2 feet tall. I have to use a stool to feed the fish.

shark bait

Originally Posted by LV-Reefer
Sweet tank dude... when i'm in the area i'll have to come check it out

Thats cool. I wish I still had the 150 in my office but when the power went out so did the tank. Since it was in a business district I guess Edison thought we'll just kill the grid for 48 hours and work the lines. Well they killed my tank, ubs back up and that was the end of that. I also broke down the 24g nano last week as I cant do the up keep any more. Did you see the 150 last time??

shark bait

So the aquac 180 is awsome, just to bad the 240 would not fit.